Lanesboro Ballyleague notes
The death has taken place on Monday 30th October of former local resident Mary Conway (nee Donlon). Mary was predeceased by her husband Matthew, her sister Nancy Mc Grath (Derrygeel) and brothers Jim and Tim Donlon (Aughaloughan).
Mary celebrated her 100th birthday last May with all her family. She will be sadly missed by her daughters Mary and Siobhan, sons Padraig, Matt, Joe, Tadhg and Aidan, sons in law Paul and Tommy, daughters in law Maura, Imelda, Mary and Grainne, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives, her extended family locally and friends to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore and burial took place at Clonminch Cemetery, Tullamore.
Lanesboro Triathlon Club
A large number of club members travelled to the Triathlon Ireland awards night last weekend. While the club did not win the accolade of Race of the Year it is fantastic to see the race nominated in the top three nationally for the second year in a row.
The disappointment was not long lived as the club’s PRO and junior swim coach Elaine Lally received winning national awards for 1st place in the Age Group Aquathon National Championship and 2nd place in the Age Group Sprint National Championship while club treasure and inspirational member Frank O’Connor won national awards for 1st place in the Age Group Aquathon National Championship and 2nd place in the Age Group Aqua bike National Championship.
Meanwhile, the Sea to Summit took place in Mayo on Saturday and this was laden down with close to 20 club members taking part.

Prayers in Remembrance
On Sunday next in St. Mary’s Church at 5pm there will be Prayers of Remembrance as a special commemoration for all that died in the parish since the beginning of the Covid Virus in early 2020.
Since March 2020 a total there has been 67 parishioners who passed away and each and every one of those and their families will be remembered on Sunday. The prayer service will incorporate the naming of all those that dies and a family member will be invited to carry a candle forward to the altar and have it lit candles with each person’s name on it will be given out as you arrive. You can bring the candle home with you afterwards.
A letter of invitation has been sent out to all families and it is hoped that each family and their friends will be represented on Sunday.
There will be a cup of tea in St. Mary’s Hall afterwards.
League Final
This Wednesday evening Fermoyle National School Mixed Division 1 team will play in their final on the Drumlish GAA pitch at Monaduff. They will take on St. Teresa’s N.S., Killoe with the throw in at 6.15pm. If you can at all, please go along and cheer on the local team.
Our deepest sympathy to Gerry Hoare, Moher, on the death of his brother Ned Hoare, Henry Street, Roscommon Town, who passed away on Friday 10th November.
Underage sporting clubs are always essential in the development and the Shannon Gael Minor club is no different with its offering of football to the young people of the parish of Rathcline. The club has been very active in the development of its youth over many years and getting more and more progressive as each year passes.
Now is the time for the annual AGM and it will take place on Friday next 17th November in the clubhouse at the club grounds in Clonbonny at 8pm. It would be wonderful to see more and more parents and club supporters attend the meeting to show their support and appreciating for those that have been running the club.
Mass for deceased members
The County Longford Pioneers Association will hold a Mass for deceased members of the Pioneers Association in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Friday next 17th November at 7.30pm..
There will be refreshments following Mass in the Crypt afterwards.
Fermoyle NS Enrolment
Fermoyle NS Enrolment is now open. Parents of prospective students are invited to go to the school website to download an Enrolment Form. You can email to or post application form to Fermoyle NS, Fermoyle, Lanesborough, Co. Longford.
Christmas Fair
Lanesborough Parish Hall and Tidy Towns groups are hosting a Christmas fair and market on Sunday 10th December in the Parish Hall from 11 am to 1 pm. Santa and Mrs Claus will be attending. Enquiries for stalls can be made to Mags on 0863600419 or Mike Greene.
Christmas Draw
The local Mid Roscommon Vintage Club is, this year, holding a Christmas to help enhance the great work it does throughout the year. The draw will take place on Saturday 23rd December in Compton’s bar, Strokestown. Tickets priced at €5 each are on sale in O’Brien’s Shop and your full support will be most appreciated.
The prizes are 1st €500 cash, 2nd €100 Abbey Hotel Roscommon voucher, 3rd €100 Essential Workwear voucher and 4th €50 Fuel voucher. The club would like to thank The Abbey Hotel Roscommon, Ivor Trimble and Stewart’s Oil for their sponsorship.
Local notes inclusion
Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the coming weeks notes.
College Enrolment and Open Day
Lanesboro Community College is recognised as a leading educational facility gaining excellent results and placements in recent years. The recognition of the great work being done is not lost on parents and consequently the intake of first year’s students tends to fill up very quickly.
Enrolment for the school year 2024/25 has just opened and early booking is essential. Application forms are available online at or can be picked up from the school. For further details phone 0906 500140.
The College will hold its Open Day will take place on this Thursday 16th November.
Tractor Run
A Tractor Run in memory of Donal Chapman who lost his battle with MS just over one year ago will take place on Saturday 25th November.
Donal was a great advocate of the MS Society (Longford) and with a great strength of character he took part in many fundraising events such as a Skydive, Bungee Jump, and the Christmas Day Swim to mention a few. Donal could not stress enough the support and good that the MS Society does for those suffering with Multiple Sclerosis.
The Tractor Run organised by neighbours and friends, along with remembering Donal Chapman, it will raise funds for Longford Multiple Sclerosis. The ‘Tractor Run’ will start at ‘The Local’ Newtowncashel with registration from 1pm. The Run will start at 2.30pm and route will go from the local to Derryhaun down, through Lanesboro and over to St. Faithleach’s club grounds. It will return via the Rathcline Road, across Bullockstown and up through Killinure to finish at the Pier Inn.
There will be a Kids Tractor Run in Lisnacusha, time to be decided, and there will also be an early visit from the magical man Santa where all youngsters can give their list to the great man.
The very popular Acting the Maggot will finish off the day’s proceeding with another fabulous music night in the Pier Inn.
ESB Annual Mass
The Annual Mass for deceased staff members of ESB Lanesborough will take place in St. Mary’s Parish Hall beside the bridge. Mass will take place on this Wednesday 15th November at 8pm. All former staff members, their families and the families of deceased staff members are invited to attend.
Short Breaks Scheme
Would you be interested in providing home from home short breaks for children and adults who have an intellectual disability? Brothers of Charity Services Ireland, Homeshare Roscommon are recruiting host carers. Training and support will be provided. There will be a tax exempt allowance paid. For further information email or phone Catherine 09066 28500 or 087 2126607.
Killian Homeplace Genealogy
Would you like to trace your family roots? The Killian Homeplace in Fermoyle is now available for anybody to trace their family Irish roots. Many people have hit a block when searching for their family roots and there is now the golden opportunity to help your search. You can contact the team at the Killian Homeplace or phone 0863952557 or from abroad 011 353 86 395 2557.
There is an excellent team in place and you will be assured of every help possible to get your family tree completed.
Tidy Town’s Lotto stands at €15,000
The Lanesboro Tidy Towns Lottery for Tuesday 21st November stands at an exciting €15,000. This is a wonderful opportunity to win the €15,000 for just €2 or 3 envelopes for €5.
The draw took place in O’Brien’s Shop and the numbers drawn on Tuesday 7th November for the jackpot of €15.000 were 4, 11, 16 and 21. There was no winner of the jackpot. The winner of the €50 prize was Sean Connaughton, Curraghroe, and the three €20 winners were Annette and John c/o XLNTEE, Kieran O’Dowd, Rathcline and Theresa & Myah Collins, c/o Mags.
The draw takes place every Tuesday morning in O’Brien’s Shop.
Without your continued generosity and support the excellent results in the Tidy Towns completion would not have been so good. Your tremendous is ensuring that Lanesboro continues to look beautiful. Thank you very much.
Access for All boat
The Access for All boat is for everybody. The boat can cater for three large wheelchairs but you don’t have to be a wheelchair user to avail of the excellent trips. Guided fishing excursions can also be organised. Advanced booking is recommended. You can contact by email or phone 089 2625505 or 043 33 84175.
Weekly Card Game
The results of the weekly card game held in St. Mary’s Hall Lanesboro on Sunday night last are: 1st Pat & Ger Greene, 2nd Martin and Noel McDermott. Last game winners were Eugene and Barney. Raffle winners were Niall Hughes, Joe Dolan, Pat Rock & Frank McCormack. As usual light refreshments are served at the game. No partner needed.
Rathcline 50/50
On Monday 6th November the Rathcline GAA 50/50 weekly draw took place in Adie’s bar. The winning envelope drawn out was in the name of Chris Cullen and he won the jackpot of €595. Well done Chris on your great win.
As always, the winning cheques can always be collected in O’Brien’s.
The Rathcline 50/50 draw takes place every Monday night at 7.30pm. Your continued generous support is greatly appreciated and it is highlighted by the large pool each week.
Co. Longford Citizens Advice Centre
Co. Longford Citizens Information Service has recently been restructured and is currently under new management.
They continue to provide free, impartial, and confidential information, advice, and advocacy services to the public on social services, rights, and entitlements. The range of areas covered by the citizens information centre are extremely wide including social welfare rights and entitlements and other social issues such as employment, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights, all where people need access to information.
The way people access the services changed during Covid and now they currently deal with a large number of queries over the telephone, however, they continue to provide our drop-in times and welcome people to their face-to-face service five mornings a week from the Longford office. The services are provided by experienced trained Information Officers who are here to help
The centre is located on level 1 within Longford Shopping Centre and direction can be obtained at the reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5.00pm. The office closes for lunch from 1pm until 2pm.
The Employability Service
is an Employment and Recruitment Service to assist people with a disability or health issue to pursue and maintain employment in the open labour market. If you are over 18, have a disability or health issue and would consider working part-time then you should contact Employment Services Roscommon support to help find you a job in your area. This is a confidential and free individualised service funded by the Department of Social Protection.
Are you managing mental health issues? There is the opportunity for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) that is funded by the HSE and offers a range of tailored personalised supports to people using mental health services who wish to work. For further information you should phone 090 66 28608 or call/text 087 3745307. They can also be contacted via email at
Line Dancing
Line Dancing classes take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town.
Line Dancing classes every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town for beginners from 6pm to 7pm and Improvers from 7pm to 8pm
Dance classes takes place in Kilbride, Four Mile House every Tuesday 7pm followed by:
Jive & Waltz classes 8 45pm.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of those addicted to alcohol are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral. The meetings take place every Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Ballyleague Bingo
Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.
The club is extremely grateful for your continued tremendous support.
ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home.
Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a National network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology.
We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services.
We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations.
Support line for older people
ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin.
Alcohol Anon Meetings
Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm.
Local Health Service
The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. The number to ring is Freephone 1800 700700.
Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.
Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112.
Smart Recovery
SMART recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour.
There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or
Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135.
Shannon Gaels Minor Club
Underage sporting clubs are always essential in the development and the Shannon Gael Minor club is no different with its offering of football to the young people of the parish of Rathcline. The club has been very active in the development of its youth over many years and getting more and more progressive as each year passes.
Now is the time for the annual AGM and it will take place on Friday 17th November in the clubhouse at the club grounds in Clonbonny at 8pm. It would be wonderful to see more and more parents and club supporters attend the meeting to show their support and appreciating for those that have been running the club.
St. Mary’s Church
Eucharist: If you would like to receive Holy Communion call from a Minister of the Eucharist you are invited to let Maireád in the parish office know. Call in or phone 3321166.
Longford Citizen Information: The centre is located on level 1 within Longford Shopping Centre and it provides free, impartial and confidential information, advice and advocacy services, rights and entitlements. Information at the reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5.00pm. The office closes for lunch from 1pm until 2pm. There is a free information booklet available and you can pick it up at the office.
Alcohol Anon Meeting: Relatives and friends of those addicted to alcoholare welcome to attend this meeting in the Family Centre at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on any Tuesday evenings at 7pm
Communion for Coeliacs: Gluten free hosts are available for all those who need them. Just make it known to the priest that you wish to receive a gluten free host at Holy Communion.
The Parish Hub: Maireád, the Parish Secretary is in her office on Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm. She can be contacted on the phone at 3321166. She will help you with any questions or booking related matters.
Speak with a Priest: if you wish to talk with any of the priests you can call into the sacristy after any Mass.
Talk to the Samaritans: Are you struggling to cope with life? Do you think it would help to talk about your problem in confidence? It does not matter who you are, how you feel or what happened to you. If things are getting you down you can turn to the Samaritans for help. The Samaritans are available on Freephone 116123, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interest you are asked to sign up at the following address
For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829
Parish contacts
Fr. Merlyn Kenny, Newtowncashel 0860603433 and Fr. Turlough Baxter, Killashee 0879972259 who as you know are assisting in our parish.
Kilgefin Parish
Eucharistic Adoration:
There is always an hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament every Friday in Ballyleague Church from 10.30am to 11.30am and in Curraghroe Church from 8pm to 9pm. You are invited to go along to spend some quiet time of prayer with God.
Envelopes for 2023/24:
Church offering envelopes in boxes are available in the church for distribution. A special word of thanks to the distributors for all their on-going work.
Remembrance Mass:
A Mass for deceased Roscommon County Council staff and members has been arranged for this Friday evening 17th November at 6pm. in the Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon. After Mass there will be refreshments served in the canteen of Áras an Chontae Roscommon.
Parish Contact:
You can contact Fr Dan at 089 2706060
Cemetery Rosary:
There will be a Rosary in Cloontuskert Cemetery for the souls of our deceased members on Sunday next 19th November at 3pm. All are invited.
Short Break Scheme: Would you be interested in providing home from home short breaks for children and adults who have an intellectual disability? Brothers of Charity Services Ireland, Homeshare Roscommon are recruiting host carers. Training and support will be provided. There will be a tax exempt allowance paid. For further information email or phone Catherine 09066 28500 or 087 2126607.
Tap-Machine in Porch: All parishioners and visitors to the Church of the Holy Rosary Church, Ballyleague are reminded that a ‘Tap Machine’ has now been installed in the porch of the church and it will be in operation from now on. This is an initiative of the Diocese of Elphin to help ease the hassle of availability of cash and a response to the cashless policy. Parishioners are asked to continue to use weekly pink envelopes as this new system is to encourage support for aid in the maintenance and welfare of the parish.
St. Faithleach’s GAA
Annual Lottery
It’s now time for annual lottery subscriptions to be renewed. Please contact any committee member to do so. Thank you for your continued support.
The Clubhouse is open every Saturday night from 7pm. The clubhouse is available for private party bookings. Please contact any committee member to book.