Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
Try the Triathlon
Covid Freedom. What a wonderful way to celebrate the lifting of the Covid restrictions than to take the opportunity to join in the Zero2Tri. Current National Triathlon Club of the Year, Lanesboro Triathlon Club is offering you the unique opportunity of trying out the sport of triathlon. The club is commencing a beginner’s programme ‘Zero2Tri’ for anyone that would like the prospect of competing in upcoming triathlons. As you know the disciplines that make up the triathlon are Swimming, Cycling and Running. In this Zero2Tri programme the club is keen to welcome novice swimmers.
The launch night for the Zero2Tri is on Saturday next 26th February in the club room (N39 D3C3) at 6.30pm on Main Street, Lanesboro.
If you are new to our area and already completed Triathlons you are very welcome to join the club.
For information on the Zero2Tri and membership please contact
Congratulations to Melanie and Liam Donohue, Lehery, on the birth of a baby boy last week.
Those on the Rathcline Road up to Harold’s Cross have had their access to the town greatly affected over the past 3 months. The good news for the residents on this stretch is that the work is almost complete. However, the work will now continue from Harold’s Cross right up to the water reservoir on top of the hill of Carraroe and the residents on this stretch will be disrupted up until mid-April.
Work on the Main Street commenced on Monday and this disruption to the town traffic, residents and business will be for 10 weeks. The work on the Main Street will entail taking up the brick footpaths, the kerb stones and the replacement with a new pathway right down to the bridge. It will also entail the complete resurfacing of the Main Street.
Chairman of the Lanesboro Ballyleague Collaboration Group Vincent McGowan has appealed that this work would continue 15 to 20 metres over the bridge to correct the uneven section of road on the Ballyleague side. Let’s hope that this work will be done while the contractors are in town.
Closing and Thank You
Your generosity to Longford Meals on Wheels has been truly excellent. Longford Social Services/Meals on Wheels plays a huge part in supply meals throughout our community for many years and your acknowledgement by your response to their call for support has been remarkable.
Money continues to be left into O’Brien’s and we would like to say a huge thank you. The appeal will close on Monday next 28th February.
Former Resident Passes Away
The community was aghast as the news broke on Monday last of the sudden death on Sunday 13th February of Ian Hester. Ian was predeceased by his father John and mother Mary and his brother Michael less than eight weeks ago. Ian who lived and worked the ancestral home in Ballinaheglish, Co. Roscommon. Ian farmed the family homestead, was a man who had a tremendous interest in the nature and the environment. He was an avid follower of music in particular Irish Music. Following the death of his great friend, Larry Kelly, Ian ran a successful weekend in his honour for a number of years. He was a man of great intelligence, with great vision and a great conversationalist. As a youngster he was an excellent footballer with the schools and Shannon Gaels underage teams. Ian will be sadly missed by all of us that had the pleasure of his company.
Ian’s remains reposed at Smyth’s Funeral Home, Roscommon on Wednesday evening and was followed by a funeral service celebrating Ian’s life. The service concluded with some traditional music as was fitting. A private cremation will then take place at a later date with the interment of ashes afterwards in the family grave in Oran Cemetery.
To his sister Sylvia, brothers, Eugene and Edmund, relatives and friends we extend our sincer sympathy.
Community Challenge
Roscommon Community Challenge 2022…………It’s the final countdown as we approach Friday March the 4th and The Roscommon Community Challenge 2022. There has been a hugely positive response to training and registrations and demand for tickets is high. Due to the constraints associated with Covid there will be no registration on the night and participants are encouraged to register online in advance using this link.
Since January almost 100 people have signed up to be part of the training programme for this challenge. Everyone has progressed in their journey to get fitter and healthier and all now look forward in anticipation to March 4th. Without doubt, none of this would be possible without the encouragement and professionalism received from Roscommon Sports Partnership and organisers are extremely grateful to Co Ordinator Noel Feeley and his staff David Brady, Daire Feeley and Michaela Fallon for all their support. There is no doubting that this challenge wouldn’t be the great event it is without their help. Beneficiaries of this year’s event will be Roscommon Special Olympics and Roscommon Community Sports Park. Roscommon has a huge and proud association with Special Olympics. There is a thriving club within the county with bowlers and swimmers meeting every week and the Club are looking forward to resuming on the Astro pitch at Roscommon Community Sports Park shortly. Roscommon Special Olympics are very grateful to the Community Sports Park, Sharon and her staff at Roscommon Leisure Centre and Michael and his staff at Roscommon Leisure Zone, for the use of their facilities. Like all groups it has been extremely hard to fundraise over the last 2 years so this event is very important to Roscommon Special Olympics and proceeds will enable the continued provision of these sports to a most wonderful bunch of fantastic athletes. This community event is for everyone, walkers’ runners, joggers, individuals’ team, and families, those looking to set a time for 2022 and those that would like to improve on previous timings. Thank you to Roscommon Harriers for aiding with the clock on the night. The public are encouraged to come out and enjoy the evening, and most importantly enjoy the cuppa afterwards, weren’t we all cocooning and restricted for long enough let’s get out and about now and enjoy.
If you are a Business or Service Provider and would like to share your products and/or services with us, please contact Jacqui on 0861721181 as soon as possible to discuss. It’s been a tough 2 years let us help you……to help us… promote each other.
See advertisement in attachment
Rathcline 50/50
The Rathcline club is now looking to reinvigorate the performance of weekly lotto. The 50/50 draw is the catalyst for the successful day to day running of club affairs. In 2021, it was proven that the senior team is ultra-competitive at senior level with serious expectations of success in 2022. In tandem, they now have a fantastic Junior squad which has brought an additional excitement to our parish. Combined with the club’s financial obligations to the Credit Union, affiliation fees and insurance; the club is highly dependent on the success of the weekly 50/50 draw. The attraction of the Club 50/50 is unique with one guaranteed winner every week. And if you are not in, you can’t win! The more entries: the bigger the pot of money to be won! The success of our draw lies with everyone with an invested interest in Rathcline GAA. For this reason, we are encouraging the uptake of yearly subscriptions (Pink Tickets priced at €100) and 6 monthly subscriptions (Green Tickets priced at €50).
Subscriptions can be given to any member of the executive or can be bought using the online Clubspot App (download from the App Store on your smart phone) or from Joe/Martina in O’Brien’s Shop.
The Rathcline 50/50 draw took place on Tuesday night 14th February in the Adie’s bar. The winner of this week’s 50/50 draw was Maria Jordan, Derryadd, Killashee who won €228.70. The draw on Monday night 21st February is taking place in the Clarke’s bar. The club would like to thank everyone for their continued support and would encourage everyone to become involved in the weekly draw.

Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. Contact Assumpta for information by phoning her on 086 8114135
Pioneer Association
The Pioneer Association website is or join them on Facebook Pioneers Total Abstinence Association. Why not go in and have a look and find out a bit more about the Pioneer Association.
Thank You
The organising committee of the Mega Mary’s Meals draw would like to earnestly thank everyone that supported their recent draw. The draw through your generosity was a huge success. The winner of the Volkswagen Golf was Paul Brady from Ennybegs, Killoe. 2nd Prize (Lenovo Laptop) – Lisa McMonagle, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, 3rd Prize (€500 Center Parcs voucher) – Conor MacBean, Tipperary, 4th Prize (€150 voucher for Herterich butchers, Longford) – Mary Traynor, Glaslough, Monaghan and 5th Prize (€100 voucher for Escobar, Longford) – David Kelly, Granard, Longford
Blow Ins – The Book
Andrew Knowles along with his wife Angie arrived in Lanesboro back in 2017. It was a decision on where they wanted to retire rather than the work that Andrew was doing after their move. He was born in Derbyshire while she was of Irish parentage and after 27 years of marriage in ’17 they aways wanted to retire to Ireland having been here on holidays in excess of 20 times prior to the move. Both have excellent personalities something that made their integration in Lanesboro, initially renting, and now their family residence in Ballyleague thoroughly seamless. Andrew is a very keen sportsman having played Cricket, soccer, rugby and hockey in his playing days. Angie is a very keen walker and can be see walking her dog far and wide on a daily basis. Both are excellent conversationalists and great company and they involve themselves and support all things local.
No matter where Andrew travelled, he had always been asked why he moved to Ireland and this persistent questioning moved him to detailing his reasons. In conversations it was suggested he write a book of his experiences which he did with this book>>>>>>>>>>>. Although reticent at the time his confidence grew and he embarked on putting the text for the book together. What he has produced is light reading detailing a life well spent and a lovely read. Last week the book became available and once word got out his initial order sold out immediately. There are many now waiting with great expectations to get their hands on the book when the next order arrives later in the week. The book will be on sale for just €10 and there is no doubt that it is a book worth reading.
Longford Learning Support
Learning Support Group will commence in Longford to assist primary and post-primary students who are experiencing learning difficulties.
Experienced Primary/Post-primary qualified tutors with Learning Support/ Dyslexia qualifications. Friendly, welcoming learning environment. For more details, please contact Nuala at 089 214 6666.
Convert your old VHS Tapes
Like many of us there are a multitude of old VHS tapes hanging around our houses and we do not know what to do with them. Declan Gilmore has come up with the solution. He will convert your old VHS tapes to DVD, USB or memory stick. Declan has the facility to convert and now he is offering a local opportunity to get your old VHS tapes converted.
Call Declan at 086 8342935
Passport Problems
During chats during the week, I was amazed to learn of long delays in processing first time passport applications. As we are emerging for the Covid restrictions and foreign travel is beginning again it is hard to imagine that first time passport seekers are having difficulties in obtaining their passports. This is a major worry for parents seeking first time passports for their children as they contemplate going on a foreign holiday.
Pioneer Association
For anyone interested in becoming a member in the Pioneer Association can do so by contacting the local contact in your parish. In the parish of Rathcline you should contact Breda Moran or Anne Carroll. A new pioneer newsletter of at least five issues a year will replace the weekly magazine and will be posted to directly to all contributors. It will cost just €20 for your yearly subscription. Please give your name, address and your subscription to Anne Carroll.
Addictive behaviour has increased during the Covid pandemic; the Pioneer Association can be of support and refuge to those that are suffering.
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Tidy Towns
On Tuesday 15th February the jackpot stood at €6,900 and if it was not won it will rise to €7,000 for the 22nd February draw. The winning numbers drawn on the 15th were 20, 27, 29 and 30. The winner of the €50 prize was won by Jack and Billy c/o Mags and the three €20 winners were Rosie Rhatigan, c/o Yacht Bar, P.J. Donnellan c/o Mags and Molly, Lucy and Emma c/o Yacht Bar.
Lanesboro Library
Tel: 043 332129. Email:
Children’s Story-Time with Longford Author Eileen Moynihan
To celebrate Ireland Reads Day, we will have Storytime with Children’s Author Eileen Moynihan at Lanesboro Library on Friday 25th February at 12noon. This is a free event and will suit children aged 3 – 7years. To book contact Stella on 0433321291 or email
#Storytime #IrelandReadsDay
Poetry & Music Circle
Next meeting of the Poetry & Music circle takes place on Thursday 24th February 3-4.30pm.
As we celebrate Ireland Reads Day, we will have Kieran Furey (former member of Lasrai Writers Group) speak about some of his favourite books, and also local author Andrew Knowles will read from his newly published book ‘Blow Ins – From There to Here’!
We will have music from the very talented Mary McGushin and Paddy Baxter, and as always some really lovely poetry and stories from our Poetry & Music Circle. All welcome to come along to join in.
Knitting & Crochet Group
Knitting & Crochet Group continues every Tuesday 2-4pm. Come along for a chat and a cuppa!
All welcome.
Beginners Coding Course
Beginners Coding with Siobhan starting soon at Lanesboro Library.
Course is open to children age 8+ and will run for 6 weeks. Class size limited so book early to avoid disappointment!
Contact Stella on 0433321291 or email to book a place.
Art Classes for Adults
The very talented Stephanie Hanlon will run a 4-week Art Class for Adults at Lanesboro Library. Classes will run on Tuesday evenings 6.15-7.30pm starting March 1st.
Cost €10 each week and bring you are asked to bring your own supplies. Booking is essential by contacting Stella on 0433321291 or email
Easter Flower Arranging Classes
Mary Holmes will run 3-week Flower Arranging classes at the library starting on Tuesday evening 29th March at 6.15pm.
Each class costs €10. Learn to make a posy, a tulip basket and an Easter arrangement!
Booking is essential by contacting Stella on 0433321291 or email
Longford Memories Book
This wonderful book by Brian Farrell, ‘Longford Memories – Reflections in a Time of Pandemic’ features interviews with our very own John Casey, Mary McGushin, Mai Casey and Chris Kennelly. Books are available to purchase at the library for €5. Contact Stella for details at 0433321291 or email .
Foreign Currency & Used Stamps
The library is still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of Koins for Kids. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
They also collect used stamps in aid of ISPCC. Thank you.
St. Mary’s Church
Mass attendances
Now that restriction regarding numbers have been lifted you are all invited back to Mass in St. Mary’s. Feel free to return to a mass of your choice.
It is very important to note that you must still avail of the sanitising stations in and around the church and conform with the regulations regarding the continuing wearing of masks.
Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesdays in the church from 10.30am until 8pm. It is very important that there will be at least two people in the church for each hour of the Adoration.
Mass intentions will continue to be booked for weekdays for the present. People wishing to book masses can do so by contacting Fr Sergiy before or after mass during the week in the Sacristy. All that have booked masses are asked to rebook them for weekdays for the foreseeable future.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament has resumed on Friday evenings, starting this Friday evening and it will take place between 6pm and 6.45pm. Exposition will be followed Mass at 7pm. It is also an opportunity to avail of the opportunity for Confession.
Parish contacts
Fr. Sergiy can be contacted at the presbytery or by phoning 3321166 or 0833892362. For added support and assistance, you can also contact Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Shannon Gaels
As we now return to training and underage playing competitions beginning – CLUB REGISTRATION is now OPEN for 2022. All registration is completed online via (Return To Play | Membership | Games Management) system.
The club would like to welcome all recent and new residents to the parish of Rathcline and we would like to invite you and your family to be part of our club. The club involves itself in underage games for the youngsters of the parish and integrates new people to our parish into the community and we would love to have you as part of our GAA family.
Contact Mark @ if you have any queries about the Shannon Gaels Minor club or the registration process via Foireann.
Parents can also drop into me in the shop for information on registration.
Cúl Camp
The date has just become available, and we are publishing the date of the Longford GAA Cúl Camp in Clonbonny so that parents can organise holidays and not have the disappointment of their kids missing the camp. The camp will take place from Monday 11th July.
In recent times a number of local families suffered bereavements including our chairman, Sean McDermott. Some former minor club players and indeed great supporting families we bereaved, and the club would like to extend our deepest sympathy to you all on your sorrowful loss.
Rathcline GAA notes
See attachment of PRO Cathal Chapman’s update on the club