Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
The entire community were greatly saddened to learn of the death on Monday 10th April of Vera O’Sullivan, Main Street, in the care of the staff at Sonas Innis Ree Nursing Home, Ballyleague. Vera was predeceased by her husband Hilary, daughter Kathleen, parents Jim and Mary Treacy, The Green, brother P.J. and her sister Nancy. One could describe Vera as the ultimate community person with a wonderful heart, always willing to lend a hand, do her bit for whatever cause and especially for the club she loved Rathcline. In 1960 she married Hilary in London and six years later they moved back home to live on Main Street. Born in Donegal, moved to Lanesboro when her father got work on Bord na Mona and then lived in England. Vera was a character, a wonderful friend to everyone, and a hard worker. She had the most caring of nature, caring for Mrs O’Sullivan, her mother in law, her aforementioned parents, Hilary when his health started to fail and indeed our O’Brien family benefitted greatly from her caring nature in our time of need. As I mentioned before she had a great love of Rathcline GAA where she held many positions and was always washing the jerseys. For many years as lollipop lady she crossed generations of young people on their way to school caring greatly for each and every one of them. She loved to play cards particularly 25 and she was a regular bingo player. One of her favourite jobs was working at the mushroom tunnels where she mingled with all the local ladies and her hearty laugh reverberated throughout the tunnel as it did throughout the town. She loved life and encouraged everyone she met to embrace and live life to its fullest. Vera will be very sadly missed but fondly remembered.
Vera reposed at her son’s Brendan’s home in Gurteengar on Tuesday evening last. Her remains were removed to St. Mary’s Church on Wednesday for her Funeral Mass followed by her burial in Clonbonny Cemetery alongside Hilary. To her son Brendan, daughters Valerie, Jennie, and Catherine her sisters, May, Madge and Patty, brothers in law Val and Vincent and sister in law Rosaleen we extend our deepest sympathy.
Ladies Night in St Faithleachs
Enjoy a fabulous night out with Professional Style Advisor, Maria Carton. Maria will give a master class on giving structure to your wardrobe and achieving your own fashion style. Tickets are limited for this event, to be held in St. Faithleach’s G.A.A. Clubhouse on Friday night next, April 21st at 7pm. There will be a wine reception, spot prizes galore. We will have local business showing casing their products and services: XLNTEE Hair Salon, Weekfield Botanicals, Beauty by the Shannon Makeup and Brow Studio, Personalised Gifts Lanesboro, Sparkles Jewellery, Cloud 9 Health and Beauty, Unicorn and Crafts, and Eva’s Wreaths Tickets available from Marie Cleary (086-0815659), Mary Mangan (087-2331227) and Martina Healy (087-7640984).
It was with great sadness we learned of the death at the Sonas Innis Ree Lodge, Ballyleague on Tuesday 11th April of Noel Gavigan, Cloonageera, Kilrooskey. He was predeceased a number of years ago by his wife Kathleen. Noel until his retirement worked at Lanesboro Power station where he was a very popular and respected workmate. In his younger years he played football with St. Faithleach’s and followed both the club and his native Roscommon with great pride and interest. He was a great man for a conversation and loved to linger and have the chat. Noel had a great sense of humour and it was always great to be in his company. At home he farmed his land with a great love for his land and stock and was a noted as excellent cattle man. He always had a great interest in politics and loved the debates in and around election times. In the words of one man “Noel was a sound man” a sentiment that we would wholeheartedly agree with. He was a wonderful neighbour and friend and at the drop of a hat Noel was always ready to help anyone in their time of need.
His remains reposed in Smyth’s Funeral Home on Wednesday last and on Thursday he was removed to St. Mary’s Church, Ballagh for Mass of the resurrection. Following Mass his remains were laid to rest in Derrane Cemetery. To his daughters Miriam, Denise and Ita, his sister Rita, his brother Joe, relatives and many friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
Access for All boat
The Access for All boat is for everybody. The boat can cater for three large wheelchairs but you don’t be to be a wheelchair user to avail of the excellent trips. Guided fishing excursions can also be organised. Advanced booking is recommended. You can contact by email or phone 089 2625505 or 043 33 84175.
The summer sailings are 10am, 12 noon and 2.30pm. The winter schedule is still in place and sailings are at 11am and 1pm.
Deepest sympathy to Martina McCormack Cnoc na Gaoithe and her husband Chris Neville on the death on Friday last 14th April of Martina’s father Patrick McCormack, Ballymahon.
4-Day Bus Tour
West Cork calling! Anyone interested in a 4-day bus tour of beautiful West Cork, June 22nd-26th 2023, call Seamus on 0863901060 for hotel booking and bus seats. Taking in the sights of Béal na Bláth, Gougane Barra, Michael Collins’ Homestead and lots more!
A fight so bravely fought with great courage and strength for the past three years saw young Laura Gilmore Anderson lose her fight with cancer two days after her 36th birthday. Laura daughter of Brendan, formerly The Green, and his wife Ann was inspirational to everyone that ever got the life altering news of cancer. She was diagnosed with a rare and incurable neuroendocrine tumour (NET) in her pancreas but to the very end she fought with tremendous spirit for every breath and clung bravely to every ounce of hope. It was not in her family DNA to give up no matter what.
We extend our deepest sympathy to her husband Paul, parents Brendan and Ann, their family Susan, Aisling, Janette and Natalie, brothers Andrew and Stephen, mother-in-law Margaret, the Gilmore family, James, Tony, Nicholas, Damian and Cosmos, sisters, Teresa, Colette, Caroline and Lorraine, relatives and many friends.
Boat Gathering and Summer School
First and foremost may I give my utmost adulation to Liam Kelly for the enormous job of work he has done in putting this programme together. His work has been truly phenomenal and he deserves recognition for his wonderful efforts.
After a lapse of a number of years, the Lough Ree Environmental Summer School in Ballyleague / Lanesborough is making a welcome return this year on the May Bank Holiday weekend. The event will be kicking off on the Friday evening at 8:30 pm with Roscommon native Cathryn Hannon, (Ecologist and past consultant and participant of the original Lough Ree Environmental Summer School), will be delivering the inaugural Dick Warner Memorial lecture on the theme of Lough Ree and its Birdlife in the Lough Ree Access for All Centre in Ballyleague.
Saturday morning sees Dr. Harman Murtagh giving a lecture on Inchcleraun (Quaker Island) in the Lough Ree Access for All Centre Saturday morning at 10:30 am which will be followed by boat trips to Quaker Island on board the Wheelchair friendly Access for All boat.
At 12 noon : Billy Flynn MCIEEM MIBiolI MIEnvSc CEnv, Chartered Environmental Scientist & Ecologist who has extensive experience in consulting on planning and design for Greenways and Trails (walking and cycling) and in preparing Biodiversity Action Plans will be giving a talk followed by a guided tour through different areas around Ballyleague / Lanesborough.
2 p.m. sees the return of Eanna Ni Lamhna will give her talk in the Lough Ree Access for All Centre and will be followed by a walk through Commons North Wood in Lanesborough to view and examine many different types of flora and fauna as well hopefully catching sight of the native Red Squirrels that have made a good welcome back to this unique woodland.
3 p.m. will see, Nuala Madigan, Chief Executive Officer Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Bog of Allen Nature Centre, give a 45 minute talk followed by an outdoor field trip on some of our native boglands, (own transport required).
4 p.m. Les Saunders and Matt Daniels from the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland, will be giving a lecture on Electronic Boat Charts and systems that are available to use on the navigable Inland Waterways system throughout the Island of Ireland.
4:45 p.m. will see Ciaran Clinton / Denis Baker giving a talk and demonstration on the “Nav Watch” navigation reporting system and a discussion on the Royal Canal.
8 PM: Dr. Tina Aughney from Bat Eco will give an indoor presentation followed by a walk thereafter to view some of the Bat population in the immediate area.
On Sunday the spotlight turns to the Waterways Ireland Marina in Ballyleague where a “Gathering” of visiting cruisers is taking place over the weekend to celebrate all that the village has to offer for visiting boaters. The Athlone Branch of the RNLI will be in attendance and performing on the water demonstrations as well as performing Life Jacket Safety Tests for all visiting boaters. A “Boat Jumble” Sale, Boat Engine and Air Heater Maintenance demonstration will also take place at the Marina throughout the day.
All of the above Events will be hosted in the Access for All Centre in Ballyleague, apart from the guided boat tour of Quaker Island all of the above events are ‘free of charge’ and tickets can be booked at NLRWAG@GMAIL.COm on a first come first served basis as spaces are limited.
The organisers would like to pay special tribute for assistance given to them by Waterways Ireland. ‘the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage Local Biodiversity Action Fund & Roscommon County Council as an action of County Roscommon Heritage Plan’.
Lough Ree Golfing Society
The local Lough Ree Golfing Society is holding its first outing of 2023 is to Strokestown Golf Club next Friday 21st April; this is a rescheduled date from last October which was rained off. The Society would welcome all golfers from the greater catchment area to come along and join this local and thriving Golf Society.
We will complete the competition for GOY 2022, those in line to win the beautiful trophy presented for this are, Joe McGrath 31pts, Peter Day 27 pts., Tony Carleton 24 pts., and Jackie Mc Donnell 22 pts.
There will also have their AGM before start of play.
Play commences at 11.00 and everyone is wished an enjoyable day to start the year. New members are very welcome just turn up on the day and pay a very small membership fee.
St. John’s Congregation
Sunday 23rd April Morning Prayers will take place in St. John’s Church, Lanesboro at 11.30am.
The final Church Service of Morning Prayers for the month of April will take place in St. Coman’s Church, Roscommon at 11.30am on Sunday 30th.
All are welcome.
Congratulations Lads
Pictured are three local lads Dean Masterson, Stephen (Hula) Masterson and Daniel Morris who along with their Sligo friend Martin McIntyre climbed to the Base Camp of Mount Everest last week. Their climb of 5364m was done in support of Mental Health Ireland and a go fund me page is open for a day or so more
The lads would like to thank everyone that has made a contribution to their fundraising it was deeply appreciated.

Darkness into Light
The Electric Ireland sponsored Darkness into Light will take place this year on Saturday 6th May. Locally we have a selection of centres that we can attend to take part; The Mall, Longford, Vocational School, Ballymahon, the Convent Gym, Roscommon Town and Strokestown Community Centre. The 5k will commence at all venues at 4.15am.
If you wish to fundraise for Pieta House or register you can do so by getting all the necessary information online at
Local notes inclusion
Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the coming weeks notes.
AGM: Ballyleague Tidy Towns
We would like to cordially invite you to the upcoming event to be held at Ballyleague Hall on the 19th of April at 8 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to reflect on the year that has passed and to outline our future plans for the year ahead.
We’ve invited our local representatives and dignitaries to attend this event, and we encourage everyone in the community to join us in this reflection and planning session. This event is open to the public, and we welcome everyone to attend.
It is worth noting that all executive positions have been filled, so there will be no surprise positions announced at this event. However, we believe that the public attendance is crucial in sharing ideas and providing feedback that can help us make better decisions for the community.
We look forward to your presence at this event, and we hope that it will be a productive session for all involved.
Weekly 25 Drive
The results of the 25 Drive held on Sunday night last in St. Mary’s Parish Hall are: 1st Brian Mulvihill and Mags Gillen. There was a four way tie for 2nd with Vincent & Seamus, Pat & Frank, Tom & Jack and Anne & Kay sharing. The raffle winners were Tom Rooney, Mick Maguire, Barney Kenny & Kathleen Maguire. Results from Easter Sunday night’s game are: 1st Tom Rooney and Brian, in 2nd place were Pat Joe Fallon & Tom Nohilly. The raffle winners were Anne Egglington, Pat Rock, Noel McDermott, Annie, Brendan Hanley, Niall Hughes and Kevin. The last game winners were Barney Kenny and Eugene Kelly. The game continues every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp with light refreshments served.
Roscommon Solstice Choir
On Friday 5th May at 8pm in the Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon along with Roscommon Traditional Musicians will perform a concert. The concert is to raise much needed funds for the Sacred Heart Church restoration fund. Work is due to commence in the very near future on this historic church that was built in the late 1890’s.
Tickets for the concert are €15 and they can be obtained from Geraldine Greally – 086 3276584, Michael Connaughton – 086 2544671, Mary Glesson – 087 – 9119771, Paul Biesty – 087 2536510 or Fr. Kevin Fallon 087 1487774.
Day with the Stars extended
Yes, the wonderful and hugely enjoyable Day with the Stars once again returns to Roscommon Racecourse this year only this year it comes with an extension of another day making it a Midsummers Weekend with the Stars. The show will take place on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June and it promises to be one of the main attractions countrywide this year.
Saturday will see The Tumbling Paddies topping the bill that will also include Ruaile Buaile, Rhythm & Sticks, One for the Road and Paul Kelly Music.
Sunday will feature Derek Ryan Music, Philomena Begley, Jimmy Buckley, Mike Denver, Patrick Feeney, Robert Mizzell, Cliona Hagan, Claudia Buckley, Gerry Guthrie Music, David James Music, and Brendan Jermyn Music along with the award winning Shannonside/Northern Sound Orchestra
Tickets can be bought for either day and there are a limited number of weekend tickets available and they can be bought in O’Brien’s, phone 043 3321107 or email Joe at
New Book
The Burkes and the Pollocks is a recently publish book by Martin Duffy. The book tells of the fortunes of two families in the parish of Kilbegnet parish over different times in recent centuries. The parish of Kilbegnet is a big one covering the Creggs, Glinsk, Donamon and all points in between. The book tells the story of both families and how the land Act and Land League changed the fortunes and led to the ending of landlordism.
The book is available in O’Brien’s and it is well worth a read. The book is priced at €20.
Thanks to the great support of Roscommon Sports Partnership committee – a taster course in tennis started on April 15th at 10am in Ballyleague …in association with the Lough Ree Bay tennis club for children aged 6-16 and for adults. The children’s class is now FULL but there are a few places left in the adults lessons at 9am next Saturday so come down to the marina in Ballyleague at 9am if you want to learn a great new healthy past time.
Our qualified coach Ronan Flanagan will be here on Saturday mornings to coach every week.
There will be a minimal charge of just €5 per children per hour and €10 per adult per hour.
It’s also expected that the present tennis courts at the marina will be upgraded in May or June of this year with a new synthetic surface and new nets.
Line Dancing
Line dancing classes continues to take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town.
Line Dancing classes, again, every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town
Beginners are on from 6pm to 7pm. Followed by Improvers from 7pm to 8pm
Line Dancing will take place at the Kilbride Centre every Tuesday evening at 7pm followed by Social Dancing with Christopher Byrne
Tractor, Truck & Car Run
On Sunday 30th April a Tractor, Truck and Car Run will take place from St. Faithleach’s GAA grounds to remember the late Ronan McDermott.
This running of this event is to help raise awareness of suicide and to raise funds for Pieta House.
Pieta House supports people and communities in crisis by providing freely accessible professional services to all and this was a service Ronan reached out to in the past.
As part of the event a raffle will be held and if you are in a position it is hoped that you may be able to donate a raffle prize. The family organising the event would greatly appreciate any donation you can make.
If you have any questions, want to donate a prize please contact or phone 087 210 4383.
Ronan’s partner, daughter and family would like to thank you for your consideration.
€12,900 up for grabs
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery on Tuesday 17th April stood at €12,900. This is a fantastic amount of money to be won from envelopes just costing €2 each or 3 envelopes for €5.
The numbers drawn on Tuesday 11th April for a jackpot of €12,800 were 9, 16, 17 and 26. There was no winner of the jackpot. The winners of the €50 prize was Antoinette Skelly, Newtowncashel c/o O’Brien’s and the three €20 winners were Fiona c/o Mags, Kieran O’Dowd, Rathcline c/o O’Brien’s and Tara Tierney c/o The Wooden Spoon.
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns committee would like to thank you for your continued generosity and this support is ensuring that Lanesboro continues to look beautiful.
Ballyleague Bingo
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
The 50/50 draw took place in on Monday night 10th April. The winning envelope for a prize of €802 was in the name of Monica Sweeney, Ballyleague. Congratulations Monica on your terrific win.
The club is extremely grateful for your continued tremendous support.
Ballyboro FC
A stunning individual goal by Tim Kenny was the decisive factor in the under 13s win over Mostrim in a closely fought Cup encounter. The teams were level at half time 1-1 before Tim went on a surging run from halfway before slotting the ball past the opposing goalkeeper for one of the goals of the season. It was an excellent all round team performance that augers well for the future. Team: Hayden Smyth, Leah Kenny, Jack Cassidy, Charlie Moynihan, Josh Curran, Darragh Donlon, Alfie Murphy, Shane Farrell, Tim Kenny, Sarah Healy, Oisin Dillon. Subs: Cathal Hanley, Alfie Brehon, Stephen Farrell, James Carroll, Kyle Rice.
The under 12s were also in fine fettle when they got the better of Stonepark in the Cup. Ballyboro turned on the style in the second half and goals from Tom Hession and Jake O’Shea (2) saw the team safely through to the second round. Ballyboro: Patrick McDonagh, Rían Morrissey, Darragh McGloin, Jake O’Shea, Ethan Donnellan, Tom Hession, Adam Greally, Eanna Kenny, Michael Hogan. Subs: Luke O’Halloran, Senan Dermody, Ethan Carberry, Conor Kilcoyne.
In the semi-final of the Combined Cup Ballyboro went down 5-3 to Moydow. The scores were level 3-3 as the game entered the closing stages but two late penalties both of which were converted by Moydow saw them through to the final. Ballyboro: Dean O’Reilly, Ben Hussey, Patrick Kenny, Daniel Foley (1), Henry Masterson, Alan Kenny. Ciaran Regan (1), Keith Murphy, Mark Tarmey, Andrew Whitten, Jordan Donlon (1).
The under 14 girls team had a busy week. They played some impressive football when they played Kenagh United in the League semi-final. Ballyboro always had the upper hand over a game Kenagh team and goals from Emma Dowd, Sarah Healy, and Siun McElgunn saw them safely through on a 3-1 margin. Squad: Lillie Dowd, Mariana Donlon Goncalves, Leah Kenny, Anna Cox, Emma Feeney, Emma Dowd, Kate Malone, Sophie Cox, Sophie Byrne, Sarah Healy, Kate Ferguson, Siun McElgunn, Emily McDermott, Amy Burke, Laura Rhatigan, Erin Rumley, Katie Smith, Emmie Rose Cassidy, Emma Hoey, Kate Hoey. The girls were not so fortunate when they played Newtown in a Cup semi-final. Newtown went 2 goals up but a clinical finish by Sarah Healy gave Ballyboro hope. However four goals in the last five minutes gave Newtown a deserved victory though the winning margin certainly flattered the Newtownforbes girls.
The under 12 girls were away to Abbey Rovers in the cup quarter final. Ballyboro had the better of the first half and early stages of the second half and a number of chances were created. Abbey hit a purple patch midway through the second scoring four quick fire goals. Ballyboro continued to battle and create chances with Sinead Murray crossing for Rosie Farrell to score with the final play of the game for a well-deserved goal. Squad: Faye Hogan(c), Kallie Herbert, Sadhbh Neilon, Emma Hopkins, Chloe Kilcoyne, Rosie Farrell, Laoise Farrell, Hannah Farrell, Sinead Murray, Saoirse Feeney, Saoirse Dillon, Ava Donohoe.
ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home.
Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a National network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology.
We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services.
We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations.
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Local Health Service
The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. Freephone 1800 700700.
Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.
Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
St. Mary’s Church
Welcome to our new Bishop: The parish would like to welcome new Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise and congratulate Fr. Paul Connell, Mullingar on his appointment.
Trócaire: You are reminded that the Trócaire boxes should be returned to the church as soon as possible and place them in the collection basket at the altar.
Communion for Coeliacs: Gluten free hosts are available for all those who need them. Just make it known to the priest that you wish to receive a gluten free host at Holy Communion.
The Parish Hub: Maireád, the Parish Secretary is in her office on Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm. If you want to contact her by phone you can do so during the aforementioned working hours at 3321166. She will help you with any questions or booking related matters.
Speak with a Priest: if you wish to talk with any of the priests you can call into the sacristy after any Mass.
Talk to the Samaritans: Are you struggling to cope with life? Do you think it would help to talk about your problem in confidence? It does not matter who you are, how you feel or what happened to you. If things are getting you down you can turn to the Samaritans for help. The Samaritans are available on Freephone 116123, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829
Parish contacts
Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Kilgefin Parish
Annual Holidays: Fr. Dan will be travelling to Nigeria for his annual holiday from 1st may to 8th June. Consequently Rev Canon Eugene McLaughlin and Fr. Kevin Fallon will cover only three (3) Masses and Sacraments at weekends (Saturday 8pm in Ballagh; Sunday 10am in Curraghroe and Sunday in Ballyleague at 11am).For all other enquiries and adjustments on Anniversary Masses please contact parish secretary, Vivienne Barry at
Parish Webcam: After deliberation within the Parish Finance committee and the Pastoral Council there is consideration given to the switching off of the Parish webcam in a few months’ time. The decision has been taken due to financial consideration into paying €1,332 annually. Your suggestions and possible solutions will be appreciated.
First Holy Communion and Confirmation: Bishop Kevin Doran will be in Ballyleague for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday 26th April at 11a.m. First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday 29th April at 12 noon.
Revenue Rebate: A gentle reminder to people that has received a revenue form from the parish – please return the completed form to Fr. Dan. The parish has benefitted by almost €6000 per year from Revenue in recent years. People who donated over 250 per year to the parish have received a request to allow the parish to claim a rebate. However, the parish needs the permission of the donor to claim the rebate. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.
St. Faithleach’s GAA
The Lottery jackpot is now standing at €3600. There was no winner this week. The numbers drawn were 6, 14, 22 and 26. The three €40 winners were John Martin Jnr, Dara Irwin, and Johnny Fallon. Tickets are for sale at all usual local outlets. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you Danesh and Sean for their Trojan work in running the club lotto week in week out.
Underage Training
Underage training commences on Thursday evenings at 18:30. Kids must be over 4 years of age on January 1st 2023. New members and all levels welcome.
Senior Men
The senior men played Boyle on Friday evening in Ballyleague in the senior league. The final scoreline read Faithleachs 0-09 0-06 Boyle. Well done lads on a great result in harsh conditions.
Cúl Camps
Cúl CAMPS return to St. Faithleachs on Monday July 3rd. Book your place now on
As the new season approaches for our underage teams, volunteers are being asked to give a helping hand at trainings and managing teams. If you wish to help out you can contact Tanya O’Rourke or Katie Carberry.
Fashion Night
Fashion Master Class by Maria Carton will be held in clubhouse on Friday 21st April at 7pm. Tickets are available from Marie Cleary 086 0815659, Mary Mangan 087 2331227, Martina Healy 087 7640984 or in clubhouse. All welcome
Tesco Community Fund
Thank you to Tesco Roscommon who has included St. Faithleachs GAA Club in their community fund putting a fantastic €5000 towards our club and facilities. Thank you to our committee for their hard work.
The Clubhouse will be open every Saturday night from 7pm. Why not come on in for a chat and a bit of craic. Thank you for your continued support.
Last Man Standing
Well done to Pauline Kenny, Lough Ree Park, this year’s winner of the Last Man/Woman Standing bagging the prize €300. Thanks to Jerome Kelly for organizing the competition and to everyone who entered.
Waste Metal Collection
The club are carrying out a waste metal collection over the next few weeks. If you wish to have anything collected just contact any club committee member. Any donations greatly appreciated.
Club Reps
Best of luck to Ciaráin, Diarmuid and Cían as Roscommon take on Galway in the Connacht Senior Football Semi Final on Sunday in Hyde Park. Tickets are available at and SuperValu stores.