Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
All Ireland Champion
What a weekend it was for on Saturday last the All Ireland Athletics Championships were held at the indoor arena in Athlone.
Andrew Nolan qualified for this event in the Shot Put by winning the Connaught Boys U12.
Since then Andrew has continuing with his training and focused on his throwing technique. His efforts have paid off and delighted to report that his hard work has been well rewarded, as he won Gold in his U12 Shot Put competition with an absolutely amazing performance.
To win a National title U12 is some achievement and it’s made all the more notable as he also broke the National Record with a throw of 10.61, which smashed the existing record of 10.50 set in 2018. His performance was excellent.
To win gold and hold a record so young at National level is a marvellous achievement. Andrew only turned his hand to athletics this year and his rise has been truly remarkable. He is a credit to himself, his very supportive parents Enda & Martina Nolan and the club.
This is a fantastic start to the athletic year for Lough Ree AC as they celebrate its 50th anniversary this year.

President Elect
The Camogie Association has been in place for the past 118 years and throughout its history there has not been a male president since its inception that is until last weekend.
Brian Molloy son of Kathleen and the late Gerry Molloy and former resident in Rathcline was elected as President Tofa (elect) at the Camogie Associations Congress in Clonmel.
Brian will officially take up his role as President at next year’s Congress.
Brian married to Vivienne and they have two daughters live in Ballindereen in County Galway, initially immersed himself in the Camogie club and progressed through a multiple of roles within the club, county and provincial before taking up his current role as Ard Comhairle as Chair of the Connacht Council.
Brian has never lost his love for his native patch and he along with Vivienne and their young ladies make very regular visitors to Lanesboro.
Brian has a background in business and is currently holding a very senior role in the Department of Social Protection in Longford.
We congratulate Brian on his historic appointment and wish him every success in his term as President of the Camogie Association.

Junior sleeps out for Simon Community
This year sees the return, once again, of the very popular ‘Sleep Out’ as a Midland Simon Community fundraiser. The Sleep Out is held in conjunction with Longford Rugby Club and once again they are appealing to your generosity to equal if not better last year’s fundraiser.
Like last year local Ballyleague man Junior Hannon will once again be our local representative. Junior, as you know, continues to offer so much to so many local support groups each year and now is our time to respond with our support for Junior and this very deserving cause. A sponsorship card is in O’Brien’s and your generous support would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Buy your Ticket for Annual Card Game
The Shannon Gaels Minor Club is keeping with the tradition of the minor club when they will host the annual Good Friday 25 Card Drive in Lanesboro Parish Hall on this Friday night 7th April. The dealing of cards will commence at 8.30pm. There will be numerous spot prizes during the game and refreshments will be served.
Tickets are priced at €10 each and can be bought from O’Brien’s, from Club members or on the night. Even if you cannot go please buy a ticket, write your name on the ticket and leave it with who you bought it from and you will be in for a draw. This is a brilliant way for supporters of the underage club to support the club even if they are not card players.
The club looks forward to seeing many people there on the night for a great night of card playing and entertainment.
Your support and encouragement for all our underage age team will be greatly appreciated.
Our deepest sympathy goes to Peter Mullooly, his family Tullyvrane and the wider Mullooly and Joyner families, on the death of his daughter in law Joanne Mullooly, Kilteevan, Roscommon on Wednesday 29th March. Joanne, a native of Grange, Togher, Tuam, Co. Galway was predeceased only four years ago by her young husband James. Joanne’s death leaves behind two young sons as they begin to try and understand the cruel fate that life has bestowed on them at such a tender age. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they seek solace.
Joanne is survived by her parents Ann and David Joyner, brother William, father-in-law Peter and his partner Mags, mother-in-law Mary, sisters in law Dara, Margaret and Laura Mullooly.
Joanne reposed at Smyth’s Funeral Home, Roscommon on Friday evening last. Following Mass of the Resurrection at St. Joseph’s Church, Kilteevan, Joanne was laid to rest alongside James in Rathcline Cemetery.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to all the Mullooly and Joyner families and friends at his harrowing time.
Gathering and Summer School
Plans are near completion for the inaugural celebration of the Gathering of boats and the re-emergence of the Summer School. The event will take place over May Bank Holiday weekend and it promises to be another wonderful occasion in the Lanesboro Ballyleague community. Full details will be published in the coming weeks.
ATM out again
Once again I have to mention that the local ATM on the wall at SuperValu is again out of action. As I write on Friday night the ATM is out of action since at least last Saturday. It is a disgrace that the company tasked with maintaining the ATM have not done anything for a solid week and less likely to do anything over the weekend. This is absolutely unbearable and particularly for the staff at SuperValu and other businesses in town with customers seeking cash back hence running out the available cash in the area.
Darkness into Light
The Electric Ireland sponsored Darkness into Light will take place this year on Saturday 6th May. Locally we have a selection of centres that we can attend to take part; The Mall, Longford, Vocational School, Ballymahon, the Convent Gym, Roscommon Town and Strokestown Community Centre. The 5k will commence at all venues at 4.15am.
If you wish to fundraise for Pieta House you can do by getting all the necessary information online at
Day with the Stars extended
Yes, the wonderful and hugely enjoyable Day with the Stars once again returns to Roscommon Racecourse this year only this year it comes with an extension of another day making it a Midsummers Weekend with the Stars. The show will take place on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June and it promises to be one of the main attractions countrywide this year.
Saturday will see The Tumbling Paddies topping the bill that will also include Ruaile Buaile, Rhythm & Sticks, One for the Road and Paul Kelly Music.
Sunday will feature Derek Ryan Music, Philomena Begley, Jimmy Buckley, Mike Denver, Patrick Feeney, Robert Mizzell, Cliona Hagan, Claudia Buckley, Gerry Guthrie Music, David James Music, and Brendan Jermyn Music along with the award winning Shannonside/Northern Sound Orchestra
Tickets can be bought for either day and there are a limited number of weekend tickets available and they can be bought in O’Brien’s, phone 043 3321107 or email Joe at
Last week local Garda Sergeant Martina Reddington retired from the Garda Force. We would like to thank Martina for all her work in this her designated region and wish her every health and happiness long into the future.
But what’s next?
But, I ask if we should be concerned as to what will happen next at Lanesboro Garda Station. Recently it broke in Mayo that the Detective Superintendent was retiring and there were no plans to replace him and similarly the Sergeant retired in Achill a few weeks ago and there are again no plans to fill the vacancy. We must ask the question of all our politicians local and national to ensure that Lanesboro does not meet the fate of all the other local stations that Lanesboro serves and the same fate that is currently in Mayo.
The death took place on Monday 27th March of Pat Connaughton, Elfeet, Newtowncashel. Pat has many relations in the parish of Rathcline and we extend our deepest sympathy to every one of them
New Book
The Burkes and the Pollocks is a recently publish book by Martin Duffy. The book tells of the fortunes of two families in the parish of Kilbegnet parish over different times in recent centuries. The parish of Kilbegnet is a big one covering the Creggs, Glinsk, Donamon and all points in between. The book tells the story of both families and how the land Act and Land League changed the fortunes and led to the ending of landlordism.
The book is available in O’Brien’s and it is well worth a read. The book is priced at €20.
Ladies, a date for your diary!
Enjoy a fabulous night out with Professional Style Advisor, Maria Carton. Maria will give a master class on giving structure to your wardrobe and achieving your own fashion style. Tickets are limited for this event, to be held in St. Faithleach’s G.A.A. Clubhouse on Friday, April 21st at 7pm. There will be a wine reception, spot prizes galore. We will have stands from Lanesboro and Ballyleague area, ranging from Beauty, Hair advice, Crafts, Jewellery and some new local business. Tickets are available from Marie Cleary (086-0815659), Mary Mangan (087-2331227) and Martina Healy (087-7640984).
Tennis Coaching
Tennis coaching is coming back to Ballyleague and Lanesborough.
There is renewed interest in the tennis courts at Ballyleague marina from locals and the Ukrainian residents at Costello’s Care centre and qualified coach Ronan Flanagan will soon be here on Saturday mornings to coach children adults from 9am to 12 noon.
There will be a minimal charge of just €5per children per hour and €10 per adult per hour but it depends on a good turnout.
If you would like to register your child (ages 6 years to 16) or an adult 16 upwards please email before Wednesday April 12th and include your name, address and mobile number. It’s hoped that classes will start the weekend of 15th April if enough people are interested.
It’s also expected that the present tennis courts at the marina will be upgraded in May or June of this year with a new synthetic surface and new nets.
Line Dancing
Line dancing classes continues to take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town.
Line Dancing classes, again, every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town
Beginners are on from 6pm to 7pm. Followed by Improvers from 7pm to 8pm
Line Dancing will take place at the Kilbride Centre every Tuesday evening at 7pm followed by Social Dancing with Christopher Byrne
Local notes inclusion
Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the coming weeks notes.
Tractor, Truck & Car Run
On Sunday 30th April a Tractor, Truck and Car Run will take place from St. Faithleach’s GAA grounds to remember the late Ronan McDermott.
This running of this event is to help raise awareness of suicide and to raise funds for Pieta House.
Pieta House supports people and communities in crisis by providing freely accessible professional services to all and this was a service Ronan reached out to in the past.
As part of the event a raffle will be held and if you are in a position it is hoped that you may be able to donate a raffle prize. The family organising the event would greatly appreciate any donation you can make.
If you have any questions, want to donate a prize please contact or phone 087 210 4383.
Ronan’s partner, daughter and family would like to thank you for your consideration.
€12,700 up for grabs
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery on Tuesday 4th April stood at €12,700. This is a wonderful amount of money to be won with tickets just costing €2 or 3 tickets for €5.
The numbers drawn on Tuesday 28th March for a jackpot of €12,600 were 7, 18, 21 and 29. There was no winner of the jackpot. The winner of the €50 prize were Josephine Kenny, Shannon Grove, Ballyleague and the three €20 winners were won by Colin Rooney, Rathcline, Daniel and Elaine, Church View and Niall Donlon, Moher, c/o The Yacht.
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns committee would like to thank you for your continued generosity and your support is ensuring that Lanesboro continues to look beautiful.
Weekly Card Game
The results from last Sunday night’s weekly card game held in Lanesboro Parish Hall game held on Sunday night last 2nd April are: 1st: Jack Bannon & Tom Skelly. Tie for 2nd with Peggy Moran & Noreen Gibbons & Peter & Mary Gregg. Last game was won by Noel & Mick Maguire. Raffle winners were Jim Moran, Mick Maguire, Tom Rock & Noreen Gibbons. Joint first were Rathcline minor club are holding a 25 card drive on Good Friday night at 8.30 pm in Lanesborough Parish Hall. Tickets €10 from club members or in O’Brien’s. There will be numerous spot prizes on the night. The game continues every Sunday night at 8.30 pm with light refreshments served.
Ballyleague Bingo a
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
The 50/50 draw took place in the Adie’s Bar on Monday night 27th March and the winning prize of €674 was in the name of Tadgh Kelly, Melbourne, Australia. Congratulations Tadgh on your fabulous win.
The club is extremely grateful for your continued tremendous support.
Lights, Camera, Action! Filmmaking comes to Lanesborough Primary School by teacher Rory Leonard.
Lanesborough Primary School was visited by acclaimed Filmmaker Lee Williamson on Friday the 24th of March.
Lee, owner of Shuttermaniac Productions and ambassador for Backstage Theatre, is best known for his short film entitled ‘Snámh (Swim)’ which won a Pinewood Studio award. Lee is now working with Lanesborough Primary School on a project that introduces the pupils to the world of filmmaking and production.
It was clear to see the pupil’s excitement at using the wonderful technology associated with filmmaking for the first time. Microphones were attached to teachers, different pupils sat in the director’s chair, and we even had some budding photographers in our midst. One pupil in Senior Infants really engaged with using one of Lee’s handheld cameras and took several behind the scenes photographs of the action!
Upon visiting the school, Lee said ‘The pupils were absolute superstars, bursting with creativity and oozing with enthusiasm. I was blown away by their amazing storytelling skills and the unique perspectives that they brought to the table. The teaching staff were an absolute pleasure to work with. I am so grateful to be part of such an incredibly forward thinking learning environment’
Funding for the technology used for this project comes from ‘the Learning from the Extreme initiative’, which is an EU funded project with an aim to fund schools to find technical solutions to reduce the digital gap suffered by pupils from areas and communities with low connectivity, limited or no access to devices and digital educational tools and content.
TransACT Digital Technology solutions were also a partner to the school in this project. Their advice and procurement on the various Samsung devices was greatly appreciated.
Dr Dáithí Ó Murchú, lead coordinator of the Learning from the Extreme initiative said: ‘Filmmaking is now part of the Leaving Certificate in Ireland and Lanesborough Primary School is enabling students to discover and uncover their incredible creativity in film making. In many ways creativity is the key to all future skills in the 21st century, it incorporates innovation on so many levels and empowers pupils to actively bring together every possible iteration of everything that they have ever learned using filmmaking as their chosen medium.’
This is only the start of the pupils’ film making journey and there is no limit as to what they can achieve when working with a film maker of the calibre of Lee Williamson.
ALONE provides many services to older people. It recruits, trains and supports volunteers for two services of Visitation/Befriending and Phone /Befriending. Would you be prepared to provide companionship once a week? Full training and support will be provided. For more information contact Francis 086-1085965 or
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Lough Ree Athletic Club
National Champion
On Saturday last the All Ireland Athletics Championships were held at the indoor arena in Athlone.
Andrew Nolan qualified for this event in the Shot Put by winning the Connaught Boys U12.
Since then Andrew has continued with his training and focused on his throwing technique. His efforts have paid off and delighted to report that his hard work has been well rewarded, as he won Gold in his U12 Shot Put competition.
To win a National title U12 is some achievement and it’s made all the more notable as he also broke the National Record with a throw of 10.61, which smashed the existing record of 10.50 set in 2018. His performance was excellent and was not challenged as no other competitor threw over 9 meters.
To win gold and hold a record so young at National level is a marvelous achievement. He is a credit to himself, his very supportive parents Enda & Martina Nolan and the club.
Lough Ree AC will go on to celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, what a great start.

Clondra/Killashee Active Retirement Group
Clondra /Killashee Active Retirement Group recently held their AGM.
The following officers were elected;Chairperson; Mary Holmes, Vice Chair; Anne Burke,Secretary; Anne Stephenson, Assistant Secretary; Ann Beirne. Treasurer; Helen Hanley, Assistant Treasurer; Mary McGann
The group wishes to acknowledge the support and funding received from the HSE, Longford/Westmeath ETB, Longford County Council which has helped greatly in the development and success of this community group to provide a range of activities and events for the members to participate in and enjoy .We would also like to thank the outgoing Committee for their hard work in the past 3 years and congratulate the incoming Committee. Thank you also to our members and the Clondra/Killashee /Community for their continuous support, sponsorship and spot prizes for our very successful Table Quiz held in October 2022. New members are very welcome.
Local Health Service
The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. Freephone 1800 700700.
Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.
Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
St. Mary’s Church
Holy Week Liturgies:
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8pm
Good Friday
Way of the Cross from the Church of the Holy Rosary, Ballyleague to St. Mary’s and St. John’s at 10am
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 4pm
Taize Prayer around the Cross at 9pm – This is a quiet and reflective time in candlelight and music.
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil at 9pm
Easter Sunday Masses
Lanesboro 11am; Killashee 10am and Cashel at 12.30pm
Confessions will be available on Spy Wednesday at 7pm in St. Mary’s Lanesboro and St. Mel’s Cathedral on Holy Saturday from 10.30am until 3pm.
Trócaire: You are reminded that the Trócaire collection this year is supporting the people of Somalia where millions face starvation.
Your generosity will be greatly appreciated and your donation boxes can be collected from the church porch.
Communion for Coeliacs: Gluten free hosts are available for all those who need them. Just make it known to the priest that you wish to receive a gluten free host at Holy Communion.
The Parish Hub: Maireád, the Parish Secretary is in her office on Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm. If you want to contact her by phone you can do so during the aforementioned working hours at 3321166. She will help you with any questions or booking related matters.
Speak with a Priest: if you wish to talk with any of the priests you can call into the sacristy after any Mass.
Talk to the Samaritans: Are you struggling to cope with life? Do you think it would help to talk about your problem in confidence? It does not matter who you are, how you feel or what happened to you. If things are getting you down you can turn to the Samaritans for help. The Samaritans are available on Freephone 116123, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829
Parish contacts
Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Kilgefin Parish
Easter Mass Times: Ballyleague Church – Thursday 6th Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm. Good Friday 7th Passion of the Lord at 3pm. Saturday 8th Easter Vigil at 7pm. Easter Sunday Mass at 11.30am. Masses in Ballagh Church on Good Friday at 7pm and on Saturday at 8.30pm. Mass in Curraghroe Church on Easter Sunday at 10a.m.
Stations of the Cross Walk: All parishioners are invited to the Stations of the Cross Walk which will start from Ballyleague Church and terminate in Lanesboro Church on Good Friday beginning at 10am. Please come with your families and friends as we journey with Jesus Christ on our streets through his suffering, death and resurrection at Easter. Your presence will be appreciated.
Altar Society Ballagh: Presently, we are looking for some people to help with the cleaning of Ballagh Church for the month of April. If you can help please make contact with Vivienne Barry 086 2626639.
Clothes Collection: Ballagh NS is holding a clothing collection on Wednesday 19th April. All funds go directly to the school. If you have any unwanted clothing, footwear, belts, linens or household textiles, please put them in a bag and bring them to the school two days before the collection. Bags may also be left outside the the school on the morning of the collection before 9.30a.m.
Revenue Rebate: A gentle reminder to people that has received a revenue form from the parish – please return the completed form to Fr. Dan. The parish has benefitted by almost €6000 per year from Revenue in recent years. People who donated over 250 per year to the parish have received a request to allow the parish to claim a rebate. However, the parish needs the permission of the donor to claim the rebate. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Western Alzheimer’s: Western Alzheimer’s are currently recruiting for Healthcare Assistants throughout County Roscommon and the west. These positions are available on Western Alzheimer’s Community Employment Project. If you would like to find out more you are invited to call09066 27816 or email
Thank You: The Irish Pilgrimage Trust would like to thank Ballyleague parishioners for their kind contribution of €157.57 last weekend
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
Shannon Gaels GAA
Card Game on Friday
The Shannon Gaels Minor Club is keeping with the tradition of the minor club when they will host the annual Good Friday 25 Card Drive in Lanesboro Parish Hall on Friday week 7th April. The dealing of cards will commence at 8.30pm. There will be numerous spot prizes during the game and refreshments will be served.
Tickets are priced at €10 each and can be bought from O’Brien’s or Club members or on the night. Even if you cannot go please buy a ticket, write your name on the ticket and leave it with who you bought it from and you will be in for a draw. This is a brilliant way for supporters of the underage club to support the club even if they are not card players.
The club looks forward to seeing many people there on the night for a great night of card playing and entertainment.
Your support and encouragement for all our underage age team will be greatly appreciated.

Player Registration
As we are now returning to club training and underage competitions commencing, we need to have all our young people registered for the 2023 season.
As per last year, player registration shall be online via
The registration and payment process is pretty straightforward and most will have their info on the system from 2022.
One important point to note is that you need to select Shannon Gaels as your club when registering your child on Foireann.
We’d ask that you try get players registered as soon as possible for Insurance purposes. Any queries or concerns just drop me Mark Kenny.
We are all really looking forward to a great time of training and competition during the 2023 season.