Local History Book of Sliabh Bán District Launched
There was a large gathering in the Percy French Hotel, Strokestown last Sunday night for the launch of Sliabh Bán, A Historical Journey. It was launched by Prof. Luke Gibbons whose father, the late Dr. Hugh Gibbons was a native of Ballybeg. Henry Owens and Mike Lennon, who compiled the book, also spoke and the event was compered by Pat Compton.
The 470-page hard cover book chronicles the lives and times of generations past who inhabited the Strokestown, Scramogue, Curraghroe, Kilgefin and Cloontuskert areas. As well as being impressed by the comprehensive content, Prof. Gibbons praised its design, saying it was a template for how a local history should be produced. Henry Owens thanked all those who provided old photographs and contributed sponsorship, and in particular the principal sponsor, Brian Carthy’s company, Sliabh Bán Productions.
The book, which sells at €20, can be purchased at O’Brien’s shop,(043-3321107; joea@iol.ie), Lanesboro, Centra Supermarket, Hanley’s Spar, Dawn ‘Till Dusk, Strokestown and Eight ‘Till Late (ETL), Roscommon as well as directly from Henry Owens at Lismehy, Strokestown.

Luke Gibbons, Professor of Irish Literary and Cultural Studies at the School of English, Drama and Media Studies, NUI Maynooth speaking at the launch.
Christmas Morning in Lanesboro
As is the tradition Christmas morning in Lanesboro is always a hive of activity and this year was no different if anything it was busier than normal with great numbers braving the elements for the Christmas swim and also the MS Run/Walk from Newtowncashel to Lanesboro. The charities benefited greatly by all the sponsorship each participant raised and it is always a great boost for them to receive especially at this time of year. It is wonderful to see that our community is so giving of themselves, their time and money to support local charities. A special word must also to the organisers, their committees and the many people that gave of their time doing so many jobs on a Christmas morning.
While the water was good and cool, and the Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club promoters of the swim had the swim area well cordoned off a larger number than previous years were challenged by the cold waters, but they all emerged energised and with beaming smiles having undertaken the cold swim. Smiles were the order of the day as the runners began to emerge at the church as the lime green Peter Hanley sponsored t-shirts started to stream down the hill towards the finishing line at the bridge in the Newtowncashel to Lanesboro MS run/walk.
Both the swim and run/walk are now traditions and we are looking forward to seeing the tradition continue for many more years to come.
It was a great shock to learn of the death on Saturday 15th December of Joe Reynolds, Church View. The thought of Joe will always bring a glint to one’s eyes as Joe was one of those characters that you knew had a bit of fun and devilment always in him. He was a great conversationalist, and everyone will remember Joe for his chats and his stories. Joe was a native of Four Roads, Co. Roscommon where he left for England as a young fella. Later he returned and worked as a haulier in Dublin before coming to live in Lanesboro. Joe had a huge interest in farming and was a tireless worker. He was a wonderful neighbour and friend. No matter what time, day or night, there was a farming need for a neighbour Joe was there at their side doing his best for them giving greatly of his time. Joe will be sadly missed by everyone that knew him, but his impish smile will always remain in our minds and hearts. His remains were removed to St. Mary’s Church on Monday last where he reposed. His Funeral Mass took place on Tuesday and following his Mass he was laid to rest in St. Coman’s Cemetery, Roscommon. To his wife Eileen, daughter Sarah, sons John, Joseph, James and Patrick, his sister Breege Nerney, Curraghroe, relatives and friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
Many congratulations to Michelle Neilan and Edward Donlon, Church View, on the recent birth of a baby boy.
Lanesboro Bridge Club
The results of the competition held on Wednesday 12th December are: N/S 1st Mona O’Flaherty and Maureen Hynes, Joint 2nd Gemma Douglas and Eilish Gray & Loretto Cooney and Freda Kenny. E/W 1st Frank and Frances Brennan, 2nd Una Clarke and Elizbeth Clyne, 3rd Patricia Mc Gann and Mary Jameson.
Xlntee Christmas Draw
Claire Flynn (nee Mullen) and the staff of Xlntee hairdressers would like to sincerely thank everyone that contributed prizes and bought tickets for the Christmas draw in aid of Palliative Care. The results are as follows: 1st prize – GHD – Sharon Brady, 2nd – hair hamper – Anita Kenny (Roscommon), 3rd – Mags hamper – Rita McCormack, 4th prize – Cloud 9 voucher – Sheila Healy, 5th – fruit hamper – Breege Hoey, 6th – sweets and biscuits – Emer Donoghue and 7th – wine and brandy – Marie Cleary. Extra prizes were kindly donated 8th – bottle of whiskey (sponsored by Shane Healy) – Cathy Farrell, 9th – bottle of Jameson (sponsored by Yacht Bar) – Vinnie McGowan and 10th prize – goody hamper (sponsored by Maureen Gibbons) – Aileen O’Connor
The total raised for Palliative Care, Roscommon University Hospital was €1,997.40.
Next Blood Clinic
The next local Blood Donation Clinic will take place on Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, and Thursday 17th January in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon. The clinics will take place each day from 5pm to 8.30pm.
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Fayne family, Aughakeel and the Gillooly family Ballinaboy, Kilteevan on the death of Dan Gillooly husband of Teresa Gillooly, nee Fayne, last week.
New Year Draw
The Rathcline club will hold its New Year Fundraising draw in the Yacht Bar on Saturday week 12th January. This is an annual draw and the proceeds helps towards the paying of club affiliation and insurance for the coming year. The club asks your support by buying your ticket and selling a book of tickets. If everyone took a book of 5 tickets and sold them it would make a huge difference and mean that as we enter senior league and championship, we do so with a sound backing behind us.
Tickets cost €20 each and the prizes are 1st €3000, 2nd €1000, 3rd €500, 4th €250, 5th €250, 6th €200 and 7th €200.
If you are away from home you can contact any member of the executive or me at joea@iol.ie, or phone 086-2460840.
Dog Soiling
I return to this topic once again, the issue of dog soiling along all the footpaths in the community. Again, so many more people have brought it to my notice and have asked me to comment in these notes. While all the footpaths are littered some more so than others the area of main concern and gaining most comment at the moment is the Rathcline Road footpath.
From a parent’s point of view of pushing buggies, children playing along these footpaths, people out for a walk it is very important that everyone should be able to walk freely along the local footpaths.
It is very important that those bringing their dogs for a walk along any of our areas of the town are asked to bring means of cleaning up if their dog soils the footpaths. Nobody should have to endure dog soiling as we walk our footpaths.
Credit Union Christmas Draw
The Lanesboro Ballyleague Christmas draw took place at the Credit Union office in Ballyleague and the following are the results: 1st Prize of a car Michael Heneghan,
2nd Martina Mulvihill, 3rd Prize John James
Greene, 4th Joe Gallagher, 5th Eamonn Murray
and 6th Michael & Carmel Rogers
Still collecting memories
Nurse Donlon’s time in Lanesboro was legendary for all of those that remember her time as the district nurse and her shop at the bottom end of Main Street beside Paddy Kenny’s garage. What are your memories of Nurse Donlon and can you put them to paper or on computer? If you have any memories, then Stella in the library would love to hear from you. it is hoped that the older generation amongst us that have so many wonderful memories and it would be great to put them to paper and send them to Stella as soon as you can.
If you have memories of the Nurse you are invited to write them down and hand them into Stella in the library or you can email Stella at lanesborolibrary@longfordcoco.ie alternatively you can drop them into O’Brien’s for delivery to Stella.
The death took place peacefully at Portiuncla Hospital, Ballinasloe of Michael O’Neill, Cullenoria, Curraghroe on Sunday 23rd December. Michael was predeceased by his parents James and Mary and his sisters Margaret Hanly and Rose Dowling. Michael was a warm and friendly man whose gentle disposition endeared him to everyone that came to know him. He was a gentleman through and through and his loss will be felt deeply by everyone that had the please to know him. His simple ways his simple attitude and his love for his native area will be fondly remembered and most of all we will miss that gentle and warm greeting. The attendance at Michaels reposing and burial was large and representative. His remains reposed in Mc Hugh’s Funeral Home Strokestown on Thursday 27th before being removed to St. Cecilia’s Church, Curraghroe. His Funeral Mass took place on Friday and he was then laid to rest in Cloontuskert cemetery. To his sisters Anne O’Halloran (Curraghroe) and Bridgie Feeney (Ashbrook), nieces, nephews, relatives and friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
Lough Ree AC
Congratulations to all the young athletes who competed in the run on Christmas morning. The club turnout was a little disappointing, but it made it easier on Santy and he was delighted. By and large it was a great morning with a large turnout for the Newtowncashel to Lanesboro MS Walk/Run and lots of friendships renewed in the Parish Hall afterwards where the catering committee looked after the needs of all. Wishing everybody a Happy New Year.
Rathcline Ladies Draw
The results of the Rathcline Ladies GAA
Christmas draw that took place in O’Brien’s are as follows 1st Keanes
SuperValu Hamper winner Ella Hogan. Mahoraveen, 2nd €50 Voucher from Five Valley
butchers Lanesboro winner Evelyn Keane: 3rd Johnston’s Health Bank prize winner Kay Smith;
4th Wine and chocolates from
Casserly’s winner Brendan Keane: 5th prize Casserly’s wine and sweets winner Maura Donohue;
6th prize Lanesboro Library wine and
Sweets winner Abby Mitchell
The club would like to say thanks to all the
sponsors of spot prizes for their continued support.
Defibrillator Course in January
A new Defibrillator course will take place in January and the organisers are urgently seeking many new people to take the opportunity of getting trained in the use of defibrillators. As this is a down time it is important that all clubs and organisations on both sides of the bridge encourage their members to attend and get trained up.
Rarely a day goes by in a workplace, sporting events or in public places that a person’s knowledge in the use of the defibrillator in not required hence the great need to have all area and events covered with people with the required knowledge.
Contact Martina O’Brien with your name and phone number, she can be contacted at the shop, phone 3321108, 0863858934 or email martinaclyne1@gmail.com
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was ‘The Kids’ c/o Pat and Liam Connerton which was a great the 50/50 for the first time. The winning envelope was worth €301. The three winners are grandchildren of Liam and Pat Connerton.
The club thanks everyone for their continued support and encourage everyone to persist in your support as your name will surely be drawn out soon. Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. Alternatively, you can by the pink ticket for the year for just €100 and have 2 free weeks. The club would like to thank everyone that continues to support the draw on a weekly basis and the many people that buy the one-year ticket.
€15,000 Tidy Towns
€15,000 Tidy Towns
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery draw took place on Tuesday morning last on the Co-Op office. There was no winner of the €15,000, jackpot and the jackpot for this week, will now rise to reach and the worthwhile winning amount of €15,000. The numbers drawn were 1, 11, 1and 25. The winner of the €100 prize was Chris Taylor, Doughill, and the three €50 winners were C.S. c/o O’Brien’s, Jay Flynn c/o Xlntee and Kathleen, Marie and Teresa c/o Yacht Bar.
The committee thanks everyone for tremendous and loyal support support.
Please note that winners can collect their winning cheques in the Co-Op office only and will be available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm.
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery draw took place on Tuesday morning last on the Co-Op office. There was no winner of the €14,900, jackpot and the jackpot for this week, will now rise to reach and the worthwhile winning amount of €15,000. The numbers drawn were 9, 11, 18 and 23. The winner of the €50 prize was Peg Farrell, Clonfower, and the three €20 winners were Percy Flynn, Mount Dillon, Joe Donoghue c/o Clarkes and Tiernan Hanley c/o Johnny Hanley
The committee thanks everyone for tremendous and loyal support support.
Please note that winners can collect their winning cheques in the Co-Op office only and will be available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm.
Fitness Classes with Regina
The Combo fitness classes with Regina
will reopen at St. Mary’s Hall on Thursday
10th Jan at 7.30pm
New members are most welcome
Rathcline Bakes
Rathcline Bakes recipe book is a great book and most definitely well worth having. The cover of the book has been designed by local artist Jack Casserley and the book includes a recipe from Kieran Glennon a 2-star Michelin Star chef with Irelands leading restaurant Patrick Guilbaud’s. The books are for sale in O’Brien’s at €10
This week in our library
Christmas Hours
Library closed at 1pm on
Saturday 22nd December and will reopen on Wednesday 2nd January 2019.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all our patrons!
& Crochet Group
Knitting & Crochet group continues in the
new year on Monday 7th January 2019. New members always welcome!
& Music Group
Poetry & Music group continues in the new
year on Monday 14th January 2019 – 4.15-5.30pm. All welcome to come along
and join in with this very vibrant group!
ESOL (English for speakers of other languages)
will continue in the new year.
& Books Parent & Toddler Group
Babble & Books Parent & Toddler Group
will continue in the new year!
Course for adults
A six-week Art Course for adults with
Stephanie Hanlon will start on Monday 14th January 6.30-7.30pm. Cost is
€60 for the course. Places are limited, so contact Stella on 0433321291 or
email lanesborolibrary@longfordcoco.ie to book your place.
Currency & Used Stamps
We are still collecting unwanted foreign
currency and old coins/notes in aid of ISPCC. The smallest donation can make a
huge difference.
We also collect used stamps in aid of
ISPCC. Thank you.
Rathcline GAA – ‘Be with us Be a part of Us’.
New Team Management
The club are pleased to announce that Denis Connerton has been ratified tonight as our senior manager for the 2019 season. Denis will be joined by his backroom team of Kevin Hanley, Gerard Farrell, Stephen Rooney and Peter Foy. We wish them the very best of luck for the coming year in the Senior Championship and Division 1 league.
The club needs people that are interested in helping out the club by completing the defibrillator course to take place in January. The need for people to have training done in the use of the defibrillator is essential at all grades especially with all the games and training in Clonbonny. We look forward to a good number of parents of the underage club and supporters and officials from all our clubs to give their names and phone numbers to the minor (Seadna) or senior (Cathal) secretaries or to Martina O’Brien at the corner shop.
Rathcline Bakes
Rathcline Bakes recipe book is a great book and most definitely well worth having. The cover of the book has been designed by local artist Jack Casserley and the book includes a recipe from Kieran Glennon a 2-star Michelin Star chef with Irelands leading restaurant Patrick Guilbaud’s. The books are for sale in O’Brien’s at €10
New Year Draw
The club will hold its New Year Fundraising draw in the Yacht Bar on Saturday 12th January. This is an annual draw and the proceeds helps towards the paying of club affiliation and insurance for the coming year. The club asks your support by buying your ticket and selling a book of tickets. If everyone took a book of 5 tickets and sold them it would make a huge difference and mean that as we enter senior league and championship, we do so with a sound backing behind us.
Tickets cost €20 each and would make a great Christmas present. The prizes are 1st €3000, 2nd €1000, 3rd €500, 4th €250, 5th €250, 6th €200 and 7th €200.
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was ‘The Kids’ c/o Pat and Liam Connerton which was a great the 50/50 for the first time. The winning envelope was worth €301. The three winners are grandchildren of Liam and Pat Connerton.
The club thanks everyone for their continued support and encourage everyone to persist in your support as your name will surely be drawn out soon. Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. Alternatively, you can by the pink ticket for the year for just €100 and have 2 free weeks. The club would like to thank everyone that continues to support the draw on a weekly basis and the many people that buy the one-year ticket.
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