Sold Out
The wonderful publication Sliabh Bán has now sold out in all shops. Such was the sale of the book that there is a complete sell out and plans are now been looked at to the feasibility of having a second print. If and when it does happen you will be informed in these notes that the book Sliabh Bán is back on sale.
Lanesboro Community College Enrolment.
The closing date for application forms for enrolment in 1st year in September 2019 is Friday 1st February at 1:00. All students interested in attending Lanesboro Community College in September should send in their enrolment forms before that date. Please contact 043 3321139 for more details or a copy of the enrolment form.
Would like to extend our sincere sympathy to Keith Murphy, his wife Michelle, nee Wallace and their children Peter, Charlie and Ella and their extended family on the death of their son and brother Harry on Friday 11th January. Harry was a very special young man adored by all his family for the past eight years. His funeral Mass took place in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymore Eustace on Saturday followed by cremation in Newlands Cross Crematorium. Harry was grandson of Jude and Kitty Murphy, Cloontuskert and Sonny and Mary Claire Wallace, Strokestown Road Ballyleague. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family and extended family at this very sad time.
Exciting times ahead
Over the past number of years, a lot of discussions have taken place with Bord na Mona about the linking up of the parish of Rathcline with the parish of Killashee. The route envisaged was at the bottom of Clonbonny in the townsland of Kilnacarrow going to Clonbearla in Killashee. It was the route take by the renowned John Duggan from his home in Clonbearla as he made his way to school in Lanesboro. This is clearly the shortest distance between the two parishes, and it included crossing Bord na Mona property. As time went by the bog at that end was rapidly coming to its life end and seemed to be the most natural route and following discussions locally with local Bord na Mona management it was agreed to be the right location. Time went by as the plan and agreement went further up the Bord na Mona line for ratification and an agreement to be drawn up. At this point in time this process is undergoing the normal ratification and we await formal consent and a signing of the agreement. For my part Bord na Mona have been very open and very easy to deal with, naturally they had their issues, but they were very open to the different thought process from where we were coming from. As we will be hopefully, traveling through part of the Coillte plantation meetings are been arranged to come to a similar agreement.
The announcement of the Government funding on Tuesday of €193,982 by Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring was greatly received by everyone that worked so hard over the past number of years.
What it means for our community is that we will have access to Killashee and the Royal Canal via the walkway/cycleway. From there we and the many tourists visiting especially those on boating holidays will have a cycle path to the Corlea Interpretive Centre. The Corlea Centre is a wonderful amenity on our doorstep and the fact that that there will be access to it will be a great thing and hopefully increase their visitors greatly. The opening of this route also means that for the keen cyclists they will be able to cycle all the way from Dublin from Lanesboro/Ballyleague practically off road. As there is a spur being created from Centre Parcs to the canal it also offers us the opportunity to welcome the visitors from there to Lanesboro when they go cycling as part of their holiday.
In preparation there must be a great deal of work done locally as we will have more and more visitors visiting us. We need a much greater increase in our accommodation facilities, shopping and eating facilities. We hopefully will see a greater number of creative people coming to live and work amongst us. We need to add to our entertainment for younger people and make greater use of the bay area and Lough Ree. We currently have an idyllic place to live and hopefully that will be rewarded with new companies looking at our area to set up and create work.
The entire community was shocked to learn of the death at St. Joseph’s Care Centre, Longford on Monday last 7th January of Oliver Curran, Rathcline. Ollie as was most commonly known had suffered illness for just a short while and he fought his illness with his inimitable spirit and humour. Ollie had worked in England, where he met his wife Mary, for a good number of years before returning to his native sod of Rathcline. Ollie was a crane drive and his expertise was renowned far and wide. He was one of our finest characters especially at a time when characters are becoming scarce. People lives have become faster with little time for the interaction of ago. People have become self-conscious with a reluctance to put themselves in the public eye, but this was not Ollie. He had an exuberant personality and mischievous always wanting to get a rise on someone and create a great laugh. He was without doubt a character that we will not ever forget. Ollie always brought a smile to one’s face and his welcome greeting of “Howya Irish man/woman” will ring loud in our minds when we think of Ollie. He was a man that had a love and support of his native parish and everyone that represented the parish no matter what guise. He was a great family man, husband, father and grandfather. A little-known fact about Ollie was that he was practically unbeatable when it came to playing the game of draughts. Ollie was a man with a great loyalty to his native parish and was a vice President of the Rathcline club.
The attendance at the reposing of his remains at his residence in Rathcline on Tuesday and again at his Funeral Mass and burial on Wednesday bore ample testimony to the highest regard in which Ollie was held far and wide. Following Mass, he was laid to rest in Rathcline cemetery.
To his wife Mary, son Declan, brothers Paddy and Tommy, sisters Peggy, Molly, Cathy, Tessie and Agnes, grandchildren, relatives and his multitude of friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
The Green
Thanks to those that have already sent me photos.
Sometime ago I recorded the 64 houses on the Green and those that I could remember and find out that lived in what house since the early 50’s. I am now looking for photographs from the families that lived there from the start right up to the present day. Family, presentations, work pictures or sporting events right up to this current day that involved anyone that lived on the Green everything and anything please. If you can email them to me or drop into the shop with them where I will scan them and return them immediately. If you did not live on The Green and know people that did can you tell them I am looking for photographs. If there are school class photos from the national schools’ girls and boys, Ballyleague Secondary, Convent of Mercy and the different guises of Lanesboro Technical School/Vocational School/Community College. Thanking you in advance, Joe.
Many congratulations to Brian and Sinead Farrell Lehery on the recent birth of a baby boy.
Yoga for all will take place on Tuesday mornings in St. Mary’s Hall at 10.30am. This will take place over six weeks. Stretch, meditate and rest. Contact Lesley 087-7650871 to book
Level 1 Yoga – A more dynamic practice to build strength and flexibility will take place in St. Mary’s Hall on Thursday evenings at 8pm. this will take place for six weeks commencing this Thursday 17th January. Contact Lesley 087-7650871 to book your place.
Next Blood Clinic
The next local Blood Donation Clinic will take place on this Wednesday 16th, and Thursday 17th January in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon. The clinics will take place each day from 5pm to 8.30pm.
Did you know that only 3% of the eligible population gives blood? 3000 donors are needed in Ireland each week can you be one of them?
Don’t forget to write it Down
Nurse Donlon’s time in Lanesboro was legendary for all of those that remember her time as the district nurse and her shop at the bottom end of Main Street beside Paddy Kenny’s garage. What are your memories of Nurse Donlon and can you put them to paper or on computer? If you have any memories, then Stella in the library would love to hear from you. it is hoped that the older generation amongst us that have so many wonderful memories and it would be great to put them to paper and send them to Stella as soon as you can.
If you have memories of the Nurse you are invited to write them down and hand them into Stella in the library or you can email Stella at alternatively you can drop them into O’Brien’s for delivery to Stella.
The AGM of the Rathcline club will take place in the clubhouse in Clonbonny on Friday 15th February at 8pm. If you have an interest and would like to be part of our club come along to the meeting where you will be made very welcome. As the club moves back into the senior ranks, they would like to welcome parishioners and former players to get behind the club and team and help drive all forward.
New Defibrillator Course in January
A new Defibrillator course will take place in January and the organisers are urgently seeking many new people to take the opportunity of getting trained in the use of defibrillators. As this is a down time it is important that all clubs and organisations on both sides of the bridge encourage their members to attend and get trained up.
Rarely a day goes by in a workplace, sporting events or in public places that a person’s knowledge in the use of the defibrillator in not required hence the great need to have all area and events covered with people with the required knowledge.
Contact Martina O’Brien with your name and phone number, she can be contacted at the shop, phone 3321107, 0863858934 or email
Primary School Enrolment
Primary School are holding their Enrolment Afternoon for September 2019 on
Friday February 1st 2019 at 1pm.
Parents and children who are hoping to enrol in the school
for September are invited to attend.
Play in St. Mary’s Hall
‘And thank You’ is a new play written and performed by the ever popular and star man Seamus O’Rourke will come to St. Mary’s Hall, Lanesboro, on Saturday 9th March at 8.30pm. This is a production much sought after, and it was a very lucky thing that the Minor Club got their ‘spake’ in on time to ensure we would be fortunate enough to have it. Tickets are on sale in O’Brien’s costing €10. Tickets are on sale in O’Brien’s and to book your tickets phone Martina 086-3858934. The play is being hosted by the Shannon Gaels Minor Club.
The following is a synopsis of the play: A play about an ordinary man living in rural Ireland who gets saved… Saved from a life of pub talk and prophesising. King John O’Sullivan used to be able to drink fifteen pints without having to piddle, now, it’s every nine. Going to the Gents so often can wear a man out. The story is told by the Reverend Thaddaeus Clancy and O’Sullivan’s two sons, Larry O and Martin. The sons run the family shop while Daddy, the King of McKenna’s Bar makes up the rules. It’s a story of hard work and success and dangling. There’s bad driving and ice hockey and there’s falling down. When the ‘Divel’ starts to gnaw, the kingdom will fall.
Community Celebrations
The club will host a Dinner Dance on Saturday night 16th February where the club with celebrate its community links and honour the panel of 2018 that retained the Intermediate Championship. The Celebrations will take place in the Longford Arms Hotel.
The Dinner Dance is always a wonderful community celebration night out and it should also bring back for the night the many ex-players and supporters of the club for a great night of reminiscence and revelry. Music on the night will be supplied by the hugely popular Rhythm & Sticks who will add greatly to our celebrations.
The club looks forward to a huge number attending on the night and create a great parish and community night out.
The wedding took place on Thursday 27th December in St. Mary’s Church Lanesboro of Maureen Carberry, daughter of Bernard and Margaret Carberry, Lough Ree Park, Ballyleague and Raymond O’Reilly son of Brian and Caroline O’Reilly, Cloontagh, Killashee. Chief bridesmaid was Patricia Carberry sister of the bride and bridesmaids were Gemma O’Reilly sister of the groom, and Heather Willis best friend of the bride. Bestman was Darren O’Reilly brother of the groom and groomsmen were Robert O’Reilly brother of the groom and James Martin best friend of the groom. Pageboy and Flower girl were Lorcan O’Reilly and Lily Rae O’Reilly both children of the bride and groom. The marriage ceremony was celebrated by Fr. Reilly, Lanesboro. The wedding reception took place in the Mullingar Park Hotel. We would like to wish the happy couple many years of wedded happiness.
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was Sheila Healy, Shannon Grove which was a great the 50/50 for the first time. The winning envelope was worth a wonderful €396. Thanks to Sheila for her continued support of the draw and maybe next week it will be you.
The club thanks everyone for their continued support and encourage everyone to persist in your support as your name will surely be drawn out soon. Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. Alternatively, you can by the pink ticket for the year for just €100 and have 2 free weeks. The club would like to thank everyone that continues to support the draw on a weekly basis and the many people that buy the one-year ticket.
€15,000 Tidy Towns
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery draw took place on Tuesday morning last on the Co-Op office. There was no winner of the €15,000, jackpot and the jackpot for this week, will now rise to reach and the jackpot has now reached its maximum of €15,000. The numbers drawn were 5, 9, 14 and 21. The winner of the €50 prize was Freda Connaughton, Longford Road, and the three €20 winners were Maureen Donlon c/o Mags, Loftus Lehery and Mary Flynn, The Green.
The committee thanks everyone for tremendous and loyal support support.
Please note that winners can collect their winning cheques in the Co-Op office only and will be available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm.
Fitness Classes with Regina
The Combo fitness classes with Regina
will reopen at St. Mary’s Hall on this Thursday
10th Jan at 7.30pm
New members are most welcome
Lanesboro Library Events
Recycle Your Christmas Cards at the Library
From now until the end of January you can recycle your Christmas cards at Lanesboro Library. Just pop them in the box at the desk!
Knitting & Crochet Group
Knitting & Crochet group continues every Monday 2pm to 4pm. New members always welcome!
Poetry & Music Group
Poetry & Music group continues on Monday 28th January 2019 – 4.15-5.30pm.
All welcome to come along and join in with this very vibrant group!
ESOL Class
ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) continues on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.
Babble & Books Parent & Toddler Group
Babble & Books Parent & Toddler Group continues every Wednesday morning at 10.30am. Parents are welcome to bring their babies/toddlers along to socialise with other children, read books and play with the toys, jigsaws and Lego table.
Book Club
Book Club meets again on Friday morning 25th January at 11am. Book choices this month are ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Truman Capote and ‘The Lost child’ by Patricia Gibney. Come along for a chat and a cuppa!
Foreign Currency & Used Stamps
We are still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of ISPCC. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
We also collect used stamps in aid of ISPCC. Thank you.
Library Membership
Library membership is free for everyone and provides you with complimentary access to books and p.c.’s in the library as well as a range of digital services.
Download free eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and newspapers with your library card and pin. Renew or request books on our website [http://www.longfordlibrary.ie]<
A New Language
a new language online with Mango (over 71 languages available) or learn a new
skill with Universal Class which offers over 400 free online courses.
Call to the library for your free library card
& pin or further information.
Lough Ree 2000 Bridge Club
The results of the Christmas competition held on 10th December are: 1st Carol Hamill and Ann Hagan, 2nd Kathleen Hanley and Mary Fallon and 3rd Joan Donnellan and Katharine Harrison. Gross: Eileen Kelly and Tom Feeney.
The results of the competition held on Monday 9th January are: N/S Gross and Nett 1st Una Clarke and Maureen Hynes, 2nd Philomena Walsh and Noreen Dunne, 3rd Eileen Kelly and Tom Feeney. E/W 1st Carol Hamill and Ann Hagan, 2nd Mary Fallon and Katharine Harrison and 3rd Goretti Kenny and Mary Jameson.
The club would like to extend its sympathy to Mike Flynn and the Flynn family on the death of his sister Sr. Catherine (Lucy) in Dublin recently.
Thank You
Ballyleague Christmas lights committee wish to thank all those who supported their fundraising table quiz in Rosie’s on Friday night last. Thanks also to all the Business and individuals who donated spot prizes and to the Business, residents and the Church for supplying the power to make the Christmas lighting initiative possible. To anybody who helped in any way, thank you
The pitch was a hive of activity on Saturday last as
the under 8s took part in a very entertaining blitz. The club fielded two
teams with Newtown and Stonepark providing the opposition. The games
were very enjoyable with great enthusiasm displayed by all the participants. Team
1: Shane Farrell, Darragh McGloin, Michael Hogan, Conor Kilcoyne, Donncha
Farrell, Tom Hession. Team 2: David Kenny, Matthew Murphy, Cian Shea, Ben
Cassidy, Darragh Shanley.
The under 12 team availed of the opportunity to give all of
the panel much game time in their friendly game against Stonepark. Stonepark
prevailed by two goals to one. The Ballyboro goal was a well taken effort by
Daniel Hogan following a brilliant run by Ben Murphy. Ballyboro: Ronan Cox, Jack
Brogan, Jack Casey, Aidan Kelly, Ethan Slattery, Luke Johnston, Conn Maxwell, Daniel
Hogan, Billy Murray. Subs: David Cox, Anthony Cox, Ben Murphy, Euan Cullen.
The under 13 team just got the better of Inny Rovers in a
very tightly contested game. The decisive goal was scored by Eoin Cox who used
his pace to capitalise on an incisive Christian Donlon pass and slotted the
ball past the keeper. Team: Sam Glennon, Rory Carling, Cormac O’Dowd, Jack
Casey, Josh Crawford, Euan Cullen, Joey Trimble, Conor Farrell, Christian
Donlon, Christov Eoin Cox. Subs: Luke Cullen, Jack Naughton, Fionn Crossan.
The under 10 team started well against Kenagh United, but
they were unable to sustain the effort and Kenagh finished strongly to take the
honours. The Ballyboro goals were scored by Oisin Dillon (2) and Eoghan Mullooly.
Team: Michael Sorohan, Eoghan Mullooly, Leon Malkowski, Rian Shanley, Dan
Casey, Oisin Dillon, Eoin Farrell. Subs: Evan Rooney, Harry Brogan, Ciaran
McGloin, Sean O’Dowd, Eoin Connell, Kielon Gilmore.
The under 16s found a very good Ballymahon team too good for
them on Sunday last. Ballyboro: Jack Madigan, Chris O’Loughlin, Cormac Casey, Kevin
McDonagh, Jack Murray, Shane Kilian, Owen Farrell, Rian Murphy, Damien Hayden, Cillian
Cox, Oisin Kenny.
The winner of the Last Man Standing was Enda Naughton from
Ballygar. Congrats to him. A special word of thanks to Mark Tarmey
the LMS coordinator who had the unenviable task of keeping track of the 450
plus entries over the past few weeks. Mark will have little time to rest on his
laurels as the club has decided to embark on LMS2 as the first one was so
successful. Entry forms will be distributed within the next two weeks.
Fixtures: Another very weekend in store with 5 teams in
The under 9s will be involved in a blitz on Saturday
commencing at 11am. Other teams are involved are Kenagh United and Stonepark.
The under 11s are away to Killoe Tigers on Saturday with the
kick of at 11am
The under 12s play their first game in the Major Division
Championship on Sunday at 12.30 where they play UCL Gorillas at Dernafest, Lough
The under 14s are at home to Gaels United on Sunday with a
11am start.
The 16s also have a home fixture at 12.30 where Stonepark
provide the opposition.
Last Man Standing: The local committee raising funds for the new astro pitch in the community had a winner in their Last Man Standing competition. Congratulations to Enda Naughton from Ballygar who wins the €500 after 10 games. Enda’s card was sold by Dave Gilmore from the committee (well done Dave) and Enda received his cheque at the committee meeting last week. Thanks to everyone who took part and all those who sold the cards. A new game of Last Man Standing will now start on 9th February and to take part in this for just €10 and have a chance to win another €500 please contact any member of the committee below: Jason Fallon, Stephen Rooney, Eddie Kelly, Seamus Sorohan, Karl Crawford, Mark Tarmey, Lee Cullen, Ann McGloin, Ronnie Johnston, Eamon Bolger, Kevin Connaughton, John Tynan, Ciaran Mullooly, Carol Donlon, Dave Gilmore, Kieran Feeney. Thank You
Last Man Standing Winner

Picture shows Enda Naughton receiving his cheque for 500 Euro after winning the Ballyboro Astro Football pitch ‘Last man Standing committee at a meeting recently.
Alzheimer Café
The Longford branch of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland will open their first ever Alzheimer Cafe in Longford Credit Union ltd, 50 Main Street, Longford on Wednesday 30th January and on the last Wednesday of every month, from 7.00pm to 8.30pm The Alzheimer Café is a safe and relaxed place where people with dementia, their families, friends, health and social care professionals come together to talk, share information & support one another. Anyone who is affected by dementia is welcome to come. It is a social evening with tea, coffee & scones being served This is free of charge and there is a car parking facility at the rear of the building. For more information and to confirm if you would like to attend, you can contact Breda or Eileen on 043 / 3347221 or 3348402 before Monday the 28thJanuary 2019
Rathcline GAA – ‘Be with us Be a part of Us’.
The club would like to extend its deepest sympathy to Mary and Declan Curran, family and extended family on the death of Ollie Curran. Ollie was a Vice President of our club for a number of year and a loyal servant of the club.
Community Celebrations
The club will host a Dinner Dance on Saturday night 16th February where the club with celebrate its community links and honour the panel of 2018 that retained the Intermediate Championship. The Celebrations will take place in the Longford Arms Hotel.
The Dinner Dance is always a wonderful community celebration night out and it should also bring back for the night the many ex-players and supporters of the club for a great night of reminiscence and revelry. Music on the night will be supplied by the hugely popular Rhythm & Sticks who will add greatly to our celebrations. Tickets are priced at €40 each
The club looks forward to a huge number attending on the night and create a great parish and community night out.
The AGM of the club will take place in the clubhouse in Clonbonny on Friday 15th February at 8pm. If you have an interest and would like to be part of our club come along to the meeting where you will be made very welcome. As the club moves back into the senior ranks, they would like to welcome parishioners and former players to get behind the club and team and help drive all forward. Help us thrive in ‘19
The year ahead
This coming year we embrace senior football with a very young side and our hope that the clubs prevailing attitude of ‘mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh siad’ will bear fruit in the coming year and years ahead. We have a wonderful young and talented side and we also have a number of great younger players honing their skills at underage level toad to the current crop in the coming years. The minor club has to be commended for their tremendous work in developing players ready to step up to senior ranks. The future is bright and getting brighter and we need to nurture, encourage, develop and support the new generation of the club players. We look to go forward with confidence.
We wish new team manager Denis Connerton, selectors Kevin Hanley, Gerald Farrell and Stephen Rooney along with coach/strength and condition coach Peter Foy the very best of good luck in the coming year.
The Shannon Gaels Minor club is hosting another Big Guerilla Production. ‘And Thank You’ is a new play written and performed by the ever popular and star man Seamus O’Rourke will come to St. Mary’s Hall, Lanesboro, on Saturday 9th March at 8.30pm. Tickets are on sale in O’Brien’s costing €10. Tickets are on sale in O’Brien’s and to book your tickets phone Martina 086-3858934. The play is being hosted by the Shannon Gaels Minor Club.
Book Reprint
The Rathcline Bakes recipe book has gone for reprint. As there will only be a further limited supply anyone that has not got their book should do so before all the books have gone. This is a great book and most definitely well worth having with a great number of baking recipes. The cover of the book has been designed by local artist Jack Casserley and the book includes a recipe from Kieran Glennon a 2-star Michelin Star chef with Irelands leading restaurant Patrick Guilbaud’s which makes this book a collector’s item. The books are for sale in O’Brien’s at €10
The club needs people that are interested in helping out the club by completing the defibrillator course to take place in January. The need for people to have training done in the use of the defibrillator is essential at all grades especially with all the games and training in Clonbonny. We look forward to a good number of parents of the underage club and supporters and officials from all our clubs to give their names and phone numbers to the minor (Seadna) or senior (Cathal) secretaries or to Martina O’Brien at the corner shop.
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was Sheila Healy, Shannon Grove which was a great the 50/50 for the first time. The winning envelope was worth a wonderful €396. Thanks to Sheila for her continued support of the draw and maybe next week it will be you.
The club thanks everyone for their continued support and encourage everyone to persist in your support as your name will surely be drawn out soon. Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. Alternatively, you can by the pink ticket for the year for just €100 and have 2 free weeks. The club would like to thank everyone that continues to support the draw on a weekly basis and the many people that buy the one-year ticket.
St. Faithleach’s
Registration Night: St. Faithleach’s GAA Registration Night takes place in the clubhouse on Friday 18th January from 8-10pm. Whether you are a player, supporter or use the facilities to walk – support your community, support your local GAA club and become a member. Family €130, Adult Player €80, Student /U18 €40, Social €30.
Ireland Lights Up: Ireland Lights Up: As part of Operation Transformation St. Faithleach’s GAA are delighted to host “Ireland Lights Up “walks on club grounds from this Thursday 17th January as part of Operation Transformation. The weekly walks are designed to get people within the community out walking, talking, and connecting with each other. They not only improve your physical health but also your mental health. So, if you have not signed up yet please contact Eamon Gallagher or come along to the dressing rooms on club grounds this Thursday evening at 7pm. #community #StFaithleachs #IrelandLightsUp
U10 and U12 Girls Training: Indoor training continues for our U10 and U12 girls in Ballyleague Hall on Tuesday evenings, please contact Qona Cox or Sean Cox for more information.
Cards: Take place every Tuesday evening in the clubhouse, all welcome.
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