Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 20th May 2024

Lanesboro Ballyleague notes

Table Quiz

How is your sporting knowledge? Do you fancy yourself as a sports buff?

On Friday 31st May the Lanesborough Ballyleague Twinning Association will host ‘A Question of Sport’. This is a unique quiz as it a Table Quiz specifically for everyone that feels they have a knowledge of sport. Grab your sporting friends and come along and compete to be the first Sports Quiz champions. A table of 4 costs €40. If you don’t have a team come along as there should be many looking to complete their team.

Supporting the quiz you will be helping the committee to raise funds for their upcoming Twinning project. 

Clarke’s Bar at 9pm on Friday week 31st May is the place to be.


There are times when a great shroud of darkness darkens a community and this was the case on Wednesday last 15th May when we learned of the death of John Horohoe, Salmon’s Lane, Ballyleague on Wednesday last 15th May at his residence. Johnny as he was most commonly known was predeceased by his infant son John, his parents John and Josie, his brothers Jimmy and Patsy, his sisters Kathleen and Bridgie. All his life Johnny was a very active man and no matter to whom you spoke to there was always great memories of what he had done in way of helping or what devilment he got up to. He wore that unique smile and his smiling eyes always told you he was ready to pull a fast one on some unsuspecting person. He was the life and soul of the community and indeed the many stories of his and Maureen’s group trips away with Fabian Walsh to different parts of Ireland were legendary. Johnny loved life and lived every minute of it whether it was working with Bord na Mona and later on when working in the power station with ESB. Johnny also had a great love of the land and enjoyed nothing more than working it at every opportunity. He enjoyed the Tops of the Town when it was going strong; he loved, music, sing songs and storytelling and supporting local interests, St. Faithleach’s and the county Roscommon teams. Johnny was a lifelong member of the pioneers and was a wonderful family man who was always full of encouragement for their betterment. He quietly relished in the substantial achievements of his family and loved nothing more than to see local people achieve and succeed. He was a wonderful conversationalist and it was always a pleasure to be in his company for the joy of heart he brought at that time. There are many stories that are and will be told of the memory of Johnny Horohoe and the one thing they will leave is a smile to those listening, the same smiles he brought to everyone when he told his stories. The attendance at the reposing of his remains and again at his Funeral Mass bore testimony to the esteem in which Johnny was held.

Johnny reposed at Glennon’s Funeral Home on Friday last and his remains were removed to the Church of the Holy Rosary Ballyleague on Saturday 18th May for the Mass of the Resurrection. Interment took place afterwards to Cloontuskert Cemetery. To his wife Maureen, his daughters Maura, Breda and Síle, his sons Ciaran and Noel, his sister Tessie, relatives and his many many friends we extend our deepest sympathy.

Another Wonderful Occasion

Ireland’s best adventure Race organisers, Gaelforce came to Lanesboro over the weekend and indeed they did live up to their name by blowing up a perfect storm. There was a wonderful atmosphere and with the huge numbers participating that really filled up town. For those of my vintage it is a very long time since we saw the town full to overflow. It was a throwback to the good old days that we were well renowned for in the 60’s and 70’s. While the day was overcast, with no rain, the temperature kept rising thus creating a lovely ambience as people moved through the town.

There was a tremendous atmosphere throughout and with well in excess of 500 swimmers taking part in the swimming events over the three distances, 5800m, 3,100m, and 800m.

The events of the weekend started on Friday evening with free Kayaking in the bay area and a Wild Sauna session in a wood fired sauna. The agility of one of the kayakers had to be seen to be believed as he displayed some acrobatic manoeuvres in the marina.

Saturday saw the great influx of the people taking part and supporting and those just viewing the events of the day. It was another memorable day in our community and it terrific that Gaelforce saw Lanesboro as a perfect location and saw it fit to return to Lanesboro for the second year in a row with an extended programme of activities and entertainment. Let us hope that Gaelforce will make the decision to return again next year and continue to develop a wonderful weekend for our community.

Adding an extra layer of excitement to the day was the Motorcycle Run organised by the Midland Motorcycle Club to help raise funds and awareness for St. Luke’s Hospital Dublin. Well-nigh to 100 motor bikes powered trough the town creating a crescendo of noise and excitement as the sped off to Longford on the way back to their starting point in Tullamore. If you can please give every support to St. Luke’s directly or through the Midland Motorcycle Club.

Election Posters Defaced

While the election fever is hotting up for the Local and European elections with posters appearing at all vacant spaces and lampposts it is with great sadness and hopelessness that I relate that a number of posters have been defaced and damaged. The biggest problem is that it is spreading with more and more posters being damaged.

Not only is it illegal to do such a dishonourable act but it makes you wonder the mind-set of people that would lower themselves to carry out such deeds.

Irrespective of whether you agree with the policies or have a gripe with any of the candidates, the last and lowest thing than can be done is to deface or damage their posters. Everybody has the right to express their views in a proper manner but not in the manner of the past two weeks.

Local Candidates

In the local elections on Friday the 7th June we in the parish of Rathcline have the choice between four local candidates for the Ballymahon Municipal District where 6 councillors will be elected from our area the Ballymahon Local Electoral Area.

Running as Independents are Mandy Larkin, The Green, Gerdie Farrell, Main Street and Mark Casey, Lehery and Sean Mimnagh, the Green/Ballyleague is running for Fianna Fail. Mark and Gerdie are presently our sitting councillors and are being challenged in this election by Sean and Mandy.

According to all the political commentators it will be a very tight run election and none will be more closely fought than between our 4 local candidates.

In the European election on the same day running for the Independent Ireland party is Ciaran Mullooly Killinure/Ballyleague. There are 27 candidates contesting the Midlands North West constituency for 5 seats.

It is extremely important that everyone gets out and votes for their preferred candidates and make sure that you make your vote count.

We wish all our local candidates the very best of luck.  

Dublin Bombing Remembered

Some residents of our community were remembering this week on how they were caught up in the Dublin and Monaghan coordinated bombings that happened in both places within 90 minutes of each other on 17th May 1974. Friday last was the 50th Anniversary of the bombings that brought memories of the harrowing events. The bombs killed a total of 34 civilians, including an unborn child, and injured almost 300. Our residents remember the bombings and how lucky they were when they were in the vicinity of the bombs when they went off.

Colm Daly was one of our locals and he recounted his memory of the day.

17th May 1974, it was a Friday evening. It was great to be coming into the weekend and leaving work at 5.15 pm to head home.

Unfortunately, there was a bus strike in Dublin at that time, the City was crippled with no public transport apart from a few local trains with minimal carriage occupancy, which ran North to South along the Coastline.  Normally, these few trains with pre-war carriages would be packed at rush hour, but during a bus strike, they were far more chaotic.

There was no Darts, no Luas in those days, so most people walked.  Some Irish Army Lorries were deployed for more outlying parts of Dublin, but not a lot.

I left the Custom House, where I worked to walk towards Amiens Street train Station with a friend hoping to get a train home to Artane but as it was Friday, there was no hurry so I was prepared to walk also.

As we reached the bottom Talbot St, opposite the main entrance to the train station, my friend suggested that we look at a few shops up the street.

We began window shopping on the right-hand side of the street, heading up towards O’Connell St.

L,S, D, or Pounds , Shillings and Pence as it was known  was the currency of the day and with low wages everywhere at the time window shopping was an acceptable and enjoyable pastime .

As we approached Guiney’s, which was on the left-hand side of Talbot Street, we moved into the recess of a shoe shop to look at more shoes on our side.

I was on the outer side of the doorway recess when I heard a distinctive metal click of sorts, I stepped back into the street to see what it was and at that very moment, a train clattered across the railway bridge at Amiens St.

Ah I thought to myself , that’s what the noise was …and as those thoughts entered my mind , the biggest, loudest noise of an explosion occurred and I witnessed Talbot St explode out into the centre of the road around where Guiney’s was, I was just on the periphery of the blast.

From the moment I heard the initial click till the blast was like slow motion as I watched upper floor windows and debris being sucked out into the air. It was all just one moment but seemed to go on forever.

Because of the bus strike, there were a good number of people around, everyone was still for another long moment but then screaming, yelling, noise, and mayhem ensued. People started to run away from the blast, as did we. I immediately thought of Bríd my sister who was working in the Dept. of Education in Marlborough St and would be coming from that side of the explosion to get to Amiens St. With no mobile phones, I could do nothing but get to safety. We made our way out of the City, like confused displaced refugees, heading northwards.  We stopped at the Cat and Cage Pub in Drumcondra and ordered a drink to settle our nerves, then joined the queue for the only public phone on the premises which everyone was using to contact family members. After quite a while, I got to use the phone and rang my mother to inform her that I was OK and discovered that both my sister and brother were also safe. As I worked in the very centre of the City during the troubles, I had been in the vicinity of many bomb scares and even another bomb explosion on another occasion.

The 17th of May, however, is burnt into my memory, and I never forget it every single year. It was not my time, thank God, but I think and pray for those who died in Dublin and Monaghan that day, 50 years ago today RIP.

Lanesboro Garda Station

Lanesboro Garda Station has just posted a notice telling of its opening times where the station will have a member of the force in attendance for the public. Lanesboro station will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9am to 11am. The station will be open at those times unless the local Garda is dealing with a situation the requires their attendance.

Darts Champions

On Friday night last in GW Kiernan’s, Willie Forbes bar in Ballymahon the final of the Ballymahon Darts & District League Final took place between our local pub Clarke’s and Skelly’s bar, Ballymahon. It was a close run affair right through but in the end Clarke’s emerged winners by the narrowest of margins. Mike O’Brien, team captain in his acceptance speech dedicated the victory to their late friend Sean Kenny. The Clarke’s team was captained by Mike O’Brien, Liam Gouldsbury, Pat Costello, Bernie McKenna (jnr.), Paul Kelly, Patsy Glasgow, Cían O’Brien (son of Mike) and Maurice Donlon.

Well done to all the lads on their fantastic achievements and the celebrations went long into the night.

Bridge Club Celebrates

The Wednesday night Bridge Club 1973/74 held the celebration of their 50th Anniversary in Hannon’s Hotel on Wednesday night last 15th May. The club were delighted to welcome back 6 of the founder members to the celebration.

Golden Anniversary

Many congratulations to Tony and Patricia Manning, Ballyleague, who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Saturday last 18th May.

Galway Races Beckons

Each year the Rathcline as a club celebrate at the legendary Galway Races. This has proven to be a fabulous day out with people travelling from abroad and throughout the country for what always transpires to be a wonderful occasion. We are sure that this celebration will once again be a complete sell out.

The ticket package includes Racecourse Admission, Champagne Reception, Four Course Gourmet Meal, Complimentary wine with the Meal, Afternoon Tea, Reserved Table for the Day, After Meal Entertainment with Rock and Pop from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s by the hugely popular Mickey & Duxy, Tote Betting Facilities, Complimentary Car Parking, Race Card and Racing Tipsters will be on hand to guide you through the card. There will also be a competition for the Best Dressed lady and Gent offering a wonderful incentive to make that special effort in your dress style. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a very special day at the Galway Races for just €150.

Bookings can be made with Stephen Rooney, 0863176301, Liam Connerton 086 8776405, Kevin Hanley 086 8908436 or Seadna Ryan 085 1595512. Get your booking in early as there is no doubt going to be a big demand.

Day with the Stars

The annual country musical festival ‘Day with the Star’ will once again take place at Roscommon Racecourse on Sunday 23rd June.  Those featuring will include some of Ireland major country artist namely Mike Denver, Derek Ryan, Jimmy Buckley, Michael English, Cliona Hagan, Brendan Shine, Robert Mizzell, Patrick Feeney, Claudia Buckley, David James, Olivia Douglas, and Brendan Jermyn.

There is nowhere else in the country that you can get such a wonderful line-up of top artists in the one place. If you enjoy country music then then there is no other place to be than at Roscommon Racecourse.

The gates will open at 12 noon and the show will commence at 2pm.

Tickets, costing €35 are available in O’Brien’s.

Children under 12 will be free once they are accompanied by an adult.

Cemetery Sunday

Cemetery Sunday in the parish of Killashee will take place on Sunday 16th June and the many people with family graves in Killashee, Clondra and Ballinakill are asked to tend to the grave in advance of the ceremonies of the day. The Blessing of the Graves will take place in Killashee graveyard at 10am, Clondra graveyard at 12 noon and Ballinakill cemetery at 3pm.

St. John’s Congregation

On Sunday next 26th May Holy Communion Service will take place in St John’s Church, Lanesboro at 11.30am.

The May mid-week Wednesday service will take place in Lanesboro on Wednesday 22nd May at 8pm  with the theme “World ‘Firsts in Ireland’,- with personal & spiritual connections” by Sean O Cluaid.

Weekly Card Game

The weekly card game takes place every Sunday night in St. Mary’s hall. The results of Sunday night last 28th April were Joint 1st Basil & Brian and Tom & Joe. Last game winners were Pat Joe & Tom. Raffle winners were Michael Finnan, Brian Mulvihill, Martin McDermott and Pat Joe Fallon.  The game takes place every Sunday night at 8.30pm and light refreshments will be served.

Ballinamuck Social Dancing & Community Gathering

The next Social evening is on this Sunday, May 26th from 5-7 pm in the ’98 Memorial Hall, Ballinamuck Village (N39 Y7C1).  The music will be provided by Tom Moran

This is a great opportunity for a dance, a cuppa, and a catch-up with friends old and new – looking forward to welcoming everyone! New faces always welcome. 

For more info contact Aisling 086 3663901.

Caretaker required

Longford Community Resources Clg. is actively seeking expressions of interest for the position of caretaker at The Hill, offered as an equal opportunities initiative under the Rural Resources Scheme. Currently there is no cut-off date for receiving applications. This role entails 19.5 hours per week of general upkeep of the building.

The candidate, their spouse or a member of their immediate family owning an active herd number and the candidate being in receipt of Social Welfare payments will fill the eligibility requirements. 

Details and to request an application form should be made to Rural Social Scheme Supervisor J.P. Carrigy 086 8536435, email or LCRL website

Ballagh National School

On Thursday next 23rd May Ballagh National School will be holding a clothing collection. If you have unwanted clothing, footwear, belts, handbags, hats, linens or household textiles you are asked to put them in bags and bring them to the school. All the funds raised will go directly to the school. All donations will be greatly appreciated.

The late Sean Lynch honoured

The late Seán Lynch, former Republican Sinn Féin councillor, of Aughnacliffe was honoured by a ceremony at his graveside on Sunday May 12th last. Mr Lynch passed away last month at the age of 91 years. Seán Lynch was first elected a Sinn Féin councillor to Longford County Council fifty years ago in 1974 and except for a few brief periods, held the seat until his retirement in 2004. He held the position of council chairman in 1980.

On Sunday afternoon friends and comrades of the late Seán assembled at Colmcille cemetery in Aughnacliffe to pay tribute to a man who kept the republican flag flying in County Longford for over sixty years. Mr Paddy Dolan, Longford, chaired the proceedings which began with a wreath being laid on Seán’s grave by Stephen Fullam, Edgeworthstown. Tracey Tully, Longford called out Longford’s Roll of Honour, which listed all those associated with County Longford who died in pursuit of Irish freedom from General George Blake in1798 to Martin Hurson in 1981.

The main oration was delivered by Seosamh Ō Maoileoin, Westmeath, president of Sinn Féin Poblachtach, in which he recounted Seán Lynch’s unbroken service to Longford and to the wider republican community. Other speakers included Cllr. Tomás Ō Curraoin, Galway, Pat Barry, Co Donegal and Martin Kelly, Co Tyrone. All speakers emphasised the tenacity and drive associated with Seán Lynch’s character as a republican activist down through all the years.

Mr Seán Ō Súilleabháin, author of Longford’s Republican Story, also spoke of his memories of seeing Seán Lynch selling the Republican publications outside the church gate in Colmcille over fifty years ago. A three-man colour party at the graveside dipped the flags as a piper played a lament. The ceremony ended with the playing of Amhráin na bhFian by the piper with some of the public joining in.

Women’s Midsummer Retreat

Rest, Recover, Reconnect.

The retreat will be facilitated by Chartered Health Psychologist Marianne Fallon on Saturday 22nd June from 10am to 4pm at Strokestown Park.

The expectations of modern life are constant and demanding.  Research shows women offer the most emotional support to others, repeatedly giving beyond our limits. When do we make time to rest, receive and recover?

Join the Women’s Midsummer Retreat in the beautiful grounds of Strokestown Park House and invest in a day of rest and recovery.  Open yourself to a different way of being, through engaging all of your senses in the woodlands and gardens.  Learn how to develop a relationship with natural allies and make connections between your inner and outer landscapes.

Immersion in nature can support you to slow down and emotionally regulate.  Move from ‘ego’ to ‘eco’ and experience a deeper, more embodied way of moving in the world.  Step into the brightest time of the year with a renewed sense of self and well-being.

This women’s retreat will be led by two experienced chartered psychologists.  We are passionate about the benefits that nature can offer women in moving towards a more authentic and embodied sense of self.

The link for booking and further information is

The registration fee for the retreat will be €79. Spaces are limited and early booking is advisable.


Having been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Frank Mullen has decided to Kayak the full length of the Shannon from the Co. Cavan village of Dowra, the uppermost navigable point of the River Shannon to where the Shannon reaches the sea at Tarbert, Co. Kerry.

Frank’s goal is to show that although Parkinson’s can limit choices, we can still achieve our personal goals.

If you would like to support Frank’s paddle and Parkinson’s Ireland you should visit Thank you in anticipation.  

Women’s Mini Marathon –Just 3 seats left

It is that time of year once again when the 42nd Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Bank Holiday Sunday 2nd June in Dublin. 

A bus is being provided for anyone that wishes to avail of this service. Presently there are just 3 seats left on the bus. To ensure one of the 3 seats you place on the bus you should contact Pam Farrell immediately. Phone Pam at 087 4146987.

Local Health Service

Local Heath Service is available at Roscommon University Hospital. The service will deal with urgent and routine health problems. The Freephone phone number to ring is 1800 700700.

For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829.

Walking the Camino

Have you ever dreamed of walking the Camino? Join the MSC Missions as they walk the shaded lanes and valleys of the Camino Ingles walking from Ferrol to Santiago in Northern Spain from the 29th July – 5th August 2024. The temperature in this part of northern Spain in July is perfect for walking, like a balmy summer day in Ireland. For more details of this fundraising pilgrimage call Mary at 021 454 6691 or email

Lough Derg 2024 pilgrimage season re-opens

One Day Retreats have reopened for May, August & September. Three Day Pilgrimages will take place in June, July & August. For more information or bookings you are asked to contact 071 9861518,  or website 

Rathcline 50/50 

On Monday 13th May the Rathcline GAA 50/50 weekly draw took place in Adie’s bar. The winning envelope drawn out was in the name of Tom Irwin who had bought the yearly pink ticket. The jackpot for the draw on Monday night was again over €600 with Tom being the proud recipient of a cheque for €618.

As always, the winning cheque can always be collected in O’Brien’s.  

The Rathcline 50/50 draw takes place every Monday night in one of our local bars at 7.30pm. Your continued generous support is greatly appreciated, and your support is highlighted by the large pools every week. 

Learn Line Dancing 

They say that Line Dancing, stimulates the brain, reduces stress, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, increases mental capacity, improves posture and balance, tones the body, strengthens bones and muscles, provides opportunity to socialize and meet people and its suitable and popular for all ages and all abilities.

Line Dancing classes take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town. 

Line Dancing classes every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town for beginners from 6pm to 7pm and Improvers from 7pm to 8pm 

Dance classes takes place in Kilbride, Four Mile House every Tuesday 7pm followed by: 

Jive & Waltz classes 8 45pm. 

Crochet for Children

Crochet classes for children is resuming in the  Parish Hall on Friday evening from 3pm to 5 pm and Saturday from 10 30 am to 12 30 pm. Enquiries to Virginia on  086 2036542.

Learn to play Guitar

Have you ever thought of learning to play the guitar? Complete beginner guitar lessons are now available in the Lanesboro area. For booking and further details phone 087 7774203.

Local notes inclusion 

Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the coming weeks notes. 

Access for All boat 

The Access for All boat is for everybody. The boat can cater for three large wheelchairs, but you don’t have to be a wheelchair user to avail of the excellent trips. Sailing times daily are for a 90 minute trip and will sail at 10.00am, 12.00pm and 2.30pm. Guided fishing excursions can also be organised. Advanced booking is recommended. You can contact by email or phone 089 2625505 or 043 33 84175. 

Co. Longford Citizens Advice Centre 

Co. Longford Citizens Information Service has recently been restructured and is currently under new management.  

They continue to provide free, impartial, and confidential information, advice, and advocacy services to the public on social services, rights, and entitlements. The range of areas covered by the citizens information centre are extremely wide including social welfare rights and entitlements and other social issues such as employment, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights, all where people need access to information.    

The way people access the services changed during Covid and now they currently deal with a large number of queries over the telephone, however, they continue to provide our drop-in times and welcome people to their face-to-face service five mornings a week from the Longford office. The services are provided by experienced trained Information Officers who are there to help you.

The centre is located on level 1 within Longford Shopping Centre and direction can be obtained at the reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5.00pm. The office closes for lunch from 1pm until 2pm.   

The Employability Service 

 Is an Employment and Recruitment Service to assist people with a disability or health issue to pursue and maintain employment in the open labour market? If you are over 18, have a disability or health issue and would consider working part-time then you should contact Employment Services Roscommon support to help find you a job in your area. This is a confidential and free individualised service funded by the Department of Social Protection.  

Are you managing mental health issues? There is the opportunity for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) that is funded by the HSE and offers a range of tailored personalised supports to people using mental health services who wish to work. For further information you should phone 090 66 28608 or call/text 087 3745307. They can also be contacted via email at 

Alcohol Anon Meetings 

Relatives and friends of those addicted to alcohol are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral. The meetings take place every Tuesday evening at 7pm. 

Ballyleague Bingo  

Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.  

The club is extremely grateful for your on-going tremendous support.  


ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home. 

Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a national network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology. 

We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services. 

We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations. 

Support line for older people 

ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin. 

Alcohol Anon Meetings 

Relatives and friends of alcoholics are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre building at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral on St. Mel’s Road, any Tuesday evening at 7pm. 

Local Health Service 

The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. The number to ring is Freephone 1800 700700.  

Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.  

Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112. 

Smart Recovery 

SMART recovery is an evidence-based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour. 

There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or  


Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135. 

St. Mary’s Church Lanesboro

Priest contacts: If you have a need to contact any one of the priests you can do so by phoning Fr. Merlyn Kenny 086 0603433 or Fr. Turlough Baxter 087 9972259.

You can also contact parish secretary Maireád Rooney by calling into the presbytery from Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm.or she can be contacted on the phone at 3321166. 

Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues on Tuesday’s after 10am Mass until 8pm in the church. People are welcome to join the Adoration group any time. Those who do a designated hour are requested to arrange a substitute in they happen to be able to attend at their designated time.

Marriage Jubilees: Couples who are married 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 plus years are invited to the Jubilee Mass in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Saturday 8th June at 7.30pm.bPlease leave your name with Maireád, Parish Secretary 3321166, or contact the Cathedral Parish Office 3346465. The details required are the couples married, how many years married and contact for contact purposes. Couples do not have to be living in County Longford or have been married in St. Mel’s Cathedral.

The SMA/OLA Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th May. The pilgrimage programme is as follows10.30 to 12 noon – Sacrament of Reconciliation, 12 noon – Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 1.30pm –  Break and Sacrament of Reconciliation and 3pm – Celebration of Mass and the Anointing of the Sick.

New Adoration hours: It has been decided to finish Adoration hours at 6pm on Tuesday’s beginning on Tuesday 4th June. Please contact Anne Carroll if you wish to rearrange your time of adoration.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confession time in the Prayer Room takes place on the first Friday of each month from 6.30pm to 7pm.The next opportunity is on Friday 7th June.

Alone Volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make calls to older people once a week? Alone is seeking volunteers in the area. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interested, you are asked to sign up at the following address     

Local Health Service: Local Heath Service is available at Roscommon University Hospital. The service will deal with urgent and routine health problems. The Freephone phone number to ring is 1800 700700.

For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829.

Kilgefin Parish Notes

Contact: Fr Daniel can be contacted at 089 270 6060

Ballagh National School: On Thursday next 23rd May Ballagh National School will be holding a clothing collection. If you have unwanted clothing, footwear, belts, handbags, hats, linens or household textiles you are asked to put them in bags and brig them to the school. All the funds raised will go directly to the school. All donations will be greatly appreciated.

Annual Holiday: While Fr. Dan is on holidays for the month of May you should contact Vivienne Barry 089 9722625 or

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Friday 30th August to Wednesday 4th September inclusive and includes the Assisted Pilgrim section. Those who travel as part of the Assisted Pilgrim section will stay in Accueil Notre Dame and be cared by the Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage Care Team whilst in Lourdes. Application forms for the Assisted Pilgrim section and full details are available from Fr. Ray Milton, PP, Pilgrimage Director, St. John’s, Lecarrow, Co. Roscommon phone 09066 61115. The closing date for completed application forms is Monday 10th June. All other enquiries regarding the Pilgrimage and bookings must be directed to Joe Walsh Tours 0102410800 or

Medjugorje Youth Festival: The Diocese of Elphin invites young adults in the diocese aged between 18 and 35 on pilgrimage to Medjugorje this summer for the Youth Festival from 31st July to 7th August led by Bishop Kevin. The cost per person sharing is €650. For more information and further details please go to the diocesan website or contact the diocesan office 071-9150106 or

Annual Rosary Rally: The annual Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday 1st June at Knock Shrine commencing at 9.30am and finishing at 3pm. There will be many amazing speakers for the day and many beautiful apostolates available on the day to chat with you. Details about the event can be got by contacting Lisa 087 6274621 or Corina 087 7602977.

Morning Pilgrim Walk: Elphin’s Diocese’s Morning Pilgrim Walk from Castlerea to Knock will take place on Sunday 18th August. For more information contact

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