Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
Lanesboro ICA Returns
Following the summer break the Lanesboro ICA Guild returns to its usual slot of the second Wednesday of the month from 8pm until 9.30pm. The first meeting of the new term is on Wednesday 14th September.
The local guild would like to encourage new members to join and play their part in a thriving guild in Lanesboro. Lanesboro guild takes in the Rathcline and Kilgefin parish areas.
If further information is required you are asked to call Margaret 086 3750697.
Many congratulations to Laura Peters daughter of Steve and Marie Peters, Clonfower and Ciarán Crowe son of Michael and Finola Crowe, Sandymount, Dublin who announced their engagement recently.
Work Update
Excitement was in the air on Thursday morning last 1st September when the work commenced at the back of the Lanesbrew Coffee shop on Main Street. The work will create a sensory garden and Incubation Food Pods. It is expected to have all up and running next April. Many congratulations to Stephen Dowd for his determination in seeing this project commence.
Rose of Tralee
Rachael Duffy became Rose of Tralee a few weeks back amidst great jubilation in the County of Westmeath and her native home place of Rosemount. Within our community we had families celebrating the winning Rose, Rachael, and the jubilations were just majestic. Rachel boyfriend is Stephen Dowd, and the Duffy family name takes us to Mahoraveen where Rachael families are cousins of Johnny Duffy and his family.
Our deepest sympathy to Patricia and Tony Manning, Ballyleague and their extended family on the death on Saturday 27th August of Patricia’s sister Kathleen Sullivan.
Cupid strikes on the Strokestown Road
Congratulations to Ciaráin Murtagh, son of Andy and Breda Murtagh, Strokestown Road and Mary Lou Buckley, daughter of Jer and Alice Buckley, Glanmire, Cork.
Congratulations to Michelle Corcoran daughter of Tom and Mary Corcoran, Strokestown Road and James Ryan son of Noel and Mary Ryan, Castlerea on the recent announcement of their engagement.
Flower boxes damaged
Last week some very senseless people as they were crossing the bridge decided that it would be fun to pull flowers out of the planters on the bridge and throw them into the Shannon. Both communities are working very hard to improve the image of our community and this disgraceful behaviour sullies the image. If you know anything of this bad act please contact the local Gardaí.

The marriage took place on Friday 26th August in the Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon of Kerrie Connell daughter of Mick and Mary Connell, Cloontuskert and Darren Dune son of Tony and the late Winnie Dunne, Kilconnell, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. Matron of Honor was Erin Corroon sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Shannon Whitlow, Lee Connell’s fiancée and soon to be sister in law of Kerrie and Megan Banahan cousin of the bride. Bestman was Steve Donoghue friend of the groom, and groomsmen were Lee Connell brother in law of the groom and Tom Fitzpatrick friend of the groom. Ring Bearer was Edward McKenna nephew of the groom while flower girl was Evie Corroon niece of the bride. The marriage ceremony was celebrated by Fr Eamon O’Connor, Strokestown. The wedding reception was held in the Lough Rea Hotel and Spa.
We wish the happy couple many years of wedded happiness.
Replacement Grotto
A few short months ago the grotto at the entrance to both the Cloontuskert housing estate and Cloontuskert cemetery was completely destroyed in a storm by falling trees. A few short months later with the support of the grotto and graveyard committee and the benevolence and generosity of local businesses, those that worked on the rebuild and those that donated to the grotto appeal the newly built grotto was blessed and rededicated. The workmanship done on the new grotto is truly a credit to all those that were involved and it is truly worth a visit. It enhances the entrance to Cloontuskert and brings a tremendous pride to the community.
The committee of Sean Carthy, Johnny Malone, Peter Cox, Áine O’Halloran and Dympna Trautt has every reason to be filled with pride for the fabulous work they did in replacing the old grotto so swiftly and excellently as you can see from the picture.

It was brought to my attention over the weekend of vandalism carried out at Lanesboro Ballyleague Community Pre-school. As you know the pre-school is the old boy’s school on the Green. It is believed that it was two youths that did the depredation at the pre-school and if your noticed any young people with paint on their clothing on Saturday evening please contact the local Gardaí and let them deal with it.
Ireland’s Best Junior Baker
A thousand congratulations to Rachael Hanley daughter of Michael and Noreen Hanley, Ballyleague who last week was announced as Ireland’s Best Junior Baker. Banana importer Fyffes set the task to find Irelands most creative and imaginative meal-makers and the 13-17 age group they were highly impressed by 14 year old Rachael.
Well known TV chef Donal Skehan whose previous collaborations with Fyffes led to the discovery of Ireland’s most creative banana bread bakers and banana dessert makers. issued the challenge and the conditions. The challenge was taken up by a vast number of entrants from all over the country.
This year, Skehan broadened his search to find the most delicious dish, from first to final course, savoury or sweet, in which a banana is the key ingredient.
The triumph of Rachel in such a stiff competition is truly magnificent. She is following in the footstep of her mother Noreen who herself is a very talented baker.
Rachael is a student of Lanesboro Community College.
Local creative Artist
One of the most creative people in our community has to be local Ballyglass man Tom Gill. His eye for inventiveness is incredible and he can see creativity in what we would dismiss. Tom has been making creative items for the past couple of years bringing many a smile to the faces of people. Some of Tom’s artistic work recently travelled to the Iverk Show at Pilltown in County Kilkenny. The Iverk Show is recognized to be Ireland’s oldest show and has stood the test of time due to its quality.
See below the two winning artistic works created by Tom and were first prize winners. Well done Tom and may you always have an eye for creativity.

Mat Pilates with Regina
A new season of mat Pilates with Regina will commence in St. Mary’s Parish Hall on this Thursday 8th September with a start time of 7.30pm. For further information please phone 087 2485822.
Tidy Towns Lottery
On Tuesday 30th August the jackpot for the Lanesboro Tidy Towns lottery stood at €9,700 and as it was not won the jackpot rose to €9,800 for the draw on Tuesday 6th September. The winning numbers drawn on the 30th August were 1, 4, 22 and 24. The winner of the €50 prize was Kathleen and Emily Morris, Church View and the three €20 winners were Pearse McGann c/o the Yacht Bar, Chris Moran, Colehill and Mary Kelly, Rathcline Road.
The funds raised from the lottery is providing the financial support to do lots of planting around the town where the most recent is the ongoing creation of the orchard and the shrubs and roses planted on the recently renovated footpaths around the corner on the Longford Road and the flowers on the Ballymahon Road. Your continued support is enabling all the ongoing work and we encourage greater support for funding of these and other upcoming projects.
Garth Brook’s Tickets
The winners of the Garth Brook’s tickets in the Rathcline draw were Padraig O’Dowd, Rathcline Road, Oliver Murphy, Longford Road, Mary Rhatigan, Fermoyle and Ciara Connaughton, Lanesboro.
Coffee Morning
The Lanesborough branch of Longford hospice is holding a coffee morning on Sunday September 25th from 10am until 12.30 pm in St. Mary’s Hall.
The Rathcline Senior club will hold their A.G.M. on Saturday 1st October in the Clubhouse in Clonbonny at 6pm. After what is turning into a great year for the young senior team it is very important that all members and those interested in football and its development in the parish of Rathcline turn up for the meeting.
St. Faithleach’s Lotto
Mary O’Neill pictured receiving her winning lotto cheques from Narain Dinash of the St. Faithleach’s club. Also in the picture are; back row Pat Joe Fallon, Sean Cox, Paddy O’Rourke, Joe O’Brien (seller of the winning ticket), Jimmy and Mary Mangan. Front row P.J. O’Neill son of Mary, Mary and Narain, Evelyn Keane Farrell and Claire Mullen Flynn.

Ladies Days
The Rathcline ladies had a very productive week last week when the ladies U12 and U14 teams brought home county titles to the parish. A huge amount of effort has gone in all year by the girls and their managements. Their hard work really paid off and the girls got their due rewards.
The Under 12 panel and management were: Clodagh Martin, Grace Farrell, Lillie Dowd, Saoirse Dillon, Faye Hogan, Aoibheann Toher, Laura Rhatigan, Hannah Farrell, Emily McDermott, Emma and Sarah Hopkins, Niamh Casey, Amelia and Eva Farrell, Zoe Hassett, Saoirse Feeney, Ava Donohue, Sadbh Neilon, Kallie Herbert, Pippa O Shea, Erin Rumley, Alyssa Birmingham, Lucy Flynn. The team management was Eilish Dillon and Kieran Feeney.
The Under 14 panel and management were: Clodagh Martin, Lily Murray, Emma Dowd, Isabelle Farrell, Leona Farrell, Lauren Killian, Leah Kenny, Ellen O’Boyle, Keira Hopkins, Maria Ford, Ruth Murtagh, Sarah Healy, Emma Feeney, Sarah Scally, Lillie Dowd, Hannah Farrell, Aoibheann Toher, and Saoirse Feeney. They were ably assisted by the management team of Christy Hopkins, Peter O’Boyle and Tina Dowd.
Roscommon Group of Parishes
The following are the upcoming Church Services for the Roscommon Group of Parishes for September. On Sunday 11th September Morning Prayer incorporating Sunday school in St. John’s, Lanesborough at 11.30am. Sunday 18th Holy Communion with Dean Gerald Field will take place in St. Coman’s, Roscommon at 11.30am. On Sunday 25th September Service of Holy Communion will take place in St. John’s Lanesborough at 11.30am.
Saturday is Threshing Day
The Mid-Roscommon Vintage Club are happy to announce that they will hold a vintage display and threshing event at Strokestown Agricultural & Industrial Show at Strokestown Park House on September 10th 2022. The club members have been busy of late putting the finishing touches to what should be a novel vintage spectacle. On Show Day, all people who wish to present their vintage tractors, machinery or tools are welcome to bring them along to our stand, also people with vintage or classic cars are invited to display their vehicles there too.
The main event of the day will be the threshing of corn by a fully operational threshing mill owned by J.J. Donlon from Rathcline, Co Longford, who has kindly offered the use of his machine for the day. Mr Donlon will also have his reaper and binder, which is fully functional as well, on display. The straw from the threshing will be baled by a square baler that will be powered by a vintage tractor. The threshing of corn, which was a familiar sight on farms during the Emergency and right up to the 1970s, should prove to be an attraction which will remind the older folk of times gone by and it should also be an enlightening scene for the younger people who never witnessed the magic or enthralment of watching the threshing machine in action. It is hoped that the threshing display will commence shortly after mid-day and after a break for lunch it will resume work again.
Exhibitors of vintage vehicles or equipment are asked to assemble inside the Longford Road entrance to the show grounds between 11am and 11.30. When all vehicles are in position they will then enter the stand area as a unit. We would request that people exhibiting vintage equipment should attach a card to their item briefly explaining its age or origin.

Defibrillator knowledge saves lives
We all appreciate the expertise that those trained in the use of the defibrillator bring to critical situations. You too can avail of that expertise and become vital cogs in your community. If anyone badly needs this expertise on the use of the defibrillator your new found knowledge in its use can proved extremely vital.
The local defibrillator group is actively seeking new people in the Kilgefin, Ballyleague, Cashel, Killashee and Rathcline Lanesboro areas to become competent in the use of the Defibrillator. The group is also looking to retrain and refresh those that have already completed the course and need to brush up on its use.
If you are interested, please leave your name and phone number with Martina O’Brien personally in the shop or by phoning 086 3858934 or
Defibrillator Funding
The Defibrillator Group continues to raise funds for the replacement of batteries and pads as well as funding needed to replace and upgrade defibrillators.
An appeal for essential funding is being made and the group is appealing to your generosity to ensure all the upgrades and replacements can take place.
The importance of defibrillators in the general area cannot be overstated. The lives it can save and has saved in recent weeks are well documented.
If you wish to contribute we ask that you donate by leaving money in an envelope marked with your name into Martina or Joe O’Brien at the Corner Shop.
Championships Ongoing
Rathcline travelled to Cashel on Friday night last when they least they required was a draw. They laid their foundation for their 1-11 to 0-8 win with a very strong first half. The second half was a harder fought game with Carrickedmond storming back into the game and the Rathcline side fought with a strong rearguard action and emerged what appears to be a comfortable win – it did not feel that comfortable for the huge Rathcline support.
As a consequence of the win they finish second in their group ahead of experienced championship teams such as Killoe and Abbeylara. They now face a quarter final game against Longford Slashers on the weekend of 18th September.
With all Roscommon referees withdrawing their services due to an incident where a game had to be called off and the referee taken to hospital earlier in the week.
St. Faithleach’s were scheduled to meet Western Gaels in Strokestown on Saturday and their game has now been refixed to take place in Strokestown on Saturday week 17th September at 5.30pm.
Parish Secretary
Applications are asked for the role of Parish Secretary for Lanesboro, Newtowncashel and Killashee. This is a part time job, approximately 10 to 12 hours per week over a number of days. Computer skills are essential. The job will be temporary. Applications must be received by this Thursday 8th September and addressed to Fr. Turlough Baxter, Parochial House, Lanesboro. For further details: Phone 087 9972259
New CD continues to sell well
Frank Nelson has just released a new CD called ‘I’ll Put the Kettle On’. Frank has been very active on the music scene for over 30 years and the quality of his music and dances/shows is testimony to the reason he has been so popular. Frank is inexhaustible when it comes to releasing high quality CD’s.
This time he has really hit the high times with the quality and songs included. It is a must for followers of Frank and lovers of country music.
CDs are available in O’Brien’s costing just €15
Sunday night Card Game
The Sunday night card game continued on Sunday night last. The results from last Sunday night 4th September are Joint 1st Kitty & Jim and Pat Joe & Tom. Last game Peter & Brendan. Raffle winners were Liz Hughes, Casey, Noel McDermott & Pat Rock. The game continues every Sunday night where the first cards are dealt at 8.30pm sharp. Light refreshments served.
Boat Trips
Lough Ree Access for all boat is a boat built for you is offering three sailing trips a day 10am, 12 noon and 2.30pm. This is a great trip of fascination onto Lough Ree and an
Soccer for Ladies
There has been a great take up in the numbers that have taken to the soccer fields for the newly formed Ballyboro Ladies Soccer team. The ladies section of Ballyboro FC is seeking ladies to go along and join in the fun and be part of this historic ladies soccer team. The team will place in the Roscommon League and we are looking forward to many exciting and successful games in the coming weeks and months.
If you are aged 16 and upwards and interested in being a part of a historic team then you are invited to express your interest to Graham Taaffe 087 2636701
Ballyleague Bingo
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
Volunteers required
Ballyleague Bingo urgently needs more volunteers to join them in the Bingo/Hall Committee. If you are interested contact Patricia Manning for more details.
Bridge Club AGM
The Wednesday night Bridge club is holding their A.G.M. in St. Mary’s Parish Hall on Wednesday 14th September at 7pm. Previous and new intending members are welcome to attend.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Congratulations to Eileen Hanley, Cashelbeg who was last week’s winner of the Rathcline 50/50. Eileen won the top prize of a remarkable €623. The draw took place in Clarke’s Bar.
The club is extremely grateful for your continued tremendous support.
Living Well Programme
Living Well is a free online group programme delivered over six workshops (2.5 hrs x 6). It is delivered by trained leaders, most of whom are also living with a long-term health condition. You will develop self-management skills and confidence to live well with your health conditions. Tues 20th September, 10.30am to 1pm, and Wed 26th Oct 10.30am to 1pm
To Book Your Place please contact Olga Maguire on 086 0142688 or email
You can find more details about the programme on
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Lanesboro Library
The opening hours of Lanesboro are: Monday 2pm-8pm, Tuesday 2pm-6pm, Wednesday 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm. The library will be closed all day on a Thursday. Friday 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm and Saturday 10am-1pm
Knitting & Crochet Group
Knitting & Crochet group will meet every Monday 2pm-4pm
Poetry & Music Circle
Poetry & Music circle will revert to meeting on 2nd & 4th Monday of each month 4.15pm – 5.30pm.
Photocopying, printing and scanning services are available at the library. Enquiries:
Kilgefin Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Dan (089 2706060)
Adoration in Ballyleague Church every Friday morning 10.30am. – 11.30a.m. and every Friday night in Curraghroe Church 8.30p.m. – 9.30p.m.
Volunteers Wanted
Ballyleague Bingo and Hall committee need more volunteers to join them in the Bingo/Hall Committee. If you are interested you are asked to contact Patricia Manning for more details.
Ballyleague Church: We urgently need volunteers to take up the basket collection in Ballyleague Church at mass on Saturday and Sunday. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Fr. Dan.
Any articles for the newsletter must be in by Wednesday nights at the latest. Details to be emailed to contact number 0862626639
St. Mary’s Church
Parish Secretary
Applications are asked for the role of Parish Secretary for Lanesboro, Newtowncashel and Killashee. This is a part time job, approximately 10 to 12 hours per week over a number of days. Computer skills are essential. The job will be temporary. Applications must be received by this Thursday 8th September and addressed to Fr. Turlough Baxter, Parochial House, Lanesboro. For further details: Phone 087 9972259
Rosary Group meet in the church on Monday to Friday at 9.30am and on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm.
Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesdays in the church from 10.30am until 8pm. It is very important that there will be at least two people in the church for each hour of the Adoration.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament has resumed on Friday evenings, starting this Friday evening and it will take place between 6pm and 6.45pm. Exposition will be followed Mass at 7pm. It is also an opportunity to avail of the opportunity for Confession.
Parish contacts
Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Shannon Gaels
U14 The Under 14 team will play their opening game in this competition on Tuesday in Devine Park Edgeworthstown at 6.45pm.
U17 The U17 amalgamation will play Grattan Óg on Thursday at 6.45pm. At the time of writing there is no venue confirmed.
Seniors Well done to the club seniors on their excellent victory over Carrickedmond in Cashel on Friday night last before a large Rathcline support. They will play Longford Slashers in the quarter final on the weekend of the 18th September.
Rathcline GAA
See attachment for the Cathal Chapman’s weekly update of Rathcline GAA news, it is also available on