Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes
Rescue on the Shannon
John Fallon came to me on Wednesday last having spoken to distressed people on a cruiser that had just moored at the quay wall.
The issue was that there was a person crying for help around the cut and their boat could not reach them. I immediately phoned the Lough Ree Sub Aqua club member Tracy Gray and in a very short while along with her husband Micheál Farrell they had the Search and Rescue boat on the water. In the meantime, a person got on a rib from their own cruiser and went back up to the cut where they managed to get the person onto their rib and were on their way back when they Sub Aqua boat arrived. A phone call to the RNLI was also made and their helicopter service sprang immediately into action and were in the bay area within a very short period of time. The injured party was brought to shore where the ambulance service looked after him giving excellent care and attention.
All in all, everything worked out very well for the individual. It was especially pleasing to see the reaction and speed of all of the rescue and ambulance services. Not that we ever want it to happen again, but it was great to see all the rescue and ambulance services reacting so swiftly and displaying a fantastic range of expertise and working together as one unit.
We thank and congratulate all the emergency services for a job well done.
New Defibrillator
It is with a great sense of pleasure that I record that a new defibrillator is now in situ in Lanesboro. The new defibrillator has been placed on the cross in the Green. This additional defibrillator will add extra cover for the Green, Knock and church area.
What we need now are new people prepared to get trained in the use of the defibrillator and also to have people doing their refresher courses.
There will be a new course beginning shortly and if you want to be included in the new course or refresher course you are invited to leave your name and phone number with Martina O’Brien in the shop or ring Martina at 086 3858934.
Last of Music Concerts
Saturday next 28th Aug from 4pm Turquoise Orange will play the final music session of the season at the Distillery Yard.
The concerts have proven to be very popular, and it was a wonderful initiative put together by Shane Crossan, Longford County Council and the Clancy’s.
There has been wonderful comment by members the boating fraternity who availed of the concerts whilst moored in Ballyleague. The music sessions brought many people to Lanesboro to experience the music and it show off what we had to offer in our community on the east and west banks as well as the town.
We would like to thank everyone of those mentioned above for the concept and the added life it brought to us over the summer months.
Schools reopening
Next week will see all our local students return to Primary and Second Level schools in the area. We wish them and their teachers a happy and safe time back in their seats of learning.
Boat trips booking out very fast
With fabulous weather forecast for the coming week and through the weekend there is no doubt that the Access for All boat will be one of the most popular boat trips on the Shannon. The Access for All boat is making trips three times a day Monday to Sunday – 10am, 12 noon and 2.30pm. It has become a wonderful success with many people going on several repeat trips. The trips cater for both able bodied and those with disabilities. Bookings continue to be very high and early booking is advisable to ensure travelling at your chosen time and day.
This is an absolutely brilliant trip with an excellent on-board staff that will make the 1½ hour trip feel like a very short time.
To book a seat call Lisa or Dylan at 043 33 21734 or go online today and book at
Winning Start
St. Faithleach’s commenced their Intermediate championship campaign on Saturday evening last in Rockfield, Oran. The group is particularity strong with heavyweights St. Dominick’s, Kilbride joining Éire Óg and St. Faithleach’s. Saturday evening was a great start for the local St. Faithleach’s panel when the overcame Éire Óg. The next game is against Kilmore.
Rathcline begin their senior championship campaign on Friday week 3rd September when they take on Granard in Michael Fay Park, Farneyhoogan at 8pm
We wish both clubs the very best of luck in their respective championships.
Pathway almost completed
The pathway along the Ballymahon Road is now almost complete and it will bring great enjoyment for the many walkers in our community. This pathway will add another walking area in the community and will extend the number of miles for all our avid walkers.
Christmas in June
Barbara Dowling, a proud 52-year-old Kerry woman, living on Saints Island, Newtowncashel with her husband Paul, son Oisín and dog tuppence had her world turned upside down in July ’19 when her doctor sent her for medical assessment or as she says herself an NCT. What was supposed to be routine tests turned into immediate admission to Portiuncla and an eight-week stint in three hospitals, Portiuncla, University Hospital Galway and Beaumont. Barbara was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, MS and thyroid cancer. Following treatment, two years on Barba has been declared as cancer free.
As Barbara says” to look at me I look healthy but medial tests tells a completely different story. My Physio, David told me I spectacularly failed the balance test and that I was 100% falls risk and that I had jelly legs”
June 2021 2 canoes entered the house on Saints Island and while the two men in her life were having a ball she was left to watch only. Barbara could get into the canoe, but she could not get out due to the jelly legs. A sit-on kayak was suggested and on the first of July Barbara went onto the water for the first time and since then has not looked back.
Barbara, a classical clarinettist and peripatetic woodwind teacher who had the honour of been the first female to serve in the band of the Western Command. She approached Brain Tumour Ireland to see if they would be interested in benefiting from a concert that she was planning to put on. The concert would have an orchestra of over 200, choir of over 400, four conductors and all musicians and singers giving freely of their time. As well as Ireland the same participants are travelling from America, Spain, Denmark, France and the UK. There will also amateurs, and professional musicians from RTÉ orchestras, Army bands, Garda band and the BBC. The biggest surprise is that the concert is not taking place at Christmas but on 22nd June 2022 in the Waterford Institute of Technology Arena, in Waterford.
Putting on the concert will cost in the region of €5000 and Barbara is determined to raise the funds needed so that all monies raised from the event will go to Brain Tumour Ireland. It would be especially great if a sponsor could come forward hence the money from the fundraising to pay for the event could also go to BTI.
Barbara as part of her fundraising is going to paddle the length of Lough Ree (32km) on Saturday 25th September (weather permitting). If you would like to support Barbara on her quest you can do so on her funding page . If you wish to sponsor the event you can contact Barbara at

Tidy Towns Lottery
The weekly Lanesboro Tidy Towns lottery draw took place in the Tourism Office on Tuesday morning 17th August for a jackpot of €4,400.
The numbers drawn for this week were 2, 14, 24 and 26. There was no winner of the jackpot and the jackpot for Tuesday 24th August rose to €4,500.
The winner of the €50 consolation draw was won by Lisa Mullane, c/o Jean, and the three €20 prizes were JAMP c/o Mike Greene, Pam Feeney, Rathcline, and Mae Casey, Lehery.
Captain’s Prize
Many congratulations to Oliver Murphy who on Sunday last won the Captain’s Prize at Longford Golf Club
Lanesboro Community Games
The Lanesboro Community Games took place at the track on Sunday 15th August and the following are the results:
U8 Girls 1st Áine Casey, 2nd Laoise Farrell, 3rd Ruth Johnston.
U8 Boys 1st Sean Hogan, 2nd Jake Nolan, 3rd Mark Hession
U10 Girls 100m 1st Faye Hogan, 2nd Saoirse Feeney, 3rd Saoirse Dillon
U10 Girls- 200m 1st Faye Hogan, 2nd Saoirse Dillon, 3rd Saoirse Feeney
U10 Boys 100m 1st Donncha Farrell, 2nd Niall Morgan, 3rd Tom Hession
U10 Boys 200m 1st Donncha Farrell, 2nd Tom Hession, 3rd Niall Morgan
Girls U12 100m 1st Hannah Farrell, 2nd Laura Rhatigan
Girls U12 600m 1st Hannah Farrell, 2nd Laura Rhatigan
Boys U12 100m 1st Oisin Dillon, 2nd Tim Kenny, 3rd Dan Casey
Boys U12 600m 1st Oisin Dillon, 2nd Tim Kenny, 3rd Dan Casey
Girls U14 100m 1st Emma Feeney
Girls U14 800m 1st Emma Feeney
Boys U14 100m 1st Rian Hogan, 2nd Calum: Farrell
Boys U14 800m 1st Calum Farrell, 2nd Rian Hogan
Long Puc 1st Stephen Farrell, 2nd Dan Casey, 3rd Tim Kenny
The Community Games County Finals took place on Sunday last with all of our athletes reaching their respective county finals. Those that medalled were
Girls U10 200m 1st Faye Hogan
Boys U10 100m 3rd Donncha Farrell
Boys U12 100m 2nd Tim Kenny
Boys U12 600m 1st Oisin Dillon
Boys U14 100m 3rd Rian Hogan
Lough Ree Athletics Club
The club welcomes all young people interested in taking part in track and field athletics to come along and share in the great times with the Lough Ree Athletic Club. Coaching takes place every Tuesday evening at 6.30pm.
Rathcline 50/50
The Rathcline club’s 50/50 draw took place on Tuesday night 17th August in Clarke’s Bar. The winning envelope was in the joint names of Johnny Malone and Mary Rhatigan c/o The Yacht Bar who shared €160 between them. The club would like to thank everyone for their generous support.
Tickets are available online or in any of the local shops and the club would encourage your support.
The draw for two tickets for last Sunday’s Hurling All-Ireland Final was won by Alan Hanley, Corrigeen.
St. Faithleach’s Lottery
On Tuesday of last week 10th August, the St. Faithleach’s Lottery for a jackpot of €12,000 took place at the clubhouse. The numbers drawn were 1, 12, 13 and 28. There was nobody with these numbers and the jackpot for Tuesday next 24th August remains at the capped €12,000. The three winners of the €40 consolation prizes were won by Dan Cox, Curraghroe, Margaret Percival, Kenagh and Shay Rohan, Ballagh.
Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated and tickets are on sale at local outlets including O’Brien’s shop.
Living well Programme
New September Dates announced for the HSE Living Well Programme
If you are living with a long-term health condition this programme will help you learn the tools to live a healthy and active life. For more information or to book your place contact Olga on 086 6078950 or by email
Please note you do not have to disclose your health condition on the programme You can find out more information on the programme on the
Lanesboro Library
Tel: 0433321291 Email:
Photocopying & Scanning services are available
Send on your printing and the library service will print for you.
Computer & Study facilities are unavailable as per Government guidelines.
The library opening hours are
Wednesday 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm
Friday 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Summer Stars Reading Programme
Summer Stars reading programme is in full swing at the library. Drop in and pick up your Reading Card and pick up some little gifts as you read over the summer months!
Foreign Currency & Used Stamps
We are still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of Koins for Kids. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
We also collect used stamps in aid of ISPCC. Thank you.
All our Online Services can be accessed on our website by selecting ‘Your Online Library’.
Use your library card number & pin to log in to your account.
St. Mary’s Church
Weekend Masses
On Saturday evening next Mass at 7.30pm those from Fermoyle, Green Gardens, Gurteengar, Killinure and Knock Manor.
At 9.30am Mass on Sunday it will be turn of Knock, Lehery and Lismacmanus.
The 11.30am Mass will see parishioners from Lisduff, Lisnacusha, Lisrevagh, Mahoraveen, Main Street and Mount Davis.
Weekend Offerings It would be greatly appreciated if your weekend offerings for a number of weeks were enclosed in one envelope and the total amount of your contribution written on that envelope. Using each weekly envelope to make a donation is not necessary as your contribution is credited to your account number on the envelope, on the week of your donation.
Priest dues, monthly etc. are separate and the usual envelopes in the box should be used.
Thank you for your continued contributions.
Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesdays in the church from 10.30 to 8pm. It is very important that there will be at least two people in the church for each hour of the Adoration.
Mass intentions will continue to be booked for weekdays for the present. People wishing to book masses can do so by contacting Fr Sergiy before or after mass during the week in the Sacristy. All that have booked masses are asked to rebook them for weekdays for the foreseeable future.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Friday evenings, starting this Friday evening and it will take place between 6pm and 6.45pm. Exposition will be followed Mass at 7pm. It is also an opportunity to avail of the opportunity for Confession.
Parish contacts
Fr. Sergiy can be contacted at the presbytery or by phoning 3321166 or 0833892362. For added support and assistance, you can also contact Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Accord Catholic Marriage Care service is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. You may contact the Marriage Care Service by email at The closing date for receipt of registration of interest is Friday 27th August. For more information visit
Shannon Gaels Minor Club
Under 12 – On Monday 16th August our U12 team played Clonbroney with a winning result guaranteeing us a place in the final. We were not to be disappointed after a very tight game we came out on a scoreline 0-33 to 0-29pts.
On Monday next 30th August we travel to Devine Park., Edgeworthstown to play the home side in the Cup Final at 7pm. We look forward to a big support travelling to support the lads. We also wish Eoghan Mullooly a speedy recovery from his wrist injury