Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes
New Bishop
On, today, Monday, Pope Francis made the appointment of Fr Alphonsus Cullinan, parish priest of Rathkeale, Co. Limerick as the new Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. The appointment of Fr. Alphonsus has created great excitement within one family in our parish as he is brother of Ann Fayne, Aghakeel. We wish him every success, health and happiness in his new role as Bishop.
Pedal Powered Cinema
On Sunday week 15th February Cloontuskert NS will host for the very first time in our area a very unique cinema as you have never seen before. Pedal Power cinema will come to Ballyleague hall as a fundraising event for Cloontuskert National School. It is a cinema powered by pedal power and a host of local celebrities will put their legs to the test when they take part in this very unique event.
The film that will be powered by pedal power is Rio 2 and show will start at 3pm in Ballyleague hall. Tickets can be bought from the school, Trautt’s, Cloontuskert or Daybreak, Ballyleague. The cost of the tickets for this very unique event is: Adult and child €10, Family €20 (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children, additional children €2.50 each).
Many congratulations to Sandra Morris and Gerry Killian, Curraghrua on the birth last week of a baby boy.
There will be a Céilí in Lanesboro Parish Hall on Sunday 8th March. Following on from the very successful Céilí prior to Christmas this Céilí will be another fantastic evening of dancing. The music will be supplied by the excellent Annaly Céilí Band and we look forward to a huge crowd dancing the evening away.
Lanesboro Library
Lanesboro Community College Students will display their award winning projects in the library from Monday February 2nd for two weeks. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone to experience the great work produced by the students of our Community college that brought awards back to the area.
The weekly Rathcline 50/50 draw took place on Monday night last 26th January in Adie’s Bar. The winning envelope drawn was drawn out by Bill Donoghue and the winning envelope belonged to Pat Rock, Church View. Pat received the winning prize of €478. The draw on Monday night next 9th February February will take place in the Yacht Bar at 9pm. Tickets are only €2 and your support is always be greatly appreciated.
Ladies AGM
One of the most progressive and growing clubs in the area is the Rathcline Ladies club. They are increasing numbers each year and have a great club ethos. They invite everyone to their AGM on this coming Saturday in the clubhouse in Clonbonny at 6.30pm.
The club welcomes players of all abilities and their parents to the club. They welcome those that want to make a start at ladies football as well as those ladies that want to return to the game. Go along to the meeting, express your interest and join what is a growing club in the area.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
We are looking forward to the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Lanesboro and Ballyleague. The quality of the floats from year to year impresses with the ingenuity and planning that goes into each float. The number of floats also keeps growing and hope fully this year will beat the record breaking number of floats that took part last year.
The parade is fastly becoming one of the best in the midlands and it is hoped for continuous growth this year.
If you have not been here for the parade make sure that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade of 2015 will be the one you will be at in Lanesboro and Ballyleague.
Many congratulations to Jamie Carberry, daughter of Seamus and Pauline Carberry, Curraghroe and Damien Rooney, son of Gerry and Emily Rooney, Lough Ree Park who announced their engagement recently.
The Game of Whist
The game of Whist is a game that is suitable for all card players and it is one of the most enjoyable card games of all.
Lanesboro’s Main Street
The item on the Main Street generated much conversation during the week. I was due to have an update in this week’s notes but due to a computer problem I lost all information on the Main Street. I will have the update next week.
If you have anything on the businesses of Main Street please do drop them into Stella O’Sullivan in the library where she will copy/scan and return to you immediately. Such has been the reaction to Stella’s request that I am sure it will be a wonderful exhibition in the library later in the year
Defibrillator Course
The closing date for the expression of interest in doing the Defibrillator course is Sunday next 8th February. If your intention is to register for the Defibrillator course then you should do it this week. The difference between life and death could lie in your very own hands. It is essential that every club and organisation in the area have at least two people trained in the use of the defibrillator as you never know the minute or hour of any day that your training can save a life.
If you have to do your refresher course then you should also give in your name now. Martina O’Brien is the person to contact and you can so by calling into the shop or phoning 3321107 immediately.
Asian Clams
At a meeting last week the topic of the Asian clams arose and we were informed that to do anything at the moment would be problematic with the water level being so high. The levels need to recede by around two foot before trial suction would take place. There is an identified area on the hot water stretch where the trial suction would take place. The clams and soiled removed would be then tested by the EPA and depending on the results one from a number of different scenarios will be decided upon. We can only hope for a dry month of February to lower the water levels and for work to commence.
Rathcline Draw
Saturday night last saw the annual Rathcline New Year draw take place in Aides. The winners of the first prize of €1,500 were Edward and Michelle Kelly, Rathcline Road. 2nd prize of €750 went to Bill Donoghue, Lehery, 3rd €500 – Melissa Donoghue and Ciaran Cox, Curraghrua, 4th prize €250 went to Louise Kearney, Lisnacusha, 5th prize €200 was won by Larry Bannon, Legan, 6th prize €200 went to former player John Hester, Tessna, Sligo, 7th prize €200 was won by Ladies footballer Lauren Guinan and the 8th prize of €200 crossed the bridge to Joe Brown, Ballyglass.
Basic Computer Course
There will be a Basic Computer Course starting soon at Lanesboro Library. This course will introduce learners with little or no previous knowledge of computers to the basic uses of computer and the internet in an easy and relaxed environment. For more information or to book your place contact Stella on 043 332 1291 or email
Book Club
The first day of the new Book Club proved to be an outstanding success with a great number present in the library. If you would like to be part of the local book club you should go along on the last Friday of February 27th at 11am.
Lough Ree Golfing Society
The first outing of the Lough Ree Golfing Society for 2015 is to Strokestown Golf Course on this coming Saturday 7th February.
There will be a shotgun start for a scramble competition at 11 am sharp, followed immediately by the AGM for 2015. Food will be available as usual and it is hoped there will be a good number of golfers present for this important start to the New Year.
New members are very welcome and this will be a very good opportunity for them to get acquainted with the older members of the society. New members can also attend the AGM where the new committee for 2015 will be elected.
The Society is all looking forward to a great year’s golf to new and exciting venues. See you all there around 10.30 or earlier!
Art Classes
Do you feel you are a budding artist? Would you like to try your hand at Art? A new Art course will commence in Lanesboro Library on next Wednesday 11th February at 8pm. The target of the course is to enable you to draw and paint with creativity and without any pressure while using a variation of materials and colours. The cost of the course is €10.00 per night with the course lasting 6 weeks. Contact Stella at the library to book your place – 043 332 1291 or email
Fair Day New date
A number of years ago the Fair Day was restored by a group of locals who came together and since then the fair has become a feature on the calendar of events in the town. It was run during the end days of February or the early days of March but this year there has been a greater change to the calendar, as due to circumstances, it will now take place on Saturday 25th April. It is a big change and perhaps with the likelihood of better weather and longer days the fair day will be a massive success. The change of date will be more suitable for people to travel back to relive the memories of bygone days and to bring their children and grandchildren to show them what a fair day was like in Lanesboro back in their time.
Badminton Table Quiz
The date has been set the date for the annual fundraising table quiz. It will be held in Clarke’s Bar on Saturday week 7th February at 9.30pm with lots of spot prizes on the night. It is hoped to see plenty of teams of four on the night for this fundraising table quiz for the Senior and Junior Badminton Club. If you don’t have a full team don’t worry, come along and we can organise some teams, it’ late s part of what we do!
Padraig Pott’s Guide to Walking
A new masterpiece written by the now legendary Seamus O’Rourke is selling to packed houses nationwide and on Saturday 7th March the play will come to our Parish Hall. Padraig Pott’s Guide to Walking is nostalgic, innocent and funny and it is performed by O’Rourke and directed by Charlie Mc Guinness. The play is sure to be a sell out and tickets are now available. The tickets can be booked by calling into O’Brien’s or phoning 3321107. Early booking is advisable as it is certain that there will be a huge demand.
Table Quiz
The annual Tidy Towns table quiz is taking place on next Friday next 6th February at 9.30pm in St Faithleach’s GAA clubhouse in Ballyleague. This is one of the main fundraisers to help pay the week to week tidy towns committee bills soothe committee are really needing your support. It’s also a great night to come out and meet your neighbours and have a bit of craic. Teams of 4 people pay €40 and great prizes as usual…….see you on Friday 6th February.
Happenings at Library
Foreign Currency Appeal Reminder
The library is still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of ISPCC. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
Used stamps are also being collected at the library for ISPCC.
Recycle your Christmas Cards
From now until the end of January you can also recycle your Christmas cards.
Book Club meets at the library on the last Friday of each month at 11am.
Come along… some like minded people …and enjoy a cup of tea.
Contact Stella if you have any queries on 043 332 1291
Knitting & Crochet Group meet every Monday from 2 – 4pm.
Lasrai Writers Group meetings will takes place on the 2nd Monday of each month 7 – 9pm.
ESOL classes (English for speakers of other languages) continue each Tuesday evening 7 – 9pm.
Basic Computer Course at Lanesboro Library:
An afternoon and evening computer course will start on Wednesday 25th Feb from 3-4pm and 6-7pm, numbers permitting. If you are interested please call Stella on 043 332 1291 or email
New Angling Hub
On Tuesday February 10th we are formally setting up the new Angling development hub for this area – a new umbrella group that will develop training, accommodation and other new facilities and opportunities to try and rescue the long established fishing tourism market locally. It is envisaged that the hub will set plans in place to draw down 100,000 euro over the next 3 years to promote this area and get it back its good name as a coarse angling and holiday venue. The hub will meet maximum once a month. We really need local community groups, clubs and people like you to get involved so please come along if you can or send a rep. Meeting is at 8.15pm in Lanesborough hall beside the bridge on Tuesday Feb 10. If you know anybody else who shares the vision of getting the town back up of its knees – then bring them along too. For more info on the hub in the meantime speak to Joe O’Brien at Corner shop, Joe Cribbin at Daybreak shop or Eithne Clyne from the fishing club.
Men’s Shed
Our local Men’s Shed group is presently involved in a truly uplifting community project – learning the traditional skills of boat building from local resident Tom Conlon – a vastly experienced man and a team of professionals while assembling four new wooden clinker style fishing boats – each of which is 18 foot long. The boats are to be seen elsewhere in this paper this week. At the end of the project in March the Men’s shed will be selling some of the boats to help equip a new workshop where the members will continue their boat building and carpentry. If you would like to buy one of the boats please contact Joe Cribbin at the Daybreak shop Top Oil Filling Station in Ballyleague. The men’s shed is open to all men, employed, unemployed, retired or otherwise. To join up – speak to Joe or Alan Horohoe or Tom Rumley (Ballymahon road) or Chris Forde, Secretary, Meadowbrook. E mail: for more details
Tennis Club
The weekly tennis coaching sessions for children and adults with Level 2 Coach Richard Turner have started again at Ballyleague hall and on the tennis courts. The professional coach Richard Turner will take the 5-8 year old children for coaching from 6pm to 7pm every Saturday and the over 8s from 7pm to 8pm. The adults will meet as usual at 9.30am on the Sunday mornings at the marina in Ballyleague. Beginners are very welcome – The cost of the weekly session remains at just €5 and to register for tennis email your name to loughreebaytennisclub@gmail.comm or telephone 0433327691 before Friday
St. Faithleach’s GAA
St Faithleach’s in conjunction with the HSE are running a suicide awareness and first aid course on February 25th at 6.30pm, it is open to all coaches and /or parents, if interested in partaking please contact Monica on (089) 4523066.
A video of our recent Strictly Come Dancing Fundraiser will be shown on Sat 7th Feb and will be available to buy on the night for €15, please check the St Faithleach’s Facebook page for more details.
Club registration took place last Friday night, if you have not registered please contact your team manager who will provide form and details.
Management for all teams (girls/boys) is now in place, however we still need one or two more, if you or someone you know would like to become involved please contact a committee member.
Lotto: The jackpot of €12,000 was not won. The numbers drawn were 6, 20, 25 and 26. The five winners of €20 were M. Hanley, Sarah Neilon, Lough Ree Park, Ballyleague. Ray Sutton, Meadowbrook, Ballyleague. Mary Kenny, Cloontuskert and Marie Cleary, Moneen.
The next draw takes place on Tuesday 10th February and the team in charge is James Irwin and Martina Dunne.
Cards take place every Tuesday in the clubhouse at 8.30pm. The winners were Jim and Kitty, Joint runners up Phil/Kevin, Tom/Padraig. Tickets winners were Jim, Annemarie, Frank and Brendan.
Congratulations to Damien Rooney and Jamie Carberry on their recent engagement.
Shannon Gaels
Strength and conditioning training for U16 and Minor commences on Tuesday 3rd February in Coop hall Lanesboro from 7-8pm.
U13 and U14 training starts this Friday 6th February from 6.30 to 7.30pm. These sessions will alternate venues each week. First session will be in Grattan’s.
Application forms for Gaeltacht Grant are available from Executive. Applicants must be 13 or older.
Rathcline GAA
New Year’s Draw – Our New Year’s Draw was held on Saturday night in Adie’s. The draw proved to be very successful and will help the club with paying affiliation fees for the coming year. The winners were as follows: 1st prize – €1500 – Edward & Michelle Kelly, 2nd prize – €750 – Bill Donoghue, Lehery, 3rd prize – €500 – Melissa Donoghue & Ciaran Cox, Curraghrua, 4th prize – €250 – Louise Kearney, Lisnacusha, 5th prize – €200 – Larry Bannon, Legan, 6th prize – €200 – John Hester, Tessna, Sligo, 7th prize – €200 – Lauren Guinan and 8th prize – €200 – Joe Brown, Ballyglass. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to everyone who bought and sold tickets and thanks for your continued support.
Hastings Cup – The U21 Hastings Cup final between Roscommon and Galway was held in Clonbonny on Saturday afternoon. Roscommon were the better team and congratulations to them as they won the game 2-21 to 1-11 and lifted the cup. It was great to see Clonbonny hosting a final and despite the bitter cold weather a great crowd turned out. Thanks to everyone who helped out with organisation leading up to the game and to everyone who helped out on the day to make it a very successful event.
50/50 Draw – Congratulations to Pat Rock, Church View, Lanesboro, who was last week’s winner of €478 in the 50/50 draw. The draw is proving to be a great success and a welcome weekly income for the club to pay off some of the debt. Envelopes are only €2 and are available in all local outlets.
Membership is now due for the coming year. Players’ registration fee is €50 and non-playing members is €20. Players are asked to pay their registration to Brendan Rhatigan or James Hanley. Player registration is compulsory and players must be registered before they can play. Non playing members can pay their fee to Peter Skelly or Denis Crinigan.
Minor Club: U16 and Minor strength and conditioning training commences on Tuesday 3rd February in the Co-Op hall, Lanesboro from 7-8pm.
U13 and U14 training starts this Friday 6th February from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. These sessions will alternate venues each week. First session will be in Grattan’s.
Gaeltacht Grant application forms are available now from the Executive. Applicants must be aged 13 or older.
Ladies Club: The clothes collection continues for the ladies club. Anyone who has old clothes they wish to dispose of please contact Madeleine or Mike.