Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes
There is a time that you lose somebody in our community that would have always been seen a rock and that occurred on Tuesday last 8th June when the news broke of the death at his residence of Eamon Kenny, Blenavoher. His passing brought a great sadness to our community. Eamon was everything that was good about a person, he was a wonderful parish community man and a man who liked a pint in the company of friends. He had a great devotion to his faith. a farmer who tended his land with great care and attention, a conversationalist, a bus driver, a footballer, a card player, a wonderful neighbour and a dear friend. It was very clear that Eamon’s quiet, gentle and warm personality affected so many that was very evident by the numbers that lined the route from his house to St. Mary’s Church. His easy going and quite manner endeared him to everyone that came to know him down through the years. In a time when restrictions limit numbers attending it did not stop people travelling far and wide to attend by standing to salute his remains as they passed on the way for his Funeral Mass. Eamon in recent years fell into ill health and he was lovingly cared for by his devoted wife Freda and his family.
His remains reposed at his residence until his removal to St. Mary’s church on Thursday 10th for his Funeral Mass. Following Mass, he was laid to rest in Clonbonny Cemetery. To his wife Freda, daughters Colette and Sheila, son Mark, sister, Claire, brother John, relatives and a huge number of friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
Many congratulations to Shelia (nee Kenny) and her husband David Gilmore, Blenavoher, on the birth last week of a baby boy.
Book your boat trip.
After a lot of hard work and preparation, the town’s new passenger boat service for trips on the river Shannon commenced daily sailings. This service is on board the new access for all boat which will bring out both people with disability and also able-bodied passengers on the Shannon from the bridge and the marina in Ballyleague at 10.30am and 2.30pm Monday to Friday.
To book a seat call Lisa or Dylan here in town at 043 33 21734 or go online today and book at
Tidy Towns Lottery
The weekly Lanesboro Tidy Towns lottery draw took place in the Tourism Office on Tuesday morning 8th June for a jackpot of €3,400.
The numbers drawn for this week were 6, 8, 16 and 29. There was no winner of the jackpot and the jackpot for Tuesday 15th rose to €3,500.
The winner of the €50 consolation draw was Freda Kenny Blenavoher, and the three further prizes of €20 went to Caolán Kelly c/o XLNTEE, Antoinette Kenny and Elderona Farrell c/o XLNTEE.
Shearing the sheep
This is the time of the year that see that the sheep of the country are being sheared. We witness cars, vans and tractors are drawing trailers of wool to Farrell’s wool merchants for sale. This year there was a throwback to a sight and a time that even I cannot remember. On Saturday morning Lewis Hanley and his family arrived in town onboard a horse drawn cart with a delivery of wool. It was a sight that brought the town to a standstill as the they made their way into town past the church to the wool yard. The horse Charlie Brown and cart were owned by Tom Rooney who excellently held the reins throughout the trip from Lehery.
To the older generation it a was sight that they thought they never ever see again a real blast from the past. (See attached photo)

Lough Ree Athletic Club
Lough Ree Athletics club enjoyed another great day out with Margaret Mullooly at the Roscommon County Junior Athletic Championships in AIT this weekend. Fabian Walsh also joined us for the day still inspiring athletes giving support from the side lines. Well done to all the athletes.
The result of the day were: U9 Boys – Tadgh Shea 3rd 60m sprint and 2nd 300m
U10 Girls: Saoirse Dillion 2nd 60m sprint, 2nd 500m and 3rd turbo javelin
U10 Boys: Donncha Farrell: 1st 60m sprint, 1st 500m and 3rd Turbo Javelin
Cian Shea: 1st Turbo Javelin
Tom Hession: 2nd 60m sprint, 3rd 500m and 3rd long jump
U11 Girls: Faye Hogan 1st 60m sprint, 1st 600m and 1st Long Jump
U13 Boys: Rian Hogan 2nd Hurdles, 2nd Turbo Javelin, 3rd sprints and 3rd Long Jump

This photo will invoke many memories for many a generation of athletes that competed under the guidance of Fabian. It shows Fabian Walsh where is at his happiest attending an athletics meeting and spotting all the local stars of the future. Fabian has been the mainstay for the Lough Ree Athletic club for many years and it is great to see him really enjoying the day out in AIT.
Training continues every Tuesday at 6.30pm
Kayaking Summer Camp
The second Kayaking Summer Camp of the summer will start on Monday 12th July and will continue until Thursday 12th July under the skilful watch of instructor Junior Hannon. These courses have been ongoing over a number of years are hugely popular. Places are at a premium and if you are interested you should make an immediate booking. All gear will be supplied except for the wetsuit. It is for young people between the ages of 10 and 17 and it will take place in the old harbour from 10am until 12.30pm.
The cost of the course is €70 and you should phone 0872977769 to make your bookings.
Marathon Running
In the local sporting world Hugh O’Kane would come across many local people with his involvement in refereeing and officialdom in Basketball and GAA.
On his birthday 4th July he will be running a marathon in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital a cause very close to his heart and to many others too. He is looking for whatever support you can give him in raising badly needed funds. He expresses his deep gratitude in advance.
Rathcline 50/50
The Rathcline club’s 50/50 draw took place in Clarkes Bar following the reopening of the pubs. Teresa Fallon Ryan, Main Street was the lucky winner and she received €205.
Tickets are available online or in any of the local shops and the club would encourage your support.
St. John’s Church Services
Church Services have returned to St. John’s Church Lanesboro, and the next service is a Holy Communion service Sunday week 27th June.
Bring it Home
When tending to family graves in our local cemeteries you are asked to bring what you take off the grave home with you as there is no facility for collection anymore. For us all it is very important to have our family plot well-tended, but it is equally important that the graveyards is left in pristine conditions for those coming to visit. At this time of the year more and more people are travelling distances to visit graves of friends and family members and we need to ensure that all cemeteries and surrounding areas are clean, neat and tidy.
Club Longford
Tickets for the upcoming Club Longford are selling very well. With a lack of income going into the county board this draw is to raise desperately needed funding to enable the county teams meet their costs. Proof of the pudding that the money is being well spent when we seen Longford beat Munster Champions, Tipperary on Sunday last thus securing their status for next year’s league.
Tickets for the draw are priced €50 or 3 for €125 for a combined 1st prize of a Hyundai Tucson and a €2000 holiday at Center Parcs, 2nd prize is €2,000, 3rd prize 2 VIP tickets to a major concert in Croke Park, 4th prize €1,000 and 5th prize of €500.
Tickets can be bought from any of the Rathcline Club executive our county players senior and U20 or in O’Brien’s.
Buy your tickets early and you will be in for the next early bird additional draws that take place Sunday 27th June for €250. On Sunday 11th July One night stay in Kilronan Castle or Lough Rynn Castle with a dinner for two included and the final early bird draw takes place on Sunday 18th July for a €500 prize.
Lanesboro Library
Tel: 0433321291 Email:
Photocopying & Scanning services are available
Send into the library service you’re printing, and they will print for you.
Computer & Study facilities are unavailable as per Government guidelines.
Opening Hours are
Wednesday 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Grow it Forward with free seeds from your local library
Get your #GrowItForward Seed Kits while stocks last at the Library!!
Contact us if you would like to try growing Carrots, Tomatoes, Peas, Beetroot & Oriental Greens. Included in the kits also are some gift tags so you can share your produce with friends & family throughout the growing process!
Email or call 0433321291 to register for a seed kit.
Foreign Currency & Used Stamps
We are still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of Koins for Kids. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
We also collect used stamps in aid of ISPCC. Thank you.
All our Online Services can be accessed on our website by selecting ‘Your Online Library’.
Use your library card number and pin to log in to your account.
Friendly Phone Call Service
This service is organised by Longford Community Resources. If you or someone you know would like to have a friendly chat or if you want information on local services just phone Terri 087 2915367 or email Peter is another person that can be contacted for information – just call Peter on 083 3051786.
The club in association with Lanesboro Community College are staging a 5 aside Tournament for the local National Schools on This Thursday. The Peter Kelly Memorial Shield (generously sponsored by Stephen Kelly) will be presented to the winning school in the “A” section. The “B” section winners will be presented with a Shield sponsored by the Community College. There will be trophies for the Player of the Tournament and the Goal of the Tournament.
Competitive action resumed last week. While the results were mixed, all the players were delighted to get back playing games again. First in action were the under 12s and they turned on the style when getting the better of Ballymahon by a 6-3 margin. Oisin Dillon helped himself to 5 goals. The sixth goal was a real cracker from Mikie Sorohan.
The under 14s went down to a very good Melview team 4-1. While a number of injuries did not help Ballyboro’s cause Melview deserved their win. Wesley Hughes scored the Ballyboro goal.
The under 11s were in fine fettle as they recorded a comprehensive win over Stonepark. Their display augurs very well for the future.
The under 16s found a superior Kenagh United much too good for them on Sunday.
Both the under 11 and under 13 girls played Kenagh United in two exciting games. Honours remained even as the under 11s won their game while Kenagh emerged victorious in the under 13 game.
Ballyboro teams in action this week: Tuesday 15th U12s v UCL Harps in Dernafest, 7.30. Wednesday 16th, U13s v Kenagh United in Abbeycartron, 8.15. Thursday 17th, U14s v Newtown in Newtownforbes, 7.30. U13 girls v Ballymahon in Ballymahon, 7.30. Saturday 19th, U16 Lions v Newtown in Newtown 11am. U16 Harps v Ballymahon in Ballymahon, 11am.
St. Mary’s Church
Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesdays in the church from 10.30 to 8pm. It is very important that there will be at least two people in the church for each hour. Of the Adoration.
Celebration of Mass
When Mass is celebrated online the first two rows of the church are clearly visible. The new system has now been fully put in place and to avail of Mass online click on to join in the Mass ceremony in our church.
Weekend Masses.
Mass: the maximum number allowed at Mass will be 50.
Holy Communion: will be distributed in the hand only.
Holy Water fonts will remain empty.
Funerals: a maximum of 50 mourners are permitted in the church
Marriages: a maximum of 50 guests are permitted at the marriage ceremony
First Friday and Communion Calls: calls may take place with prior approval of the household.
Confession: the Sacrament may take place in the Church and not in the confessional
Everyone attending the Church are reminded to observe social distancing, and to avail of the hand sanitising stations in the Church.
Weekend Masses
On Saturday evening next Mass at 7.30pm we welcome those from Rathcline and Radharc na Muileann.
At 9.30am Mass on Sunday the townsland of Rathcline Road and Rapparee Hill.
The 11.30am Mass will see parishioners from the Green, Thureen and Tullyvrane.
Mass intentions will continue to be booked for weekdays for the present. People wishing to book masses can do so by contacting Fr Sergiy before or after mass during the week in the Sacristy. All that have booked masses are asked to rebook them for weekdays for the foreseeable future.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Friday evenings, starting this Friday evening and it will take place between 6pm and 6.45pm. Exposition will be followed Mass at 7pm. It is also an opportunity to avail of the opportunity for Confession.
Parish contacts
Fr. Sergiy Ruchenko can be contacted at the presbytery or by phoning 3321166 or 0833892362. Alternatively, you can contact Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who are assisting Fr. Sergiy during his ministery in the parish.
Shannon Gaels Minor Club
The club would like to extend our deepest sympathy to our club secretary Mark Kenny, on the death of his father Eamon Kenny, Blenavoher. We also extend our sympathy to Eamon’s wife Freda, Mark’s sisters, Colette and Sheila, Eamon’s sister Claire and brother Johnny.
Eamon was a great community and club man who served all our club grades with a great dedication for so many years until retirement brought his glorious Rathcline club career to an end.
The minor club would like to thank everyone of its members and players past and present that attended the guard of honour.
Current training schedules
The current timetables have just been announced and all players are asked to be in attendance. Wednesday – Under 15/16/17 at 6pm and Under 18’s at 7pm. On Friday Under 15/16/17 at 5.30pm; Under 7 at 6.40pm, Under 9/11/12-13 at 6.30pm (4 groups with half pitch each). At 7.30pm on Friday the Under 18’s train.
Underage lead coaches
The following is the list of lead coaches with each age group. If you need to contact any of them, please contact our secretary Mark 085 1744376 or or call into O’Brien’s for contact details or phone me (Joe) at 086 2460840.
Under 7 – John Healy and Michelle Kelly; Under 9 – Paul Hession and Vinnie Farrell, Under 11 – Mark Kenny and Duncan Murphy, Under 12’s and 13’s – Stephen Rooney and James Casey, Under 14 and 15 – Sean Farrell and Lee Cullen, Under 16 and 17 – Padraig O’Dowd and Sean Casey, Under 18 Seadna Ryan and Sean Kenny.