Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
Excitement abounds
Last week we saw the commencement of the collaboration between Lee Williamson owner of the local Shuttermaniac Productions and Lanesborough Primary School in the production of a project on the time of ESB and the Power Station. This project of a film production is done under the directorship of Lee and the young students of the school. It is funded and supported by Creative Schools and the Irish Arts Council in association with Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Backstage Theatre & Centre for the Arts, Longford Cruthú Arts Festival and Shuttermaniac Productions.
Both the school and the power station were built in and around the same time and lived in perfect harmony through a number of building extensions to the old station and the building of the new station until its closure two years ago. The school lived in the shadow of the station for all of that time.
During last week Lee opened with an introduction to film from movies to commercials, storyboarding potential films and he was blown away with the smartness of the youngsters and how knowledgeable they were. Lee comments show how taken aback he was by the quality and shrewdness of his students “It’s no wonder the Irish are storming the Oscars, the passion for film runs deep” and “If these kids are anything to go by, the future Ireland will be in good hands”. Lee is really looking forward to developing the project with the pupils and their teachers in the coming weeks as we are to see the finished project.
So far a good deal of stories, tales from local workers in the station and locals has become available. The school is still seeking stories and experiences from former workers and anybody that has a story to tell about the power station over the past 65 years. You should contact teachers Claire Murphy, Niamh Rowan at the school or Lee Williamson, Shuttermaniac Productions on the Rathcline Road.

Picture above shows Lee with some of his young production team
Big Quiz Night
St. Faithleach’s club is running a Big Quiz Night in St. Faithleach’s Clubhouse on Saturday night next 4th February at 9pm. A great night is in store. Table of 4 will cost €40. Raffle on the night and some great prizes! Please come along for what promises to be a great night. All welcome.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
With just 7 weeks to go there is now a growing enthusiasm for the forthcoming St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and it seems there is no truer sentiment such is the chat locally about the upcoming parade.
I am sure, as I write, that there will be great deal of thought put into the creation of floats. Cancelled due to Covid three years ago it spoiled the attempt to organise the Parade and the many creative teams had already built their floats for what was to be the biggest celebration of that year. We were renowned for one of the best parades in the midlands and let us hope that through your inventions we will regain that accolade.
Prior to Covid there was a ticket sale for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, alas Covid scuppered all the plans but the committee assures everyone that had bought tickets that their tickets are still good for this year’s draw.
For further information or application forms please contact Teresa Costello or Freda Connaughton.
The community was shocked to learn of the sudden death on Sunday 22nd January at his residence in Church View of Sean Kenny. Sean a native of Charlestown, Co. Mayo had lived with us for up to 30 years. He was an easygoing man who loved to play darts and have a pint in Clarkes who he represented in the darts league. In his younger days he was very athletic, a keen fisherman on the Moy and an excellent footballer. Sean worked for Harrington’s for 45 years and travelled to many parts of the country with work but he always ensured that he made it back to Lanesboro no matter where he was. He was a man that loved nothing better than be involved in all the chat as he was a great conversationalist. Invariably he always brought up in conversations the woes of his native Mayo on the football field but he was always confident that the Sam Maguire was only a year or two away. Sean would regularly walk down the town whether it was for messages or just to call in, buy the paper and have the chat. Sometimes I often wondered if Bernie thought he got lost such were the lengths of the chats especially on the day of the match or the day after. Sean had a word for everyone in his own inimitable manner aided by his warm and cheerful smile. He had a great personality and such was his popularity that a huge number from the community travelled to Charlestown for the reposing of his remains and for his Funeral Mass to pay their respects.
Sean reposed in the Horkan Funeral Home, Charlestown on Wednesday before being removed on Thursday morning to St James’s Church, Charlestown for his Funeral Mass. Following Mass Sean was laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery. To his partner Bernie, brother Pat, sister-in-law, Mary, nephew, Jack Luke, extended family, relatives, and friends we extend our sincere sympathy.
Lough Ree 2000 Bridge Club
Congratulations to the local ladies on an outstanding achievement in the North Midland Regional Team-of-Four qualifiers which were held in the Longford Bridge Centre on Sunday last 29th January.
Mary Farrell, Philomena Walsh, Mary Fallon and Goretti Kenny won the Intermediate A team event and will go on to represent the region in the National competition in April.
Meanwhile, Joan Donnellan’s team won the Master Teams event and will represent the region at this, the highest, level.
Joan’s team consists of herself, Una Flynn (Ballymahon), Olive Kilbane and John Kiernan (both from Granard).
Truly a great performance from the Lanesboro delegation and an encouraging signal to all bridge players in the area.
All locals and the Lough Ree 2000 Bridge Club extends its heartiest congratulations to all concerned and wish them the very best of luck in the national Finals.
Local notes inclusion
Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the coming weeks notes.
The entire area was shocked and saddened to learn of the death at Innis Ree Lodge, Nursing Home on Monday 23rd January after a brief illness of Kathleen McWeeney, 5 St. Mary’s Terrace, Ballyleague. Kathleen in her late 80’s was predeceased by her husband Tom, her sister Sheila and niece Linda and she was a native of Killashee. She was a kind hearted and caring lady and an excellent neighbour who could always be seen walking her beloved dog.. Kathleen had that warm and welcoming smile and greeting that gladdened even the coldest heart. She had a great love and concern for her family and as much for our local people young and old. She was a great woman for chatting and her great concerns for people and their wellbeing could mean that her short trip for a message could take a long time. Kathleen was all heart, a wonderful neighbour and friend. She was a woman that visited friends and neighbours and friends when they became housebound or entered Nursing Homes. She loved to have her family around her and was a great woman for a game of cards with children and grandchildren after another of her famous family dinners. She was a rarity in the fact that she loved days in the bogs and summertime on the bog was a big part of her life. Kathleen loved the bingo every Thursday night in Ballyleague hall where it was more the social occasion than the winning at bingo. Kathleen’s passing will leave a great sadness in the hearts and minds of everyone that knew her.
Kathleen’s remains reposed in her residence on Wednesday last and was removed to the Church of the Holy Rosary on Thursday for Mass of the Resurrection. Burial followed afterwards to Cloontuskert Cemetery. To her daughters Anne and Marie, sons Aidan and Gerry, her sister Rita McCauley, London, relatives we extend our deepest sympathy.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Gerry and Tracy Lane and family, Moher, on the death of Gerry’s mother Frances Lane, Lanesboro St. Roscommon on Monday 23rd January.
Lanesboro ICA
The Lanesboro Guild of the ICA meets on the second Wednesday night in the Parish Hall from 8pm to 9.30pm. The Guild would like to welcome anybody to their meetings and to become members. Refreshments will be served after each meeting and there will be an interesting speaker each night.
€11,800 to be won
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery on Tuesday 31st January stood at €11,700. This is a fantastic amount of money to be won for just €2 or 3 tickets for €5.
The numbers drawn on Tuesday 24th January for a jackpot of €11,700 were 5, 17, 23 and 28 and there was no winner of the jackpot. The winner of the €50 prize was Freda and Ciara Connaughton and the three €20 winners were Grace Rhatigan c/o Yacht Bar, Pearse McGann c/o Yacht Bar and Martha Farrell c/o Yacht Bar.
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns committee would like to thank you for your generosity and your support is ensuring that Lanesboro continues to look beautiful even in the depths of winter.
Local involved in Roscommon’s Republican Dead
The sale of the Roscommon Republican Dead continues to be a hugely popular and successful book written by local man Henry Owens. This is Henry’s follow up to the incredibly successful ‘Sliabh Bán’. The new book documenting all the people who died as a result of the Troubles between the years 1917 and 1923 in County Roscommon is selling very fast.
One of those featured in the book is local man John Scally, Gallagh, Ballyleague who was a member of the Cloontuskert Company, 3rd Battalion who was killed by a booby trap bomb. At the time of his death he was 31 years of age.
The book is on sale in O’Brien’s at €16 and can be posted with the additional p&p. A limited number of Sliabh Bán books are still available.
Shannon Gaels AGM
At a very well attended AGM of the Shannon Gael Minor Club held in Clonbonny on Friday night last 27th January. The club reported great progression and development of its young players and look forward to further development in the coming year.
Many people gave greatly of their time during the year and the club would like to encourage many more people to become involved in the coaching and development of its players. There is a big call out for ladies to come into the club and help especially with coaching. Up to the under 12 age teams include both boys and girls and this would be a terrific opportunity to see ladies increase their involvement in coaching.
The following officers were elected for the coming year: Chairperson – Sean McDermott ; Vice Chairperson – Duncan Murphy; Secretary – Mark Kenny; Assistant Secretary – Jason Fallon; Treasurer – Sean Farrell; Assistant Treasurer – Vincent Farrell; Public Relations Officers – Joe O’Brien and Melissa Cox; Coaching Officer – Stephen Rooney; Child Protection Officer – Carmel Hayes (appointee of senior club).
Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club
The AGM of Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club was held on Friday 20th January with a great number in attendance. The following people were elected: Chairman – Frank Casey, Secretary – Sean Doyle, Treasurer – Paula Carberry, Training Officer-John Tully, Equipment Officer-Sean Connaughton, Health & Safety Office – Fergal McElgunn and PRO – Tracy Gray Farrell. Club members spent a total of 13 days on various searches since Christmas. It was part of a Midlands search team involving all the other clubs form the midlands and various organisations. The club would like to extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.
Pool training is continuing every Thursday night at 9pm and it’s great to see all members in attendance helping out with our new trainees who are all showing great progress.
Power Station Memories
Thank you to everyone that has so far got in touch with the school and Lee Williamson.
In association with Creative Schools, the Arts Council Dublin, and Shuttermaniac Productions Lanesboro they are looking for ESB-related stories and memories in order to produce an engaging short film as part of a Creative Schools Film Project. Perhaps there’s an endearing or funny story that you or a relative or neighbour remember at their time in and around the ESB.
Permission has now been granted for the taking down of Lanesboro Power Station. The pupils of Lanesboro National School, a school that has existed in the shadow of the station for the lifetime of the different stages of the stations are undertaking a project and they need any help you can give them.
The kids at Lanesboro will be presenting this story on film so please keep it short and entertaining if possible.
If you think you do have a wee anecdotal nugget, please get in touch with Lee Williamson, school principal Claire Murphy or teacher Niamh Rowan in Lanesborough NS.
Not only will this be a school project but also a part of the history of what stood in Lanesboro and gave so much employment since the mid 50s.
Weekly Card Game
The results from last Sunday night’s weekly card game held in Lanesboro Parish Hall game are: 1st Josie & Freda Connaughton. There was a tie for 2nd with Peter & Mary Gregg and Frank & Kevin. The raffle winners were Mick Maguire, Barney Kenny, Brian Mulvihill and Mary Gregg. Last game winners were Seamus Corcoran & Vincent Pearse. Game continues every Sunday night at 8.30 pm with light refreshments served.
Leitrim’s Republican History
The recently enlarged Leitrim Republican History 1900-2000 has just become available in Lanesboro. Leitrim people have a renowned history in the involvement of its people in the Republican History of its county and Ireland and this book make for excellent reading. Cormac Ó Súilleabháin is the author of this fine book.
The book is for sale in O’Brien’s priced €35.
Lanesboro in the War of Independence and after – Book still available
As the decades of centenaries come to a close, it is good to know that copies of the book, Longford’s Republican Story 1900 – 2000, are still available.
The Lanesboro/Cashel area was a hotbed of activity in both War of Independence and Civil War and this book has recorded for ever more the bravery and courage of the men and women of Longford in the fight for freedom. It lists all of the men and women from this area who took part in those conflicts. Longford’s Republican Story is a unique and exceptional book that will never be equalled and will be in great demand while it remains in print. We understand the author, Seán Ó Súilleabháin, may give a talk in Lanesboro in the New Year on the republican history of the area. Copies of Longford’s Republican Story 1900- 2000, with almost 600 pages, and costing €35, are available in O’Brien’s, Lanesboro.
Train how to use the Defibrillator
The Defibrillator training will take place in the New Year. If you are interested, please leave your name and phone number with Martina O’Brien in the shop or by phoning 086 3858934 or email to
Ballyleague Bingo
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
The 50/50 draw took place in Adie’s bar on Monday night 23rd January and the winning envelope for the great prize of €621 was in the name of Faye Rooney, Carraroe. Congratulations Faye on your wonderful win.
The club is extremely grateful for your continued tremendous support and wishes everybody a wonderful 2023.
ALONE provides many services to older people. It recruits, trains and supports volunteers for two services of Visitation/Befriending and Phone /Befriending. Would you be prepared to provide companionship once a week? Full training and support will be provided. For more information contact Francis 086-1085965 or
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Local Health Service
The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. Freephone 1800 700700.
Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days , a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.
Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
Kilgefin Parish
Accord: Accord is currently taking bookings for Pre-Marriage courses. Those intending to get married are asked to contact the Sligo Accord Centre (071 9145641) or go online at . The Pre-Marriage course should be booked at least 6 to 8 months prior to the wedding. Also, Marriage Counselling services are available by contacting the Accord telephone number.
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829.
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
Deadline; The deadline for any notices for the newsletter is Wednesday – email to kilgefinparish21@gmail.comm
St. Mary’s Church
The Parish Hub: Over the past few months we have been developing the Parish House as a resource centre with the establishment of the new Parish Office, Meeting Rooms, Resource Library and Oratory. Already, there have been a number of local gatherings and the plan is to make the house available for more in the coming weeks. The church hopes that it will become a resource centre for the whole community to utilise. Please call in to Maireád, the Parish Secretary during her office hours: Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm. She will be delighted to show you around the new facility. If you want to contact her by phone you can do so during the aforementioned working hours at 3321166
Speak with a Priest: if you wish to talk with any of the priests you can call into the sacristy after any Mass.
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829
Adoration: takes place every Tuesday.
Rosary Group meets in the church on Monday to Friday at 9.30am and on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm.
Parish contacts
Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
St. Faithleach’s GAA
Big Quiz Night
We are running a Quiz Night in St. Faithleach’s Clubhouse on Saturday February 4th at 9pm. A great night in store. Table of 4 will cost €40. Raffle on the night and some great prizes! Please come along for what promises to be a great night. All welcome.
No winner of this week’s draw. Numbers drawn were 1, 2, 3 and 24. Jackpot standing at €3100. €40 winners this week were Evelyn Farrell, Kieran Healy and Florence Sweeney. The next draw on Thursday 2nd February. Tickets for sale at all usual local outlets. Thank you for your continued support.
Ireland Lights Up
The Ireland lights up walk is back. Meeting at the St. Faithleach’s GAA complex every Thursday at 7:30pm. Come along and bring a friend. Everybody welcome.
Last Man Standing Competition
St. Faithleach’s GAA Last Man Standing competition returns after a very successful competition last year. The deadline for entry is February 2nd at 10pm. Enter via the links on our Facebook and Twitter pages or you can contact competition administrator Jerome Kelly. A big €300 cash prize.
Well Done
A great start to the Allianz League Division One for our club representatives, Diarmuid, Ciaráin and Cian. The lads had a mighty 3-11 to 1-12 win over red hands of Tyrone on Sunday in Hyde Park. Both Diarmuid and Ciaráin finding the net for the Rossies! Well done lads. The lads take on Galway next Sunday February 5th in Pearse Stadium. Best of luck to the lads.