Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
Devastation to Sensory Garden

Storm Éowyn left scenes of devastation everywhere and nowhere more than at the developing sensory garden at the back of Lanesbrew. The sight is something out of a horror story. It looks as if a tornado started at the bottom corner and inch by inch totally disseminated the work done. The garden is situated on the Main Street right behind Lanesbrew.
The sensory garden was in the final stages of completion and it was going to be a massive addition to our community and especially to Lanesboro Primary School. The use of this garden was primarily designated for people with autism. Some of the facts about autism are the autism spectrum disorder affects (ASD) 1 in 36 children with boys being 5 times more likely to be diagnosed than girls. Autism is in fact a difference in the way a brain processes information, and this is something we are born with. People on the autistic spectrum may find planning, change, and busy environments difficult to cope with, but they also can have heightened senses, higher IQs and some incredible abilities which are not possible for those not on the spectrum.
This garden was going to be a wonderful space for people with autism and those without it. It was going to compliment the new room for children with autism in the Lanesboro Primary School. There was additional funding made available for the completion of the sensory garden and to be so close and now be further back than the day you started is soul destroying.
There was a poly tunnel and a canopy for talks and lectures all now totally destroyed. There was also the conversion of the old abattoir into four units now totally in ruins. This building had the potential for creative people to sell their wares as well as offering a workspace in the centre of town.
Unfortunately, for those that have put so much time, planning and hard work into getting the project to almost completion this is a distressing situation and they sure are wondering where to turn next to be in a position to redevelop the entire site. Support for the recreation of the sensory garden from council and Government has to be made available as the people working tirelessly on this project have done a huge amount of work that would have fallen back on their offices to complete.
The community benefit of a completed sensory garden right in the centre of town would be of a massive benefit and a quiet, relaxing place for those looking for a peaceful and tranquil space if it is only with a cup of coffee from Lanesbrew.
The picture only shows a small part of the devastation in the Sensory Garden
Storm Éowyn
Early on Friday morning 24th January we buckled down for another one of our winter storms. As it transpired storm Éowyn, as it was named, was like no other storm with winds blowing stronger than anything ever. Records were broken with wind speed and in terms of the damage it done in causing untold loss of property to many many people.
As I write it is 10 days on since the storm and during that time many were without not only electricity, internet access, phone access but also without water which was probably the most inconvenient of all. There are also pockets of households in our area that are still without electricity all told there are still around 69,000 countrywide.
We appreciate all the work being done tirelessly by the repair crews and especially under the conditions they have to work. Their work is truly appreciated and recognised even by those that are still suffering without electricity.
We also have to acknowledge the tireless work done by Councillor Sean Mimnagh who throughout the 10 days he has worked tirelessly and most especially through this weekend when those with electricity were really at their wits end and in desperate need of support and encouragement.
We must question the response or should I say the lack of, by our own Government. There are many questions they have to answer about the total neglect of rural Ireland. It appears that the ways of the Old Government has carried on to the new one and their attitude to rural Ireland. It now seems that their policy is the continued abandonment of rural Ireland. Despite the afterthought of the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme and the Community Welfare Services, that were gladly received, it was not until they felt the backlash of the people that prompted them into some action. It would be great to have a proactive Government for the people rather than for themselves as we have witnessed with all their shenanigans in the Dáil over the past few weeks.
The morning after the storm and over the past 10 days we truly witnessed the meaning of the Irish word ‘Meitheal’ (the Irish word for a work team) when all over the area people came out in huge numbers to help out anyone in need of help and support. Individuals and teams of locals appeared out of nowhere with handsaws and chainsaws to clear the many blocked roads and to help with the clean-up.
We have a community to be extremely proud of and long may that community spirit stay alive in our community.
I know this notice is coming to you late but have you ever thought of testing yourself to doing a triathlon? Before you dismiss the idea remember that you do not need to have a high level of fitness as with training and the build-up your fitness will increase and you will be competent enough to take on your very first triathlon in Lanesboro on Saturday 12th July. This is the challenge to you with almost six months to prepare.
If the idea attracts you or you just want to find out some more about it the go along to the Zero-2-Tri open evening in the Lanesboro Triathlon Clubhouse on Main Street, Lanesboro, N39 D3C3, on Saturday evening next 8th February at 8pm.
Come along and give it a TRI.
Does our future look bleak
As I was after getting my electricity back and was at a loose end for a few hours I recalled a conversation in the shop with a customer as we, then, were in the throes of darkness. I started to delve a bit into the conversation and I was amazed at the outcome. As more often than not our conversation related to GAA but the result of my investigation leads me to look at the future not only for the GAA but also for our community and the country.
I looked at the GAA inter county transfers for the months of November ’24, December ’24 and up to the 28th January ’25 and these are the quietest time of the GAA calendar. It was truly revealing for clubs but when you think this is just the footballing lads and does not include the footballing ladies nor those lads and girls that do not play football of which there are many more than the footballers.
In November 131 players in total signed inter county transfer forms of which 63 (48.1%) signed for clubs in Australia, 10 signed for clubs in England, 0 players signed for the US, 3 signed to go to clubs in Canada and 1 signed to a club in Europe.
In December we seen 99 inter county transfers listed of which 53 transferred to Australia (53.5%), 3 transferred to England, O to the US and 1 to Canada.
Up to the 28th January there were a total of 447 transfers listed with 163 (36.5%) transferring to clubs in Australia, a total of 28 sought transfers to England, 3signed to transfer to the US and 11 signed to clubs in Canada.
The overall figures read that 77 (58.8%) signed to clubs abroad in November, December 57 (57.6%) and in January 205 (45.9%) meaning that from a total of 667 players 54.1% were going abroad. Amazingly returning home to Ireland in November were just 18 from 131, in December just 9 returned while up to 28th January 110 came back to Ireland.
As I mentioned earlier the ladies and lads that don’t play as well as the ladies that transfer are in the majority it shows a trend of a lot of our young people are leaving and as this unscientific exercise shows the ‘brain drain’ is leaving our country and especially to Australia. The tendency being so far from home means it is harder to attract our young back home with prices so high and no accommodation available particularly in the cities where the jobs are available.
The new Government have many historic problems carried forward from the previous and successive Governments but in my opinion to be able to keep our youngest, best educated and most intelligent people should be the most immediate and most essential problem that they need to solve.
Rural working and rural accommodation is cheaper, more easily to build accommodation. There are ample areas that were employment hubs in recent times and they can once again be easily rejuvenated to create that opportunity to hold on to our young as well as revitalise communities in the surrounding areas.
Lanesboro Triathlon News
Membership: The membership for the year 2025 at the Lanesboro Triathlon club is now opened. Each year our local triathlon club offers so much competition, comradery and enthusiastic support for all its members. The club continues to attract many new members and it is always encouraging and exciting to see the many new members develop their strength early on for the three disciplines.
Two Provinces Sprint Triathlon: Entries will be open for the 2025 Two Provinces Sprint Triathlon from 15th January. The event of the year in Lanesboro and Ballyleague will take place on Saturday 12th July.
Training: The club is offering signed up members a weekly training schedule: Monday – coached swimming, Tuesday – Strength & Conditioning, Wednesday – Coached Turbo (indoor bike), Thursday – Coached Running, Friday – rest day, Saturday – Long Run and Sunday – Club Group Cycle.
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Harry and Patricia McGann and their family on the death of Harry’s sister Maura McGann on Tuesday 28th February. Maura was laid to rest in Forgney cemetery following her Funeral Mass in St. Matthew’s Church, Ballymahon on Friday.
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Sorohan family on the death of John Sorohan, Newtownforbes on Tuesday 21st January. John was buried in Newtownforbes Cemetery following his Funeral mass in St. Mary’s Church, Newtownforbes.
The death of their uncle John Sorohan and their aunt Bridie Lowry just 4 days previous saw the end of a generation on both their mother and fathers side.
St. Patrick Day Parade
As I write St. Patrick’s Day is just 43 days away and now is the time to be looking forward and preparing for our local St. Patrick’s Day Parade. As 2025 is quarter way through the century we should be making a great effort for this milestone year. Let’s hope that all business, community groups and schools do make a big big effort and make the St. Patrick’s Day parade the biggest and best yet.
Our deepest sympathy to Bernard Keane and his family, SuperValu, Main Street and Athleague on the death of his mother Peggy, Keane, Athleague on Thursday 23rd January. Peggy was laid to rest in Athleague Cemetery following her Funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Athleague
Tidy Towns Lottery
Every week, on a Tuesday, the draw takes place in O’Brien’s shop at around 10.30am.
The benefit to the committee of your support is shown all year around with the wonderful work of the Community Enterprise team led by Sean Moran as they continue to enhance our town even during the dreariest of the weather that we are presently encountering.
Your continued support is a great reward to the committee that can plot and plan greater improvements in and around the town. The next draw takes place for the €15,000 on this Tuesday 4th February.
The brown envelopes cost €2 each or you can buy 3 envelopes for just €5.
We would like to encourage everyone in the community to join in the playing of this very vital weekly draw. Tickets are on sale throughout the town.
Last week’s lottery draw took place in O’Brien’s on Tuesday 28th January for the jackpot of €15,000. The numbers drawn were 6, 12, 15 and 23. There was nobody with the good fortune to have the correct four numbers drawn out and the jackpot of €15,000 remained for the next draw on 21st January. The winner of the €50 prize was Pat Connerton c/o XLNTEE and the three €20 prize winners were Martha Farrell c/o The Yacht Bar, Tom Gill, Ballyglass and Fiona c/o Mags.. The draw, as usual, will take place in O’Brien’s on Tuesday morning next.
French & German Grinds
French and German grinds are available for any age and for any level including preparation for Junior and Leaving Certificate exams. Grind are available in the Lanesboro, Ballyleague, Longford, Roscommon catchment and ZOOM classes are also available. For further information you can WhatsApp Larysa at 089 4885679.
Our deepest sympathy to Sinead and Gerry Kiernan, Clonfower on the death of Sinead’s aunt Kathleen Moughty, Bray, Co. Wicklow who passed away on Saturday 18th January. Kathleen was laid to rest in Kilcommoc Cemetery following her Funeral Mass in St. Matthew’s Church Ballymahon.
Weekly Card Game
The results of Sunday night 2nd February game held in the Parish Hall seen a a tie for first between Tom Rock & Tommy Fox and Peggy Moran & Noreen Gibbons. Last game winners were Owen Casey & Kevin McDonagh. Raffle winners were Tom Nohilly, P.J. Glennon, Joe Dolan and Tom Skelly. New card players will always be welcome. Light refreshments are always served.
All card players are reminded that there is a 25 partners game in the Local pub, Newtowncashel every Monday night at 8.30 pm sharp with proceeds after prizes going to Cancer Care. Your support would be appreciated.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Margaret and Charlie Brennan and family, Rathcline Road, on the death of Margaret’s brother Thomas Neary, London on 25th January. As is the norm in England funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date.
Primary School Enrolment
Lanesborough Primary School is now accepting enrolments for September 2025. Enrolment applications are available from the school. Please contact the school on the following email address: smgslb2020@gmail.comm or by phone at 043 3321545.
At Lanesborough Primary School, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive environment where every child feels valued, supported and empowered to reach their full potential.
We pride ourselves on fostering an atmosphere of happiness and positivity where children feel safe to explore, learn and grow. Our talented and caring staff works tirelessly to ensure that every child is given the tools and encouragement they need to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.
We are proud of our vibrant school community, where inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate diversity in all its forms and ensure that all children feel respected and supported as they navigate their educational journey. Join us and discover the exciting opportunities awaiting your child here in Lanesborough Primary School.
Go for a Walk
The Rathcline club holds a community walk every Tuesday and Thursday evening at their club grounds in Clonbonny. The walk takes place from 7.30 to 8.30pm. You are invited to come along for the walk, have a chat and a cup of tea afterwards. The walks two evenings a week will continue until the end of February.
The club will stage a 5km and 10km walk/run on Saturday 1st February at 11.30am.
Search for a Star
The Rathcline fundraiser ‘Search for a Star’ proved to be a wonderful night of entertainment. The full programme of the night was captured in video and now you can avail of a wonderful night in the comfort of your own home as the club have USB’s on sale of the show. The USB’s are available in O’Brien’s at a cost of €15.
Roscommon Community Challenge 2025
Can you believe it we are in our 13th year?
The Roscommon Community Challenge will take place this year on Friday night 7th March with a 5km and 8km walk or run under the beautiful moonlight in Roscommon Town. This will be followed on Saturday 8th by a 70km cycle.
A large number of people from the Ballyleague, Kilgefin and Rathcline take place in this event each year and I am sure this year will be no different.
The frosty weather may have curtailed us initially this week, but everything is back in action now.
Our Moonlight RUN / WALK/ JOG training will commence on Monday 13th and will continue every Monday and Wednesday evening until the main event on Friday March 7th.
Training will start each evening at 7pm sharp from Roscommon Community Sports Park (F42KP86)
Cost of the total 8 weeks twice weekly session is €30. You can register for the event on Eventbrite (online only)
The organising committee is hugely indebted to Noel and his staff at Roscommon Sport Partnership.
Without their help we would not be able to provide quality training by fully qualified tutors. So, if you are a complete beginner, or an experienced athlete, if you are a walker, a jogger, a runner or indeed if you want to set yourself a challenge to improve your health and fitness this is the place for you. Children (must be accompanied by an adult), grannies granddads……everyone is welcome to what is a fun and challenging experience.
No matter what level of fitness you are currently at there is a place for you on our training programme.
So, register now to be part of something special, improve your health and fitness and at the same time know that you are helping a wonderful cause in Roscommon Special Olympics and Roscommon Community Sports Park. Further information can be had on 086 1721181.
Environmental Workers
Kenagh Community Employment Project also covers Newtowncashel and Stonepark. They are seeking environmental workers in Newtowncashel, Kenagh and Stonepark. If you are going to apply for any of the jobs then you should contact jobsireland with the reference #CES-2337662 for Newtowncashel, Kenagh #CES-2346574 and Stonepark #CES-2337662 or for further information you can contact the Scheme Supervisor at 0894032559.
Rathcline 50/50
Due to storm Éowyn the club had to reschedule their weekly 50/50 draw to the following weekend. With the unprecedented poor weather and power outages and shop/pub closures and limited internet for online sales over the weekend it proved impossible to be in a position to carry on with the draw. The draw now takes place on Monday 3rd February.
As usual the winning cheque can always be collected in O’Brien’s.
The Rathcline 50/50 draw takes place every Monday night in one of our local bars at 7.30pm. Your continued generous support is greatly appreciated, and your great support is highlighted by the large pools every week – thank you.
New Bus Service
A new once a week Local link Bus Service for the New Year from Curraghroe to Roscommon Town will be a great boost to the local community. The new service will take placed on Fridays with the bus departing Curraghroe at 12.30pm with stops at Cloontuskert at 12.35, Ballyleague 12.40, Cloonadra at 12.45, Ballintemple at 12.50 and Roscommon at 1pm. The bus will return from Roscommon at 3.30 with stops at Ballintemple at 3.40, Cloonadra 3.45, Ballyleague at 3.50, Cloontuskert 3.55 and end in Curraghroe at 4pm.
Notes inclusions
Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the notes of the following week.
St. Vincent de Paul
The annual St. Vincent de Paul appeal continues and envelopes are available for your donation from the church porch or in O’Brien’s Shop. You can leave your sealed envelope into Joe and Martina O’Brien, leave them with your mass offerings or drop them into Maireád in the Parish Hub. You may also use a plain envelope with SVP clearly marked on it. All donations will be distributed locally. There will be no church Gate Collection this year.
Access for All boat
Have you availed of the wonderful experience on our doorstep? The Access for All boat is for everybody and it takes you on a 90 minute trip out onto the lake as see its beauty and some of the islands on Lough Ree. The boat can cater for three large wheelchairs, but you don’t have to be a wheelchair user to avail of the excellent trips. Winter sailing times daily for the 90 minute trip are 11.00am and 1pm until the end of March. Guided fishing excursions can also be organised. Advanced booking is recommended. You can contact by email or phone 089 2625505 or 043 33 84175
Céilí Dancing
Are you interested in perfecting your Céilí Dancing or just want to learn the Céilí steps? Ceili Dancing will take place in Cloonycolgan Community Centre, Donamon every Tuesday evening at 8.30pm under the guidance of Kevin Kelly. Traditional Irish dances are taught from beginners to completion. Everyone is welcome. Beginners get special attention.
Cemetery Sunday – Very Important Advance Notice
I have just been informed there will be significant changes to the dates and times of the Blessing of the Graves (Cemetery Sunday) at our three cemeteries in 2025.
On Saturday 12th July there will be 6.30pm Mass in St. Mary’s Church followed by the Blessing of the Graves at St. John’s cemetery.
On Sunday 13th July there will be NO 11am Mass in the Church. Mass in Clonbonny Cemetery will take place at 1pm. Later in the day 14th Mass will take place at Rathcline Cemetery at 6pm.
The Sunday schedule is weather dependant and if the weather is inclement Masses will take place in St. Mary’s Church.
Ballyleague Tidy Towns
The Ballyleague Tidy Towns team are always looking out for community minded/spirited people to join their team to maintain and improve Ballyleague and its hinterland. Contact Gerry Trimble to add your name or get additional information.
Dementia Memory Club
The Roscommon Dementia Memory Club is designed for those that are living with dementia and their carer or friend or plus one! A café-like set up, followed by activities, storytelling, reminiscence, music, song and dance. The club offers a great opportunity for persons living with dementia & their carer to socialize and promote improved mental and physical wellbeing, and more importantly to have fun! You don’t have to dance, you can watch and enjoy and contribute in other ways! Come along and see for yourself at Roscommon Music Social Club, the Quad Youth Centre, Circular Road, Roscommon Town. F42 CH70 every Thursday 11:30am to 1pm. Contact Irene on 087 108 0650 or email
Longford Learning Support
Longford Learning Support is a Registered Charity, which has been set up to provide a weekly after-school intervention programme, aimed specifically for children who are experiencing learning difficulties.
Tutors help children in groups of 3 or 4, according to age and ability, in an encouraging and supportive environment.
Classes cover Reading, Spelling, and Maths.
Classes take place every Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm to 8.30pm in the E.D.I. Centre, Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford N39 Y0F4.
If you would like any further information on Longford Learning Support, please contact Nuala at (089) 214 6666 or email
Visit Corlea
Right on our doorstep the fabulous Iron Age Trackway is situated in Corlea just 13km (7m) from Lanesboro. This very unique Trackway has an 18m long section of original Trackway the largest ever discovered in Europe is displayed at the Visitor Centre. You learn how people lived at the time and murals depict implements of the time.
This is one of Ireland’s most famous hidden treasures and it is a place that should be visited and bring your visitors to this wonderful experience.
Visiting the centre is free of charge and the excellent local facilitators will bring you thought the experience and leave you in awe such is their knowledge.
Brothers of Charity seeks support
Volunteers needed: Are you interested in supporting someone with an intellectual disability, to be part of the community in which they live? Volunteers provide a valuable contribution by connecting people to their local communities and enrich the lives of the people we support, by bringing friendship and fun in to their lives. Volunteers can do this by attending local social activities or sporting events together, going walking, swimming, or just sharing interests and chatting over a cup of coffee/tea. Volunteers will be supported in their role by the Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in volunteering in the Brothers of Charity Services in Roscommon please contact Edel Crehan on or 0874887314 for more details.
Short Breaks Scheme: Would you be interested in providing home from home short breaks for children and adults who have an intellectual disability? Brothers of Charity Services Ireland, Homeshare Roscommon are recruiting host carers. Training and support provided. Tax exempt Allowances paid. For further information email or phone Catherine on 090 6628500 / 087 2126607.
Lanesboro Garda Station
Lanesboro Garda Station has just posted a notice telling of its opening times where the station will have a member of the force in attendance for the public. Lanesboro station will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9am to 11am. The station will be open at those times unless the local Garda is dealing with a situation that requires their attendance.
Local Health Service
Local Heath Service is available at Roscommon University Hospital. The service will deal with urgent and routine health problems. The Freephone phone number to ring is 1800 700700.
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829.
Line Dancing For All
They say that Line Dancing, stimulates the brain, reduces stress, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, increases mental capacity, improves posture and balance, tones the body, strengthens bones and muscles, provides opportunity to socialize and meet people and its suitable and popular for all ages and all abilities.
Line Dancing classes take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town.
Line Dancing classes every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town for beginners from 6pm to 7pm and Improvers from 7pm to 8pm
Dance classes takes place in Kilbride, Four Mile House every Tuesday 7pm followed by:
Jive & Waltz classes 8 45pm.
Learn to play Guitar
Have you ever thought of learning to play the guitar? Complete beginner guitar lessons are now available in the Lanesboro area. For booking and further details phone 087 7774203.
Co. Longford Citizens Advice Centre
Co. Longford Citizens Information Service has recently been restructured and is currently under new management.
They continue to provide free, impartial, and confidential information, advice, and advocacy services to the public on social services, rights, and entitlements. The range of areas covered by the citizens information centre are extremely wide including social welfare rights and entitlements and other social issues such as employment, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights, all where people need access to information.
The way people access the services changed during Covid and now they currently deal with a large number of queries over the telephone, however, they continue to provide our drop-in times and welcome people to their face-to-face service five mornings a week from the Longford office. The services are provided by experienced trained Information Officers who are there to help you.
The centre is located on level 1 within Longford Shopping Centre and direction can be obtained at the reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5.00pm. The office closes for lunch from 1pm until 2pm.
The Employability Service
Is an Employment and Recruitment Service to assist people with a disability or health issue to pursue and maintain employment in the open labour market? If you are over 18, have a disability or health issue and would consider working part-time then you should contact Employment Services Roscommon support to help find you a job in your area. This is a confidential and free individualised service funded by the Department of Social Protection.
Are you managing mental health issues? There is the opportunity for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) that is funded by the HSE and offers a range of tailored personalised supports to people using mental health services who wish to work. For further information you should phone 090 66 28608 or call/text 087 3745307. They can also be contacted via email at
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of those addicted to alcohol are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral. The meetings take place every Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Ballyleague Bingo
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
The club is extremely grateful for your on-going tremendous support.
ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home.
Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a national network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology.
We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services.
We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations.
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Local Health Service
The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. The number to ring is Freephone 1800 700700.
Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.
Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence-based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
St. Mary’s Church Lanesboro
Priest contacts: If you have a need to contact any one of the priests you can do so by phoning Fr. Merlyn Kenny 086 0603433 or Fr. Turlough Baxter 087 9972259.
You can also contact parish secretary Maireád Rooney by calling into the presbytery from Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm.or she can be contacted on the phone at 3321166.
Cemetery Sunday changes: On Saturday 12th July 2025 there will be 6.30pm Mass in St. Mary’s Church followed by the Blessing of the Graves at St. John’s cemetery.
On Sunday 13th July there will be NO 11am Mass in the Church. Mass in Clonbonny Cemetery will take place at 1pm. Later in the day 13th Mass will take place at Rathcline Cemetery at 6pm.
The Sunday schedule is weather dependant and if the weather is inclement Masses will take place in St. Mary’s Church.
Grow: Grow is a community Mental Health Movement that meets every Monday morning at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Road, Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated, or suffering from stress, feel free to attend on Monday morning. For further information call 086 8114135.
Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues on Tuesday’s in the Prayer Room
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confession time in the Prayer Room takes place on the first Friday of each month from 6.30pm to 7pm.The next opportunity is on Friday 7th February.
Smart Recovery: Smart recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery group, where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour. There is a meeting every Friday evening in Vita House in Roscommon Town from 7pm to 8.30pm. For information contact Conor at 086 1702919 or info@smartrecovery.iee
Kilgefin Parish Notes
Contact: Fr Daniel can be contacted at 089 270 6060
Spiritual Nourishment: On every First Friday of each month the priest is obliged to visit all the sick, elderly and homebound in the parish to pray with them and give them Holy Communion. Family members are encouraged to inform Fr. Dan about their loved ones in need of spiritual nourishment.
Confessions: The Sacrament of Reconciliation/Penance (Confessions) is very important for all Catholics. We are always encouraged to go to confessions to say sorry for the wrongs (sins) in our lives and to experience God’s healing through forgiveness by the priest. Parishioners can always come to confessions after mass on Friday’s 10.30am or any time convenient to you.
ALONE needs volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make friendly calls to an older person in your community? The commitment is for one hour per week. ALONE is seeking volunteers and if you can give just one hour we encourage you to do so. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interested please sign up at https://a For more information contact Helena : phone 086 0145829
Eucharistic Adoration: There will be an hour Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament every Friday in Curraghroe Church from 8pm to 9pm. And also in Ballyleague Church from 10.30am to 11.30am. You are invited to go along and spend a quiet time of prayer with God.
St. Faithleach’s GAA
Roscommon Flying: Well done to Ciaráin and Diarmuid Murtagh and the Roscommon team who got their 2025 Allianz Football League Division 2 campaign off to a great start on with a high scoring wins over Down and Louth.
Well done and congratulations to Diarmuid who has been named the Roscommon vice-captain for the 2025 season
Hard luck to Ellen Irwin and the Roscommon ladies who narrowly lost out to Monaghan on Sunday last in their opening fixture of the 2025 Lidl Ladies National League Division 2 against Monaghan but they bounced back with a great win on Sunday over Clare.
Weekly cards: The weekly card game continues to take place in the clubhouse every Tuesday night. New players always welcome.
Minor Club Presentation: St. Faithleachs Minor club medal presentation will take place on Saturday 15th February at 6pm
Any parents willing to volunteer or coach a team this upcoming season especially at U6, U8 and U10 please contact Steve Smith, Keith Curran or Claire Mullen.
The most recent lotto results saw nobody win the jackpot prizes of €8,200. The numbers drawn were 2, 4, 5, and 18. The three €40 winners were Joanne Cox, Mary Cronin and Mary Kenny. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Tickets for the next draw are available at all local shops, the clubhouse or any of the committee members. The jackpot for the next draw will be €8300